Come Back


“I don’t understand,” Jason sat in the chair obviously uncomfortable. Deep within his eyes lied the truth, his deep pain and lost. He felt so close to having Olivia back for good but as usual she slipped out of his own grasp. The fragile girl was sleeping soundlessly in the bed next to Jason and the Doctor. The doctor had gone over this multiple times with Jason already but he couldn't bring himself to accept what was being told. He ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head effortlessly. His knee bounced up and down with more force as he became impatient.

“I’m sorry Jason. That’s just how things are,” the doctor said. It hurt her to tell Jason the truth. She wanted so badly to help him as much as she could but the doctors response had obviously hit Jason hard. “The best thing that we can do for her is make sure she takes her pills and in addition it might help to send her to the therapist. My good friend Ronald would be glad to help, I’m sure of it. But please don’t give up on everything so easily.” She fought the urge to stand perfectly still. Doctor Tanaka got down on her knees and searched for Jason’s lost eyes. His far distant look disturbed her. She placed a gentle hand on his knee and patted his back lightly. “Don’t worry Jason. I believe with the right help she’ll get better and she may come back.”

Jason was quiet the whole time the doctor spoke but as he heard these words his eyes transformed into solid determination and he nodded slightly. “Okay. Thank you Doc.”

From beside them Olivia stirred lost deep in sleep and mumbled something quietly under her breath before shifting her back towards them. Both the doctor and Jason avoided watching her any longer as they noticed she had pain splashed all over her face. Olivia clutched the bed sheet and moved a bit more before she let out a long sigh and her body froze once more, silently drifting away from this world to her own. Jason bit his lip in an attempt to control his emotions but his guarded appearance shattered as the doctor squeezed his knee and leaned forward to embrace him in a much needed hug. He held on helplessly to her coat quietly sobbing.

“It’s not fair,” he exhaled burrowing his head against Doctor Tanaka’s neck. This simple action was strictly comfort, they both knew that but once in awhile Jason looked up to Tanaka as if she was the caring mother that he’d always wished he still had. Tanaka was the same in her own way. Jason was the son she could never have and Olivia was the little girl they both would do anything to protect. Suddenly pushed away from the doctors embrace and looked her in the eye.

“Okay,” he agreed and she nodded knowingly and quickly left the room to set up the preparations for Olivia’s treatment.

Jason was left in the room once more, with a limp body laying next to him. That stranger laid next to him searching for who she truly is, Jason decided not to force it anymore. He secretly made an oath to himself that he wouldn’t force any information on Olivia unless she figured it out on her own. Jason concluded that it wasn’t fair for him to force himself on Olivia anymore. Whatever happens would happen. For better or good. The best thing he could do for her was wait patiently and silently and assist her whenever she needed it.

“I promise.” He whispered glancing towards the girl. “I promise Olivia.”

“Oh Jason…” his name slipped off her lips perfectly, not missing a beat.

Jason’s tears trickled down his cheek falling off of his chin onto Olivia’s cheekbone. He’s gotten used to this already. When Olivia’s unconscious she seems to remember, but once she awakes it all disappears and things become more of a blur to her. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for this poor girl. He’s been so focused on making her remember but Jason finally noticed that he was being selfish. He was thinking of ways to make him happy instead of Olivia.

“I’m so sorry Olivia. Things will change. I promise.” He whispered before leaving her to sleep.
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Woots Woots ! I'm back :)
I'm really really really sorry I haven't updated anything for so long !
I will admit I've lost interest for awhile but I guess I just needed to find some inspiration to feed off of.
I've been working on this story ever since the beginning of this month and I have a few more chapters already down.
I apologize for the wait! I've been very busy trying to balance out things in my daily routine but I'll try my best to squeeze in my stories for whoever is still reading.
I thank you for still reading :) <3

- I haven't touched Because of You ever since I last uploaded it. I was really excited to do those chapters because I was going to share my DC trip with my class through the story but over the time my excitement died down and I'm really stuck. If anybody would like to help, I would really appreciate the support.