Status: In The works. First chapter will be up soon.

Don't Be Afraid

Gena Seeing

“Mommy?” the little girl asked softly looking at Gena afraid she was mad at her. Gena drew in a deep breath not really sure how to respond to the situation before her. She tried to wipe the look of horror off her face as she looked at Sophie.

“Baby…” Gena spoke softly feeling her anger start to completely consume her. Gena was ready to rip Dianne limb from limb. “Can you tell me who did this?” She asked softly as she brushed her finger tips across the bruise on her stomach.

“No…” Sophie looked at the woman she viewed as her real mother. Gena had acted more like a mother then Dianne ever had so in Sophie’s eyes Gena really was her mom and Dianne was just the woman who she had to see whenever she wasn’t with her daddy.

“Why not baby?” Gena asked softly, Cringing as a slam could be heard right outside the bathroom door.

“I not supposed to,” Sophie’s face was dead serious as she looked at the blonde haired woman asking her questions.

“Who told you that?” Gena pressed but she was testing the waters seeing just how much she could get out of the little girl.

“Other mommy,” Sophie looked away from Gena and slammed her hands into the bath water making it splash out of the tub a little bit.

“Well you’re other mommy is wrong. If someone is making you feel ouchy you need to tell your daddy or one of your aunts or uncles or even me.” Gena tried to convince the little one to talk but Sophie just shook her head.

“No tell Daddy,” Sophie looked at Gena “Daddy be mad!” She panicked slightly at the thought of her father finding out about the bruises.

“ok, We won’t tell daddy for now.” Gena paused and looked towards the cracked door that Zacky was no longer standing at. “But…We need to tell daddy soon ok? If you tell daddy you won’t ever have to see your other mommy again.” Sophie looked at the blond smiling as she nodded her head.

“I love you mommy.” Gena could feel small tears prick at her eyes as Sophie told her that she loved her. Gena leaned over the tub and kissed Sophie’s forehead.

“I’m going to go find daddy ok?” The little girl looked skeptically at the blonde before nodding and letting Gena leave the room.

“Zacky!” Brian shouted as he grabbed his best friend from throwing a picture frame to the ground. Zacky had already punched a hole in the wall he didn’t need to be breaking anything else in the house.
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i think i might end up typing an ending up to this soon instead of making it a long story.