Status: In The works. First chapter will be up soon.

Don't Be Afraid


“What’d you do? Where’s Sophie?” A small sob came from under the bed and Brian made a face looking to the drummer confused.

“She won’t let me get her undressed Brian. She keeps screaming every time I get near her.” He looked at the guitarist a little heartbroken that she seemed so upset.
“Sophie come out baby you gotta take a bath” Brian cooed as he got down on the floor laying on his stomach so he could see under the bed.

“NO!” she screamed again shaking her head under the bed curling up as she started to cry even harder, now terrified to come out from under the bed.

“Do I need to go get daddy?” Brian sighed trying to coax her out from under the bed using her father as a threat but it didn’t work she just shook her head and started sobbing.

“Oh way the fuck to go Brian! Now she’s never going to come out!” Jimmy threw his hands up glaring at the guitarist.

“Jimmy would you shut up it’s not my fault she’s under there!” he snapped at the drummer causing them both to glare at each other for a moment before they both released a heavy sigh.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Michelle asked as she stepped into the room followed by everyone but Zacky and Gena.

“She won’t let any one touch her she’s hidden under the bed. She kept screaming no at me whenever I got near her clothes. She won’t let me get them off.” Jimmy sounded rather pathetic, he was afraid he’d done something wrong as he looked to his friends.

“Jimmy I’m sure it’s nothing you did ok? She’s let you bathe her before so just calm down.” Val reassured the broken hearted drummer. “Matt you try and talk her out from under the bed,” Val urged pressing her husband forward. Matt sighed and got down on his stomach as he looked at the little girl under the bed knowing it had to be dusty under there.

“Soooophie” He cooed gently as he smiled setting his head against the carpet as he looked at her. She slowly uncurled from her ball to look at her large uncle.

“No naked. No.” She stated tears still streaming down her dirty face. Matt bit down on his lip before moving his hand in a motion to tell everyone else to back up so that he could talk her out from under the bed.

“Ok no naked. We just want you to come out from under the bed. It’s all icky under there sweetie. You don’t want to get the sneezes do you?” He asked looking at the scared three year old before smiling gently. She shook her head.

“No sneezes” She whimpered as she moved toward Matt a bit.

“No one wants you to have the sneezes. So come on sweetie I promise no one is going to take your clothes off if you don’t want them too” he urged quietly stretching his large arm out and under the bed so she could take hold of it.

“Promise?” She squeaked as her little hand wrapped around Matt’s middle and index finger.

“I promise Soph,” He spoke softly. The little one nodded before scooting her way out from under the bed looking at everyone else in the room her eyes wide and puffy tears still running down her face.

“Someone needs to go get Zacky,” Sophie’s eyes grew the sizes of saucers before shaking her head violently back and forth.

“No! no daddy! No!” she demanded shaking her head. Everyone in the room had the same emotion etched onto their face at the moment…extremely confused with the actions of the three year old.

“How about this,” Johnny moved so he was sitting in front of the three year old that was still clung to Matt’s fingers. “Aunt Val and Aunt Michelle will bathe you and everyone else will leave the room ok?” Johnny suggested to the little one who seemed to agree with this idea.

“Otay” she mumbled as she let go of Matt’s hand and waddled over to Val who was standing by her twin sister Michelle.

“Alright everyone else get out.” Michelle smirked as she shooed the rest of the crew out of the bed room. The two sisters traded looks before Val picked up Sophie and moved to the bathroom. Setting Sophie on the counter Val looked at the full tub of water.

“Sophie can I take off your shirt? I promise no one else is going to come in here but me and auntie Michelle and we aren’t going to get upset I promise” Val encouraged the little one. Sophie looked at her aunts tears starting to form in her eyes again before she nodded. She trusted the girls not to get mad at her. Val and Michelle had never scolded Sophie for anything, so she knew it was ok for them to see.

“Awesome” Michelle laughed as she walked into the bathroom with Val and Sophie. Val pulled off the little girls shirt and Michelle pulled off her pant but neither girl had been prepared for what was revealed after the clothes came off.
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