Status: working on it

Angel's Secret

Airplane Surprise!

Jace was tired and very hungry but mostly confused.
(Flash back)
Jace: don't worry father i won’t let you down.
Father: yes you will Jace, you just don’t know how yet.
*What did he mean by (yes you will Jace, you just don’t know how yet.)? Why would he think i will let him down and if he knew i was going to let him down then why-*
"Here, I thought you might get hungry and needed company,"
Jace looks up recognizing that voice, that beautiful voice and to his surprise he was right. There she was, Justane sitting with him eating peanuts.
"Well are you going to sit there and stare at me all day or are you going to eat those peanuts. There your favorite, cashews." she said.
He looked at the cashews then back at her smiling.
"You remembered my favorite nut? Really? What are you doing here?"
Justane answers you really didn’t think i was going to be that easy to get rid of did you? Hahaha you should know better Jace."
"You are nuts!!" Jace laughs.
Justane looks at Jace really looks at him. And answers
“Yeah. Nuts about you, your my friend Jace and i don’t want to lose you because of some dumb fight."
She looks down and starts eating more cashews.
*maybe she's here with me for a reason, maybe god is trying to tell me something."
"Justane, i haven’t been very truthful to you-"
"That’s a shocker! Hahaha" Justane interrupts.
"I'm serious Justane; i really need to tell you that -"
" Jace look I know what you’re going to tell me, you’re going to tell me that were just friends and you’re not even ready to date after the whole slut drama. And that’s ok because-"
"Yeah about that"
"Jace let me finish real quick, it's ok because i understand how much you liked her and that you need some time to yourself so i decided to go with Tyler’s offer to go out with him so you don’t have to worry about me anymore and focus on your work."
Justane's smile drops when Jace doesn’t answer.
"Jace? Is something wrong?"
* yeah i was about to tell you i was wrong and that i love you and only you and i never want you to leave me again that’s what’s wrong!!"
"No nothing at all! Congrats! You two will make such a cute couple. I’m happy you found someone Justane...really!"
Justane smiles at the news an says
"JACE! You don’t know how much that means to me really!! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!"
~Smart move Justane you just told him a complete lie to make him confess his feelings!! Ugh how did i get myself into this mess! ~
"So how about we listen to some music?" asks Justane?
"Jace answers" yeah lets"
He takes out his i pod and head phones handing her the right one. They listen to "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry...Justane’s favorite song. It's funny because she is beautiful without make up and funny when she says the punch line wrong.
Jace looks at Justane. song playing "This is real so take a chance and don’t ever look back" the song fades and Jace realizes Justane’s asleep in his arms with her head on his shoulder. He kisses her forehead and falls asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone sorry this one was a little late. I hope you guys like it. P.S i dont likesilent readers so please comment!! XD