Status: In The works. First chapter will be up soon.

Don't Be Afraid


“Mommy” She spoke up as they reached her room. “Can I be a princess today?” She asked as Gena set her down on the floor. Gena let out a soft laugh, nodding her head.

“What kind of princess do you want to be today; Pink, Blue, or Green?” Gena listed off the color of princess dresses that were clean and in her little closet. Sophie looked at her for a moment, setting her little hand against her chin.

“I wanna be pink!” she clapped her hands together and raced to get her pjs off her body so she could put her pretty princess dress on.

“Alright hon, do you want to wear your pink shoes with it?” Gena laid the dress on the bed and dug through the closet to find the matching pink shoes.

“Yes!” she giggled as she finally pealed her pants off and looked at Gena. “I ready!” she rose her arms in the air knowing the drill.

“Uncle Brian and Uncle Jimmy are going to have to behave with a princess around!” Gena teased letting her anger fade a little as she played around with Sophie. It was all she could do right now to try and keep it together.

Sophie clapped her hands together in the air as she wiggled a bit getting impatient for Gena to slip the dress on her. Gena kissed the top of her head before sliding the little pink princess dress onto the toddler. Picking Sophie up and setting her on the bed before she slid the pink tennis shoes on the toddler’s feet.

“Mommy…hair...please?” Sophie stuck her bottom lip out in that adorable Baker pout. Gena laughed and picked Sophie back up into her arms nodding her head.

“Pig tails?” Sophie nodded her head fiercely. Gena smiled and placed Sophie on the counter in the bathroom as she grabbed two little hair ties and a brush. It took a few minutes to get Sophie to sit still long enough but Gena finally finished putting the little ones hair into pig tails.

“Thank you,” Sophie smiled as she leaned up kissing Gena’s cheek lightly. Gena returned the gentle kiss to the little ones face before setting her on the ground.

“Princess! We are here!” The drummer called as he raced through the door, battling the lead guitarist to get into the house first. Gena rolled her eyes as she looked at the little girl, whose face lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.

“No she’s my princess!” Brian shouted tackling the lengthy drummer to the ground. Sophie giggled hearing her two favorite uncles arguing, she raced to the stairs in her little princess dress and pink shoes.

“Bree bree!” She squealed as she stood at the top of the stairs clapping her hands. Brian smirked at the drummer climbing off him and running up the steps picking the three year old up into his arms and spinning her around carefully.

“Princess!” Brian laughed as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, hugging her close to his body. Jimmy groaned from the bottom of the stairs, pushing himself off the ground and standing up looking at the pair on the stairs.

“Awe she looks so pretty today! Looks ready for a day at the mall with Brian and I!” Jimmy smirked as Brian twirled the little girl around in his arms before coming down the stairs.

“Gee, I have my cell phone on so if you need anything just call ok?” Brian reassured the worried mother. Gena just nodded her head sighing softly running her fingers through her blond hair.

“Just don’t get her sick, I don’t need a repeat of what happened when I let Jason watch her.” Gena’s face was stern and serious Brian and Jimmy both cringed at the memory of what Jason had done.