I miss you Zack come back please

Just do it man!

“JACK ALEX RIAN ZACK get your asses in here.” I scream, I fucking spent all day making a huge dinner for them because that’s what a good a very good very strict loving prompt girlfriend does. Now I know your asking how the fuck did you manage at the ripe age of nineteen to grab all four members of All Time Low to fall in love with them and me. See two things you got to know one is that my uncle happens to be Matt Flyizk and secondly I’m born naturally with the world’s biggest boobs. Okay so not the worlds but they are a bit more then double d are. Bra shopping is a bitch but we will cross that bridge later on. So see my Uncle had to take me on the road with All Time Low cause my dad was a fucking asshole and intentionally forgot to book me a ticket to go to Japan with my own family sucks right? Well not really cause my Uncle Matt loves me so much he’d always be getting me and my friends ATL stuff which was fucking sick. He even got Rian the drummer to call me on my sixteenth birthday! Anyways back to how I met them. See they were heading off to Japan funny or not to start their new world tour after boozle had ended so I got to tour with ATL which meant a sixteen million hour flight with five guys and one girl well two but only one in the cabin. Thanks to Uncle he got them a private plane seeming as Zack had been sick and he needed sleep and normal planes didn’t have the bedrooms. This plane was stacked luckily there was booze and my Uncle said, “This is the only time I’m letting you be a loose goose and drinking with the guys.”

I grinned at that and in Japan the drinking age was young so I could just so my license off and get in to clubs so I’d be hanging with the guys and my Uncle and everyone else who was on the tour. It looked like from what he said that Cobra Starship and All Time Low wanted to do a tour just them so it was going to be amazing. So we were up in the air everyone was doing their own thing I was on my fourth martini and Jack was having a random dance party so we were dancing and poor Zack was in the bedroom trying to fight off this infection he got. Luckily once we got there they had a few days before the tour actually started. So I’d get to know em and do stuff with them! I hoped Zack was doing okay so I went off to the bedroom area and knocked on the door. “Zack I just wanted to check on you. You okay?” I asked very sweetly. When we were taking off Zack had been nice enough to hold my hand and tell me it was okay. I still have fear of taking flight after years of traveling. Zack grunted and said, “I’m okay thank you for checking on me. Means a lot. You can come in if you want..” I open the door slowly and walk over to him seeing that the blankets were thrown off the bed and he was shirtless and his body was sweating like a mother who was giving birth I sighed. “Zack this doesn’t look okay…” He curled up chattering now, I pick up a light blanket and put it over him feeling his head. Not liking that it felt very hot. “I’ll be right back I’m getting something for you.” I walked back out going up to the mini bar and making a few small ice packs for Zack. I told my Uncle that he was burning up and he sighed. The other three band members didn’t seem too intent or interested in their friends well being. So I handed my mini ice packs to my Uncle who took them back to Zack before I blew up on the band mates.

“Really Rian? Really Alex? Really Jack?” I said pausing the music and glaring at all three of them. “Zack’s sick and all you guys are doing are making noise so he can’t sleep and he is burning up. He’s got a wicked bad chest infection and this is how you guys are going to make this long flight for him bad?” I was beyond pissed cause from what I know about All Time Low and from what my Uncle has told me. Zack is always good about making sure his friends are okay well not like Rian keeping the peace but if they are sick he makes sure that they get what they need. For fuck sakes my Uncle once told me that Jack was in a bar fight and since he’s anemic he’ll bleed a lot and sometimes that can lead to bad things that Zack got Rian and Alex to take Jack to the hospital and took the guy who hit Jack outside and beat the shit out of him to the point where he had to be removed by someone to stop from killing the guy. Rian was the first to speak up though his voice seemed slightly cracked. “We…he would have come out of there if we were that loud… really Sara he wouldn’t have minded.” My Uncle shot Rian a nasty look as if to say don’t talk to my niece like that. “He’s burning up and he seems wicked agitated” My uncle stated. “He’s getting worse… we might have to get him checked out by another doctor tomorrow…” I stalked back into where Zack was to tend to him to make sure he was okay. My Uncle started to fill in the other three on how to deal with me. He always made sure that I was taken care of when I had issues with my dad his brother he’d make sure I’d be able to stay at his house. He made sure I get the best education I could get and he’d be there just to listen all the same. “Please can you three do me one big favor? Please don’t treat her like she’s sixteen. She’s able to hold her own she’s a black belt and she knows how to stand her own. Do not let her out of your sight even with that please her father and mother would kill me and you guys wouldn’t be able to function… I know don’t lie. But still make sure she feels welcomed. Though her parents and sister are in Japan they are closer to Osaka then to where we are. I told her she could come with us because she loves your guys music and I want to expose her to what she wants to become.” Okay hold on lets stop right there see my biggest dream was to become a singer and be able to write with All Time Low with the help of my Uncle. See that’s my biggest dream and little did I know that going on this tour with them would bring me my dream and a chance to perform with two of the biggest bands out there.

So time skip to when we land and we get there and we have to deal with fans around the guys and poor Zack is limping out like he just woke up which he pretty much did. It was a pity really that they couldn’t’ control the fans. So after we got into are hotel the band had one room my uncle and I shared the room next to theirs. Seeming as there was one girl of course I had fourteen pounds of luggage and of course the five boys carried it as I got the room keys and checked in and did all that good stuff. My Uncle called up a friend from here to come on by and check up Zack to make sure he was okay. Little did we know that what we heard and found out next wasn’t what we thought was going to happen nor did we think Zack could hide such a thing. His friend was tall her hair was a pale pink with darker pink tips everything was so amazing pretty on her. She introduced her self as Kimkio Mori. My uncle and her talked for a while and it wasn’t until I heard Zack beg her not to say what she found did I walk back into the four guys room. As I stepped in I looked at Rian Jack and Alex who looked like they had just been frozen in time everyone well Rian, Jack, Alex and my uncle’s mouths were wide open. “Well he has a minor infection it looks form the marks on his body as if he had been… raped by someone.” I had to leave I had to hide the tears that were on the verge of spilling over I had to protect my hidden feelings for Zack. I had to hide this all, I couldn’t be falling for someone like him. I couldn’t could I? My Uncle left the four boys alone as he went after me. “Sara Rose Flyizk you come back here right now.” I could hear him yelling. I had my cell phone and my forms of Id’s with me. I was heading down the stairs taking two three at a time. I didn’t want to go anywhere fast I wanted to run right out and find a whore house and shack up there and come back when their first show was. Like my Uncle would let me do that, finally after a few minutes he caught up with me knowing what I was feeling he rubbed my back. “Shh shh Zack’s a fighter… he’ll get through this we’ll all be there for him. Shh shh…” I sobbed into my uncle’s shoulder loudly. “So he’s been hurting all this time and he didn’t’ say anything?” I choked out. He sighed, “Sweetie he does this… you know how he rolls he hates depending on others he isn’t that kind of guy.”

Zack had curled himself up after she left not saying much to any of the guys who were trying to get him to talk. He felt ashamed ruined broken he didn’t want to talk to them. He wanted to find a hole dig it a bit deeper and die. This wasn’t like him he never hid this big of a thing. Alex was texting a few friends that they whole band knew telling that what was going on and everyone was worried. You could hear Zack’s phone buzzing like mad but he didn’t care not one fucking bit he wanted to go home he wanted to be back in LA in his house all alone. Soon my Uncle and I walked back in and I went right to are room I didn’t bother checking on Zack I couldn’t how could I? I felt so bad for him, I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be all right. “He doing or saying much?” My uncle asked looking at the three sadly all three of them shook their heads. My uncle sat on the bed next to Zack. “Hey come on Zack you have to talk to someone…” The other three went in the other room to talk to me or at least attempt to and get shunned. Zack rolled over looking at my Uncle with a tear stained face. His body ached and he launched himself onto my Uncle not saying or doing anything so my Uncle did what he did best rub backs and calm people down. It’s a family joke to say that he should be a therapist instead of a music person.