Come Back

Welcome Spring. Good-Bye Fears

Olivia quietly shut the door behind her, starring down at the floor she let her hair shift its way to the front and hide her pain and distress. She didn’t understand why it was so hard for her. She should be the happiest girl ever. She was finally over with her therapy and she had one or two more pills before she was off them for good. She had friends that loved her no matter how damaged she was and Jason… She had Jason… The boy that was always there for you for some reason.

Olivia shook her head and tears away and attempted to smile. “Why am I crying? I should be happy.” She whispered. Olivia slowly walked out of the hall way into the waiting room where Jason sat in the chair looking fairly uncomfortable. His head rested on the wall near by and his earphones were in and she took a mental note that no one should ever be disturbed when they’re listening to their music.

She remembered how mad Jason got when Chris kept bugging him when he was listening to his music. It was the first time she witnessed Jason that angry before. Everyone decided to go to the park and Jason wandered off without telling anyone and Olivia couldn’t help but feel worried, so she went to go look for him. Of course she got the attention of everyone else and they ended up trying to find him as well. After yelling his named and calling his phone, which the end result was no answer; Olivia spotted him on top the hill with his earphones in as he shut the rest of the world out. Chris ran and slipped up the hill and started tapping Jason and yelling. From the beginning of the day Olivia noticed Jason wasn’t in a really good mood but she didn’t pay much attention to it. But when Olivia was going to tell Chris to leave him alone he pulled Jason’s earphones out and Jason started shouting. She couldn’t even remember what he was saying. She just took note never to interrupt him ever.

A few days after that when Jason came over Olivia rushed up the stairs to bring down a shirt she bought for Jason. He bursted out in hysterical laughter when he read the shirt. “Earphones in. Fuck you and the world,” it read. He apologized for letting her see him like that and not to worry about him as much but she just painted on a fake smile and laughed along, trying her hardest to listen to him. She didn’t want to wake him so suddenly that he’d hit her or bug him like Chris had did.

“Please Lord. Make sure I make it out of here alive without Jason killing me for this.” Olivia let out a deep breath before sitting on his lap. Jason shifted around under her but she directed her attention straight ahead hoping he wouldn’t be mad at her and yell. Jason woke up silently wondering what was in his lap. He pulled out his earphones and waited for his eye sight to adjust. Blood rushed to his cheeks when he saw that it was Olivia sitting in HIS lap. She was so close to him. So close that he noticed her hair smelt like cherry blossoms and her skin shimmered from glitter on her legs and arms, probably from the lotion Rizza gave her. His stomach and chest began hurting slightly from his heart beat increasing and those stupid butterflies fluttering around.

Without anymore hesitation Jason gently leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Olivia’s little waist, his cheek resting against her neck, just waiting for her to push him away. If she did he would at least be happy with this moment right here. Having Olivia in his arms just like before. Olivia jerked up slightly, shocked that he was awake.

Thank you Lord. She thought quietly as her heart pounded against her rib cage. Oh Jason… Olivia could smell his cologne that clung to his shirt and inhaled his scent that only Jason had, smiling, and silently thanking the Lord once more that this wasn’t just another dream.

Jason flinched a little when Olivia’s hand moved but smiled in relief and pure shock when she wrapped her own arms around his. Her touch, so gently and soft, he thought as they sat there, clinging to each other for a few more minutes. Olivia released her grip and Jason prepared for the worst. She stood up and kneeled in front of him. Jason watched her with caution as if she was going to disappear right before his eyes. Jason sat quietly as she closed her eyes and smiled letting a few tears run down her cheek. He quickly wiped them away and let his hand linger on her cheek. Olivia opened her eyes and leaned forward and her lips met his cheeks lightly. Jason sat there wide eyed paralyzed.

Olivia stood quickly and held out her hand and he reluctantly took it as he stood up. Her grip didn’t loosen until the doctor came out of his room. “Later.” She whispered before saying her last goodbye and skipped to the car.

“This can’t be right Doc.”

He simply smiled, “You’re a good kid Jason. It wouldn’t surprise me if she fell for you all over again. Maybe that’s what’s supposed to happen. There’s two options. One, she’ll fall for you all over again and this time everyone will know better to keep an eye on her. Or two, she’ll still fall for you but when she’s with out like a couple her memories will rush back to her.”

“I don’t care. As long no one hurts her.” He nodded a farewell and met her near the car.

“Jason?” Olivia said as she watched him yawn. “Why don’t I drive? I’m sorry I woke you up. I can drive and you can sleep a bit more.” Before I was able to protest she continued on, “Please. I can see it in your eyes. You haven’t got a good long rest in awhile and that’s not good for you.” He couldn’t protest when she put it that way. He was tired. Really tired. It’s been almost a year and a half since he’s gotten a good night of rest. Those nightmares never allowed him to sleep.

Feeling a bit dizzy now that she mentioned it he handed the keys to her. Jason felt numb and was no longer aware of his surroundings. Olivia merged into a blur with the car. He snapped out of the strange daze to notice Olivia’s cheek resting against his. Olivia had saw him slowly falling to the ground but rushed to his side to support him. She gladly took the keys and opened Jason’s door and helped him inside, pulling the seat backwards so he was able to lay down. Jason starred up at her as she helped him buckle his seat belt and shut his door.

“Olivia…” He whispered before everything went blank and he could no longer see. Olivia’s hand froze on the wheel as she heard her name. She refused to wake him and pushed the gas as she started the 3 hour drive back home.

The sun hung high above still shinning so brightly as she proceeded on the road that went through those trees. The road that seemed to never end. Spring was slowly painting itself across their home. The flowers began to blossom in the cool breeze that carried the sweet scent from one house to another. The waves roared but died down to swish around the cool white sand. Birds sang their song louder than ever along side the ice cream trucks that made their rounds around the neighborhoods. Children outside drew on the pavement with chalk waiting for one another before running to the play ground in such happiness and bliss. Couples were out taking their slow walks in the park near those lakes that splashed as the lively fish twirled and danced. Families were out spending time together and home truly felt like home. Spring was a beautiful time of year that always made Olivia so happy. She could never forget this feeling.

The sun began dipping lower behind the buildings and mountains as night approached. But day and night could never change the warm feeling of Spring approaching. Street lights blinked rapidly before turning on lighting up the island as night finally came. The moon played high in the sky popping in and out of view behind those clouds that shared the sky with the little glistening stars. It seemed everything was at peace as Olivia parked in front of her driveway. Jason had basically moved in the bedroom next to Olivia’s since they never liked being alone. Their parents didn’t argue at all. They said it was fine and wished the best of luck to Jason but no one explained to Olivia what they had meant.

“Home,” she exhaled turning her attention to Jason’s limp body next to her. His chest moved up and down and he could tell he wasn’t having another nightmare. Jason didn’t know but Olivia heard him at night. Tossing and turning in his bed calling out for things. The words entered her room in muffles but she didn’t need to know what they were to know that he wasn’t having an easy time sleeping, just like her. She tried her best to keep quiet as she closed the driver door and made her way to Jason’s side. Upon opening the door she quickly unbuckled his seat belt and shook him lightly. Jason followed her in the house still half asleep and still not aware of what was going on. Olivia placed a hand on his chest and the other on his back as she led him upstairs to his bedroom.

She stood near his bed wanting to talk to him about earlier but left him to rest and stepped in the shower to let time pass. The steam had already fogged up the mirrors as she finished washing out the conditioner in her hair. She stood looking up at the ceiling with her hands folded near her heart. Today had made her very happy but she wanted to tell Jason how she truly feels. Over the year and four months he’s always been there with her. They’d spent almost every day together since she awoke in that hospital bed. She wondered why Jason didn’t have a girlfriend. He was such a sweet boy. He knew the right things to say when she needed to be held and comforted. Olivia stood there trying to think of more words to describe how Jason made her feel and what he was to her. All she came up with was that she wanted him to hold her again and to call her his. She wanted to be with Jason as much as possible… But more than close friends. Olivia longed for Jason’s touch and his sweet lips upon hers. She waited for so long to tell him how she felt but she was afraid of being rejected. She was afraid he’d tell her that he only saw her as a bestfriend and nothing more. But today gave her more courage to finally do it. As soon as she could, Olivia was going to tell Jason how she truly felt.

In the other room Jason stood in the shower doing the same. Today had changed everything. Olivia had taken care of him and he felt that she understood him. In the office when she didn’t push him away and the doctor spoke to him about what might happen he was ready to tell Olivia how he really felt all this time. Of course he wouldn’t mention what they were before, but he had never lost feelings for her. Those feelings were for Olivia and Olivia only. When Olivia ran away after Shelby yelled at her he saw she was really hurt by what Shelby had said. Jason would finally open up to Olivia. He didn’t care if she didn’t feel the same or not, as long as she knew how he’s felt this whole time.

Olivia.. He thought as he stepped out of the shower.

Olivia stepped out of the shower and walked towards the mirror. Her hand traced the fog away and she smiled at her reflection. She looked down at the key necklace that hung from a wire. Jas… images shot through her so quickly. Olivia didn’t feel right. She thought she was going crazy as she hovered over Jason and her in her bedroom. She starred as Jason handed her that key necklace and he showed her his heart necklace. He fit her key perfectly in his heart and she gasped. She remembered this. This was a memory! Slowly more images flew past her. The day Jason’s books came tumbling down the stairs and she helped him gather them. That moment Jason commented on her “pretty eyes” then rushed out the school doors leaving her speechless. Jason standing at the end of the lake. She approached him telling him he’d catch a cold if he stood there any longer.

She remembered… She remembered Jason…

She smiled, whether she was crazy or not she was opening those locked doors. Olivia felt as if she was pushed back into reality to where she stood in front of the mirror, smiling like a fool. She saw what happened at the Zoo. She finally understood why everyone acted so strangely. Why she was so scared of that man on the dock with his bird. She was frightened because they reminded her of that day. She wasn’t scared anymore though. You don’t own me anymore. I’m Olivia Oassay and I love Jason Willson. I am no longer afraid of you. I’m not that little helpless girl anymore. His face was still a blur and not everything had come back to her but it was a start and she didn’t hesitate to take it. She walked out of the bathroom and changed quickly into her sweatpants and a regular tank top. Jason.. Olivia walked out of her room and downstairs where Jason starred out the window propped on the couch.
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I've losted a lot of readers ;[
That makes me really sad, I've been trying my best to work on these chapters. I promise I'm really trying.
-So thank you for those of you who are still with me on this story.
Please please drop by and leave a comment with a suggestion or any opinions.
It'd be much appreciated <33

Much Love, Dana