Status: In The works. First chapter will be up soon.

Don't Be Afraid


“Ice cream!?” She squealed in excitement knowing that whenever she went out with her two favorite uncles she was bound to get ice cream and all sorts of other goodies she wasn’t supposed to have.

“Oh I’m sure you’ll get that.” Zacky added a smirk playing on his lips as he shook his head. “Now come on we gotta have you talk to the lawyer then Mommy G will help you get changed.” He rushed her a little bit as he walked into the kitchen where Gena and the Lawyer were already speaking.

“Good morning mister Baker.” The lawyer stood up and straightened his suit before walking over to Zacky and out stretching a hand. “I’m Garry, from what your girlfriend tells me you have substantial evidence of physical abuse to the child?” Zacky bit down on his lip feeling a little anger boil in side of him as this man seemed to be so casual about the situation.

“Yes, Sophie is willing to show you the bruises,” His anger showed a little through his voice as he sat down on a chair at the table setting his three year old daughter in his lap.

“I need her to verbally tell me who caused the bruises mister Baker or there is nothing I can do for you.” Garry spoke with authority. Something that always agitated Zacky was the voice of authority; it just made him itch to punch this guy in the face.

“Fine” Zacky spat towards the lawyer before looking down at Sophie who now looked absolutely terrified.

“Sophie can you tell Garry who made the bruises on your tummy?” Gena leaned in looking at the frightened child biting down on her lip. “I promise the boys will get you ice cream when they take you out if you tell him” She coaxed.

“Otay,” the little girl’s voice held more confidence then she felt. She slid off her father’s lap standing in front of the dressed up man. She looked at him for a moment before letting out a quiet sigh. “” She stumbled over her words.

“Sophie it's ok take your time.” Zacky urged gently as he slid himself off the chair and down so he was sitting on the floor behind his daughter, rubbing her back gently.

“I woke mommy up ‘cause I was scared,” she started off slowly looking at her feet. Slowly she went into every little detail from her mother’s male friend picking her up and shaking her violently for interrupting whatever they were doing to her mother throwing things at her one night after coming home wasted.

Gena’s face was burning with anger as she listened to the three year old describe to the best of her ability what had happened to her. Zacky was so mad his hands were shaking even as he rubbed his little girls back. Both of the parents were blinded by rage even Garry looked sick to hear what had happened. By the end of the three year olds story she was in tears.

“Shh, it’s ok baby girl. Daddy’s here now nothing’s ever going to happen like that again” Zacky murmured. He pressed his lips to the little girl’s temple before sweeping her up into his arms and looking at Gena. “Take her upstairs and get her changed. Brian and Jimmy will be here in ten minutes to pick her up.”

Gena glanced to her boyfriend for a minute, and then she leaned down and took Sophie out of Zacky’s arms headed for the stairs. Sophie stayed quiet as they made their way slowly back into her room. The three year old felt like she had done something wrong and that was why mommy and daddy seemed so mad, she had no idea why they were really upset.