Status: In The works. First chapter will be up soon.

Don't Be Afraid

Losing Sophie

“Daddy!” she cried as she stood in the middle tears running down her little face. Her green eyes held fear and anxiety, until she noticed someone coming toward her and picking her up.

“Here you go Brian” Jimmy reached up getting the shirt and handing it to the guitarist before glancing down to pick Sophie back up into his arms only to realize she wasn’t there anymore.

“Alright let’s get the hell out of here” Brian mumbled as he headed for the cashier not noticing that Sophie was missing. Jimmy on the other hand his heart was pounding against his chest his palms were sweaty and he felt like puking.


“Jimmy just let me-“

“Brian! Sophie’s gone!” He screamed as he looked around his feet for the little girl not seeing her, his panic grew even more. Brian dropped the shirt he was holding and looked around for the little girl not seeing her, his face matched the drummers.

“How the hell did you lose her Jimmy?” Brian freaked out throwing his arms up and running around the store tossing everything he possibly could onto the floor looking for the little girl. Jimmy felt so stupid and he felt like he was going to pass out just for losing the little one.

“I don’t know Brian! I set her down to help you asshole!” he shouted as they both raced out of hot topic looking around and shaking their heads.

“Look it doesn’t matter! You go that way! I’ll go this way…We don’t need to call Zacky just yet ok?” Brian mumbled trying to avoid calling the man who they knew would be pissed that they’d lost the little girl.

Jimmy took off in the direction looking for the little girl stopping every person that looked small and making sure it wasn’t Sophie. His heart was racing as he ran towards a female holding a small girl that looked like it might have been Sophie.

“Sophie!” he screamed as he reached the woman he looked at the little girl and sighed. “I’m sorry Ma’am. I seem to have lost my little girl and...” Just as he was about to explain his phone went off. He whipped it open hoping it was Brian telling him that he found Sophie.

“Jimmy! By the food court a fan has her!” Brian shouted into the phone before hanging up and beginning to chase the fan holding Sophie in her arms.

“Hey you! Stop! Sophie!” Jimmy shouted as he spotted the man taking off towards the door with a terrified Sophie in his arms. “Damnit!” he shouted as he continued to race towards the man but the man was just a little bit faster than they were.

“I’m calling Matt and Johnny right now let’s avoid calling Zacky” Brian shouted as they continued their chase of the man holding Sophie. Sophie screamed reaching over the man’s shoulder to try and get out of his arms but the man grabbed her arm and ripped it back next to her sound causing a small ‘snap’ to echo in her ears. She let out an ear piercing scream the man had just broken her arm.

“Hurry up!” Jimmy screamed as they chased the man out of the mall.

“They are on their way Jimmy! I’m doing the best I can!” He shouted neither man having any idea that the man had snapped Sophie’s arms all they knew was she was screaming.

“Stop!” Matt’s booming voice came around the corner grabbing the guy by surprise and throwing him to the ground careful of Sophie in the kidnapper’s arms.

“Daddy!” Sophie screamed as she struggled in the man’s tight grip he was crushing her and her arm hurt even worse than it had a few minutes ago.

“It’s ok Sophie uncle Jimmy’s here, its ok” Jimmy kicked the man in the side before pulling Sophie into his own arms kissing her forehead and rocking her gently.

“Daddy!” she screamed again holding her twisted arms tears pouring down her face as she tried to show Jimmy her arm was broken.

“Someone call Zacky.” Jimmy growled as he looked the little girl over seeing her arm bent in a way it shouldn’t have been his rage blinded him. “Matt Call the cops and get this bastard out of my sight He broke her arm and if someone doesn’t move him RIGHT now I’m going to kill him.” Jimmy snarled as he rocked the little girl in his arms.

“You’re kidding right her arms not really broken is it?” Brian took the shaken girl out of Jimmy’s arms to look at her. “Shit you’re not kidding! Her arm is mangled!” Brian sighed as he set Sophie back in Jimmy’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zacky's going to be pisssssed