Status: working on it

Angel's Secret


*In California Hesperia, lives our great hero Jace. So brave he is, so handsome with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. The kind of eyes that can make a girl fall to her knees. His brown golden hair blows in the mid- day sun as he goes off on his journey to save the world and-*
"Jace?....Jace?!" whispers justane.
Justane jumps beside him put her mouth close to his ear and whispers
"Jace...I know your awake, so if you don’t get the hell off this bed, I’m going to shove this here book so far up your ass its going to come out of your fuckin' ear! WAKE UP!" she hits him on the chest with the book.
Jace groans
"Ugh! Ok first of all it's suppose to be your foot and-"
"Ew why would I want my foot in your stinky butt!" she interrupts.
"I don’t know? Why would you want your hand in there in the first place?"
Jace shrugged and continues
"Second of all its mouth not ear, and lastly-"
"Blah blah! Come on hurry up we don’t have a lot of time! Father John needs to send you to earth, like today!!" she exclaims.
"Shit that’s today!!!??"
"NO!! it was yesterday, of course it was today you idiot now go change."
Justane lies on the bed slowly falling asleep.
*man. How does she do it? She’s so beautiful and… I know! I should thank her. Mill has been telling me how much she likes Me., but that’s no surprise I know I’m hot*
Jace sits on the bed closer to justane; he pulls her on top of him as she starts to wake up.
~What is this kid doing now!! I swear a girl can’t get any...hello? Is his shirt off? Oh shit I have to get out of here~
"Jace let me down I’m trying to get some-"
Jace goes on top of her and kisses her. He holds her tightly not wanting to let go, yet gentle as if she was breakable. Their kiss was deep and passionate. It made both of them dizzy, as their lips slowly parted.
~oh shit!! Too late wow he is one heck of a kisser. ~
*eh… I’ve had better, but not bad*
Justane shoves him hard enough to leave a bruise.
"Ow! What was that for?" he asks
"For trying to get with me on your last day here!! You’re such an asshead!!"
~asshead? Did I really just say that? ~
"Asshead!!? And come on you can’t tell me you didn’t want to, I can see that you did and still do"
*gosh I hope I’m right otherwise this is plain embarrassing, kissing my best friend and leaving my girlfr-......oh shit!!"
"Damn it!!!"
"What? What’s wrong?" asked justane with concern.
"Oh no!!" exclaimed justane with horror.
~why does that bitch have to ruin everything! She’s so wrong for him. C’mon he kisses me but she sleeps with other guys! That skanky-~
"Justane are you listening to me!!?"
"What? I mean…psh yeah I was!"
~shit! What did he say! ~
"Don’t give me that look and go on you were saying?"
* Hahaha she was so not listening!! I know because I didn’t say anything!! Ha-ha...*
Jace "continues"
"I said do you think I should wear the blue tie to match the ring or the brown to match her eyes?"
"I’m sorry did you say ring?"
"Yeah I-"
"You know what jace that’s it I forbid you from seeing her with any damn ring!! She deserves shit!! Did you know she's fucked almost every guy up here!! She even tried my dad that’s how desperate that skanky bitch is. The only guy she hasn’t done it with is Father John and YOU how fuckin' sad is that!? How could you love a girl like that a girl who doesn’t respect you or love you back, like the way I do! And-"
"Justane don’t-"
"Don’t interrupt me jace! Damn it where was I... oh and has been there for you and for the love of god...I DIED with you. When we were in that car crash all I could think of was "god please let jace live or take me too! Damn it jace why can’t you see that!!" chokes justane.
She starts to cry and quickly tries to wipe away the tears.
Jace holds her, as they sit silently together.
* Man I had no idea she felt this way. I wish I could tell her I feel the same way. But that would be mean of me.*
"So...she really cheated on ME? With your DAD?? What is he like a hundred this year?"
She punches him and released from his grasp.
~I just poured my heart out to him and that’s all he got? ~
*shit! That hurt! Stay strong stay strong!*
"What the hell was that for?” asked jace
Justane cries "I just poured my heart out to you told you everything I couldn’t say back at earth and (she cheats on me?) Is all you can say?"
"What did you want me to say?"
~I love you that’s what~
"Well it wasn’t that, that’s for sure"
"Justane wait!"
He grabs her and pulls her back to him. Her heart beats faster with every step he takes closer.
"Damn it jace let go! I HATE you don’t you ever talk to me again you stupid bastard! I hope you live happily ever freakin after with your bitch and her lovers!"
*speaking of, I’m going to have a serious chat with that chick and-*
Jace looks around and realizes justane’s gone.
*oh well, plenty of more fish in the sea.
he walks off to see Father John.
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you all like it!! and plz comment!! if you feel that you have to, be harsh just dont push it i'm still new at this!!! :d