I guess love is not for me

To Redcliff

I did not remember going to bed that night, the though of Zevran kissing me kept my attetion, but when I woke I was in my tent, still in my leather armour, and once again the thought of Zevran brought a smile to my face, and smile's where not common for me.
I crawled out of my tent into the light, and saw that everyone was up.
"Good morning Lix" Leliana said in her beautiful Orlisan accent" did you sleep well?"
"Yes thank you" I replied giving her a small smile
"there is some soup in the pot, if you would like some, everyone else was going to eat it all, but I saved some for you"
"Thank you Leliana, im actualy hungry", she smiled at this and went off toward's her tent, I watched her as she entered her privet space, but a growl in my belly made me concentrate on the pot beside the new fire. I walked over to it, lifted the lid and scowled.
It was empty.
"Damn it" I mumbeled to myself
"Here share mine" came a voice like my own, I turned to see Zevran had two spoon's in his soup, though he was eating his, I knew he couldn't poison me, I was as immune to the same poison's as he was.
"Thank you Zev"I said, some what nervous from his display of affection's from last night," but I could'nt eat your meal"
"Do not be scared" he chuckeled, I will not starve, nor will I let you", he added with a smile, I returned the same smile and sat beside him, and we ate from the one bowl, I got alot of curious look's from Wynne and Morrigan, Alister looked like he wanted to smack the boel from Zevran's grasp, and Leliana had a starnge look on her face, it looked well, like a sort of pleased gaze, I did not know where Sten had gone, but that was typical of him to wander around looking for trouble.
After we had all gotten food, we packed up the camp and moved on toward redcliff to seek the aid of arl Eamon a powerful Lord. The walk for me was strange, I could constantly feel Zevran walking behind me, and when we ran into a few darkspawn, he threw himself infront of me and battled them like a verocious beast, the other's each managed to get one, but Zevran would not let one get near me.
By the time we got to redcliff it was almost night, and there was a massive problem.
The village folk where few and scared, we talked to the brother of Arl Eamon, Bann Teagon, who told us that corpse's where comming to life and attacking the village from the castle, and they where trying to defend their home. We agreed to help because we where a powerful group, though Morrigan,Sten and Leliana where afar building camp somewhere that it was only Alister,Wynne,Zevran and myself, I thought it would be enough, we where pretty skilled. We dandered about the village, seeing the farm men with sword's and bow's was a strange sight
though I guess normal people don't get attcked by the dead often. We found that the town was not short on any supplies and the only thing that was causing a problem was the blacksmith, he had locked himself away because his daughter was in the now ghost and goul ridden castle, probably dead. She here we where Alister was hammering on the door, not getting any reply, Zevran, much to my liking, had used charm, I was going to try after Zevran failed.
"Charming someone isnt easy when there's a door between you and your target" I said
"Hmm I know, but there are other'target's' that are on this side of the door" Zevran wisperd, I felt like wrapping in on myself.
"Hmm" Wynne said I think I have an idea, she gestured for us to move aside from the door, and as we did, Wynne released a rather large amount of her spirit energy which left the door nothing but hundred's of splinter's on the floor.
"WHA...HOW...YOU" came a voice from inside, and the blacksmith came out, confused and smelling strongly of liqure and ale.
"somebody's been drinking" Alister muttered
"WHO ARE YOU"the man roared,"what did you do to my door?"
We must speak with you urgently"Wynne said,"though why have you locked yourself away in your smithy?"
"My daughter,"the man broke down onto sobb's,"she was a serving girl up at the castle, and nobody can get into the damned place"
"She is probably dead" Zevran said," with what we have heard, these attack's are fierce, I doubt that she will be there"
"thats right, make him more angry" Alister muttered
"We will be going to the castle tonight" I said,"if we can survive the attack on the village"
"You?"the simth asked looking shocked,"an elf?"
"HE'S ALSO A GREY WARDEN!" Alister shouted, I noticed that Zevran's hand was gripped around the handle of his sword.
"Do you want us to try and find your daughter?" I asked,"or do you want to wait and see if the rest of the village will help you?"
"Okay, okay" the man said sobbing
"But we want something done in return" I said
"Get off your arse and open the smithy" I said, he looked confused
"If you do not fix and repair your villagemen's weapon's and armour, then we may not have a chance to get into the castle to look for your daughter", Wynne said gently.
"Consider it done" he said happily.
So that was the big problem over with, and I sat on the high hill beside the windmill by myself looking at the setting sun, we would soon be getting ready for tonight.
"Nervous?" Zevran said sitting beside me, I shrugged my shoulder's,
"Kinda"I replyed. He seemed slightly annoyed that I was not phased by his invisible step's, but as a Crow myself, I was allway's aware of my surrounding's, so I alway's heard him.
"Are you?" I asked him.
"Kinda aswell,"he similed,"I have never faced the undead before"
"I think it will be an experience" I said
"I wonder how they fight?, do you think they will be slow?"
"I'm not sure, depending on how long they have been dead, do you think they will bleed?".
And we continued the conversation for the best part of an hour, it was nice, he explained and gestured way's to kill the undead we where about to face, I was in stitches at time's, my fellow elf raised my morale and when the night came I felt ready for anything with Zevran standing beside me.

We stared up at the castle in shock. A green fog surrounded the large building and it quickly began to grow across the bridge.
"Here it come's" said one of the four soldier's that where beside us. We watched as the fog stopped infront of us, we all braced, waiting for whatever was to come.
And it came.
A small horde of decomposing people walked out of the fog, they where all carrying sword's, and they where making a shrieking noise, their move's where also quick, far too quick for their rotting flesh.
"CHARGE!" shouted a soldier, we all ran for them, two soldiers stayed back and began firing flaming arrow's across at incoming dead. I quickly muttered a spell, and Zevran's, Alister's and the two soldiers's sword's errupted into flame's, as they struck the dead the flame's burnt their dry skin, and they quickly turned to dust. Wynne was freezing them by sending out wave's of ice from her staff, then shattering them with her stonefist spell. I was stuck between charming them will a spell that made them collapse, and trying to shield the other's from the speedy dead.
I did not see the one that came up from behind me, but I felt a hand grab my arm in a crushing grip, I looked at the face of a woman, I felt slightly sick as maggot's crawled across her face, I tryed to move my staff to hit her but she grabbed my other arm in her other hand, and there we struggeled, she seemed to be trying to bite me but I kept moving and shaking her around, then her hand made a strange crack in my wrist, then the pain came. It didnt hurt unitil she kept on crushing, and I let out a small cry. Then there was a bloodlust scream, and the next thing I knew the undead woman had released me and and was lying on the ground with an Antivan blade in her head, Zevran standing behind her.
I looked around to see the last of the dead fall by Alister cutting and crushing it's head.
"Are you okay?" Zevran asked, his vioce was thick with..was it concern?. Wynne came over to us and looked at my wrist, though I knew healing spell's myself, and I knew that it was internal bone damage, and by the feel of it, it was broken in multiple place's. Wynne tryed her best, but there was only so much she could do, so from my elbow down to my hand was bandaged.
"There are more comming up from the lake" said a soldier," but there are plenty of us down there, you lot go on to the castle". He then turned toward the village and ran with the other soldier's.
"This way" I said running toward the windmill.
"The entrance to the castle is this way" Alister said
"There is a secret passage way here" I said," but first", I waved my staff and a shark errupted in the air infront of us, Alister gave out a shriek, Zevran looked amazed and Wynne already knew what it was"
"Your sending a message?" She asked
"Yes, tell the mage's of the circle that their asistance is urgently needed in Redcliff castle" I said, the shark then swam through the air toward the mage's tower, in the far distance.
"I love old passage way's" Zevran said as we came out of the hidden tunnel in the castle dungeons.
We fought our way through the large building, the undead where around every dark corner, trap's where set in place's, but me and Zevran had a keen eye for trap's so none where set off. We even found the blacksmith's daughter hiding in a store, we had made a clear route through the castle so she was safe to return to the village. though the most horrific sight was when we entered the main hall in the castle. Here we saw the lady of the house Isolde was standing with her many gaurd's, though it was her son that made my skin tingle.
His eye's where red, and every time he spoke his voice sent shiver's down my spine.
"He is possesed" Wynne and myself wispered. I saw the colour drain from Alister's face, he had after all been a templar, a rouge mage executioner, before he became a grey warden. The boy did not directly speak to us, he chose to question his mother and insult her, we also noticed that Bann Teagan who was sitting on the floor shouting the word "MARVELOUS", was not acting the same as he had in the village, but we reconised that he had obviously been posessed.
"who are you, and what have you done to this child" Wynne shouted
"Our deal is none of your buisness" the boy said, he then turned and ran through one of the side corridor's, we went to chase him but the gaurd's advanced on us, and we where once again forced into battle, Zevran stuck close by my side, slashing anything that got to close, I almost hit him with a stunning spell, he was moving that close around me. We made sure to kill all the gaurd's, but we only knocked Bann Teagan out, he was important and when we found Eamon, we would need his little brother alive. Alister's blade cut down across the last possesed gaurd and with a thud he joined his fallen fellow's.
"How, how did this happen?" Alister said, looking across the bloody mess, we turned when we saw that lady Isolde who was slouched in the corner of the room crying got up to help the now awaking Bann Teagan.
"Oh Teagan thank the Maker you yet live" Isolde said,"I do not know what I would have done if you had died".
"I am well" Teagan said," now that my mind is my own again", he turned to look at us,"thank you for saving us"
"We need to know whats going on here" Alister said
"Demons are only attracted and summonded by mage's"Wynne said
"So there would have to be a mage here" I said staring at Isolde," and by the look of your son, he is the mage"
"What are you saying" Teagan questioned
"I am saying that demon's mainly posses those who have the gift of magic, and you son has a seroius case of evil" I said
"It is all that servent's fault" Isolde wailed
"Is there some thing your not telling us?" Zevran asked, then Isolde broke into tear's and explained how she had discovered that her son has magic and she was afraid of him being sent to the circle of magi and losing his title of a lord, so she had hired a apostate mage to tutor him, sent by terrin Logain, but it turned out that the mage was a spy and had been poisoning Eamon, who was now upstair's alongside their son.
"We need to kill that demon" Wynne said," or this carnage will never end"
"NO!"Isolde shouted,"YOU CANNOT KILL MY BABY"
"Relax lady Isolde" I said," we have no intention's of killing Conor, the demon is not inside him, it is controling him from the fade"
"But how are we to get into the fade" Alister asked,"we will need more mage's to perform a ritual, wont we?". At that moment the hall door's where pushed open, and in came a group of mage's.
"How?" asked Wynne confused to see her old comrades
"We got an animagnus letter" said a mage with a rather long beard,"said Redcliff needed our aid"
"Irving" I said gleeming,"we have a situation".
I was now standing in a circle with four other mage's including Wynne, we where generating our magic around Irving who stood in the center of us, we where also using Lithirum to cast him into the fade to destroy the demon, and as we all released all the magic we had we all simply past out from the overuse of our bodies.
I myself welcomed the blackness, but not before a pair of tanned arm's caught me before I hit the floor of the castle hall.
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Second chapter, remember that this is a dream i had, so it doesnt follow the DAO story line exactly :D