Status: Completed. Request (:

Simple Girl.

Simple Girl.

Lis laughed as she danced with her best friend at the club. They were doing some kind of odd country mix and Rachel knew every single word to them. She was shaking her ass all over the floor, dragging Lis along with her.

It was Saturday night and they were at their usual club, dancing in the second VIP section. Lis’s uncle owned the place so she always got this area, which she couldn’t complain about. It was a lot nicer than being on the sweaty, cramped tables down below. It also had its own bartender for the two sections and allowed a lot more room to groove.

She noticed that another group of people were making their way up to the other VIP section. She saw it was a lot of rather tall men, but that was all she could make out from the low lighting. She heard Rachel call the group over, making Lis turn and look at her, slightly shocked. She ignored Lis and greeted the men along with a few women.

“Guys, this is Lis. Lis this is the guys.” Lis smiled, greeting them and even hugging some of the girls and a few of the guys.

“Hey, I’m Jordan.” A tall, blonde man greeted. Lis could see his piercing blue eyes even though it was practically pitch black. She could also make out his defined muscles in his tight t shirt and well-fitting jeans.

“Lis.” She smiled, noticing his own eye catching smile that greeted her back. He motioned over to the quieter area across the room, near the plush white couches that surprisingly didn’t have one stain on them. She nodded and he led her through the crowd.

Lis noticed most of the couples sitting there all of them either laughing, whispering to each other or kissing. She sat down and Jordan took the spot next to her, scooting over so their knees were touching making Lis get butterflies in her stomach. He smiled again at her and waved a bartender over.

“So Lis, tell me about yourself.” Jordan told her. Lis raised an eyebrow at him. Usually people don’t ask those types of things in clubs. She was about to answer when a loud screech was heard, cutting her off. She saw’s Jordan’s eyes widen and lean back to be hidden in the lights.

“What’s wrong?” She asked him. He bit his lip and dragged her back into the couch more with him.

“Please don’t be mad about me asking this, but can you act like my girlfriend? This girl is obsessed with me and maybe if I had a girlfr-“ She covered his mouth with her hand and shook her head.

“It’s okay, I’ll do it.” She told him. He relaxed and looked relieved. They heard another screech and Lis winced. Jordan looked panicked again, obviously not knowing what to do. She rolled her eyes internally and at herself on his lap, turning herself sideways so they could still talk.

“Jordan? Are you over here?” Jordan quickly grabbed her face and brought his lips to hers. To say she was shocked would be an understatement but she went along with it, slowly kissing back. His lips felt warm against hers, rubbing and sucking them gently. She’d completely forgotten everyone and everything around them, until a loud yell came from a few feet away.

They pulled apart to see a rather fake looking woman steaming in front of them. Lis ran her eyes over the girl who looked to be about 21, her platinum blonde hair had dark roots coming out and her eye makeup was completely overdone.

“Jordan! What is this thing all over you?” The girl asked, eyeing Lis with disgust. Jordan’s grip tightened on Lis as she asked him that. Lis rolled her eyes, too dazed from that kiss to care what this ‘puck slut’ was saying about her.

“Amanda, this is Lis, my girlfriend.” Lis could practically feel the smirk on Jordan’s face as he answered the girl. Lis smirked also, leaning on Jordan’s shoulder more and wrapped her arms back around his neck. The girl glared, crossing her arms now.

“Don’t be silly Jordan. I’m your girlfriend. Now if you come on now, I’ll just forget this whole thing.” Amanda replied, walking toward the Lis and Jordan.

“Amanda, I’m not your boyfriend, never have, never will. So please, just leave me the hell alone. I’m happy with Lis, just leave.” He told her. Amanda looked shocked slightly. She quickly returned to her glare again and opened her mouth to speak.

“Amanda is it? I think Jordan asked you to leave, so I suggest you do it. He likes real woman, not fake blonde trampy ones.” Lis told her, fixing her glare back on Amanda.

“Oh please, I’m way more woman than you are. Me and Jordan have even slept together.” She boasted. Lis rolled her eyes.

“Really? Did he do that special thing with his tongue right in your va-“ Jordan covered her mouth before the rest came out, stifling his laughter.

“Now, baby, you can’t tell all my secrets.” He told her. Lis laughed, burrowing her face in his neck and she heard Amanda stomp away. Jordan soon joined her, their bodies shaking together as they laughed.

“Thank you.” Jordan told her once they both calmed down. He kissed her once again but before he could pull away, Lis pulled his face back to hers, securing it tightly making Jordan smile and lick her bottom lip slightly.


“Lis, you should really call him or something. I saw you two and you definitely had chemistry.” Rachel told her a few days later. They had said their goodbyes that night, getting each other’s numbers and kissing once more.

The next day Lis had planned on texting him but as she watched sports news she had realized who he really was. Doubts came into her mind and she didn’t have the guts to call him anymore.

“Rach, he’s a huge hockey player and I’m just some girl. He probably just gave me his fake number for pity. Besides if he really had liked me then he would’ve called me.” She told her best friend. Rachel sighed knowing Jordan was shyer than he came off.

“Lis, you’re not just some girl! Call him okay? I’ve got to go to work. I’ll see you later! Call him!”

She called before shutting the door of their apartment. Lis sighed, shaking her head and finishing her coffee before heading off to work.

Elsewhere Jordan was skating at practice casually talking with Sidney. He was going on about some girl he’d met the night before, his new infatuation with. But when Jordan thought about the night before it turned all he could think about was Lis and then that turned into thinking about how her lips felt against his and how her body was pressed onto his…

Jordan sighed and Sidney looked over, already knowing he was thinking about Lis.

“Man, why don’t you just call her?” Sidney asked him. Jordan shook his head. He was scared that she had just felt bad for him and gave him her number out of pity.

“She liked you Jord.” Sidney urged, but Jordan shook his head not believing any of it.


“Okay, keep your eyes closed.” Rachel instructed Lis. Lis sighed, not knowing what her best friend was up to. About an hour ago Rachel had insisted they were going out tonight and had fixed up her hair and forced her into a cocktail dress.

She had blindfolded Lis in the car and made sure Lis couldn’t see before driving to the secret location-which was Mellon Arena. The Penguins were just finishing up a game and her and Sidney had planned a secret date for Lis and Jordan.

Lis lead her back to the locker rooms, passing the security guard with a wave and setting her down in the waiting room. She texted Sidney they were here and sat down next to Lis.

“Can you take this off now?” Lis whined. Rachel laughed and told her to wait a few more seconds. She waited for Sidney to text back before slipping off the blindfold. Lis looked confused as she looked around the bare room.

“This doesn’t look like a club…” Lis said. The door opened, cutting off whatever she was going to say. Sidney smiled at the girls, leading Jordan into the room. Lis’s eyes widened and Jordan almost ran back out of the room.

Sidney pushed him over to Lis and Rachel stood up to stand next to him.

“Sid and I have planned a little outing for you two. You have reservations at Pico Dayo at 7, don’t be late!” Rachel called, grabbing Sidney’s hand and pulling him out of the room.

The air was awkward as they sat in silence. Jordan finally got some balls and cleared his throat. Lis looked at him and he held out his hand toward her. She smiled slightly and grabbed it, getting up from the couch and walking next to him as they walked to his car.

“You look really beautiful tonight.” He told her, both blushing at his comment.

“Thanks, Rach helped me a little.” She told him. Jordan smiled and placed a hand on the small of her back sending tingles through her. He helped her into his car and then got inside himself, starting the car and driving off.

They arrived a few minutes later, Jordan being a gentleman once again and opened her door for her, helping her out and leading her inside. The warm air hit them and Jordan moved closer when Lis shivered.

“Hi, welcome to Pico Dayo. Do you have a reservation?” The hostess asked. Jordan stepped up and Lis followed.

“Yes, it’s under…” Jordan trailed off, looking at Lis for help. Lis thought about it. Rachel wouldn’t put it under her name, or Jordan’s.

“Under Lisdan.” Lis told her, her whole face flushing.

“Lisdan?” Jordan whispered as the waitress led her back to the table. Lis laughed slightly and thanked him as he pulled out her chair.

“It’s Rachel’s idea. She mashed our names together to make that.” Lis told him, avoiding his eyes by reading the menu. She heard his laughter and looked up to see him shaking his head.

The rest of the night, the conversation flowed easily. They teased each other, playing footsies under the table. Lis had never smiled so much during a date in her life.

“I wish we could’ve done this sooner.” Jordan told her, sipping his drink. Lis bit her lip.

“Yeah…” She paused, not sure if she should continue, but Jordan urged her to go on.

“I just thought you know, I’m just a simple girl while you’re a hockey player…You wouldn’t want to go out with me.” Lis explained. She avoided his eyes again until she felt his finger under her chin. He lifted her eyes to look into his before kissing her softly.

“You’re definitely not just a simple girl. You’re way more than that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
For Lis (:
Hope you liked it!
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