Status: In The works. First chapter will be up soon.

Don't Be Afraid

Telling Zacky

“I called Zacky I didn’t tell him what happened just told him he needed to get down here as fast as he could.” Johnny announced giving Brian a fair warning as to what was going to happen in the next few hours.
Brian let out a heavy sigh and shook his head as he leaned back against the building. They had almost let Zee’s daughter get kidnapped. They were so dead when Zacky got there with Gena. He had promised nothing would happen to her but He lied. He had no way of stopping this though, he hoped that Zacky realized that.

“Sophie!” There was a loud shout from a very familiar but very pissed off voice. Everyone there turned to see Zacky running toward them. His face was red and he looked ready to explode at any one that got in his way. He slammed into the officer on accident just trying to get to Sophie.

“Daddy!” she cried as she stumbled out of Jimmy’s arms and ran to her father wrapping her good arm around his leg sobbing still. She was shaken and terrified more than she ever had been in her life. That man was going to take her from her daddy and she didn’t even want to think of what that would be like. She needed her daddy. Zacky bent down and pulled her carefully into his arms holding her tightly against his chest.

“Shh, it’s ok baby girl. Daddy’s here now I promise you’re not going anywhere I promise.” He whispered not even bothering to look up at his friends. Brian glanced over at the father/daughter pair he couldn’t help but feel his heart breaks a little bit. There were small tears starting to roll down the rhythm guitarists face as he held his daughter.

“I’m sorry Zacky; I shouldn’t have set her down.” Jimmy started to apologize but Gena shook her head alerting Jimmy to just leave it alone for now. Zacky couldn’t see or hear past his daughter right now and if anyone was to interrupt him at the moment he would kill someone and Gena could see that.

“Daddy owie.” Sophie whimpered as she showed him her mangled arm. Zacky let out a pained noise as he glanced up at his friends death in his eyes before he shifted his glare toward the man that was now in handcuffs.

“We’ll go have the nice doctors take care of it and make it no more owie ok?” His gaze had shifted back to his daughter and his eyes held heart break and concern as he looked at her. He scooped her tiny body up into his arms heading to his car to get her to the hospital. Gena slowly followed after him not saying anything to the boys.

Once the couple had left with the little one Brian and Jimmy looked at each other both feeling like complete shit for what had happened. Matt and Johnny noticed the looks on their faces and knew that tonight was going to be difficult.

“I can’t believe I almost let her get stolen forever.” Brian added softly looking to Jimmy who shook his head trying to reassure Brian that it was just as much his fault for setting the curious child onto the ground.
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