Come Back

Nice To Meet You

Olivia knocked on Jason’s door but there was no answer, she slipped through the tiny crack only to find an empty bedroom. She DID leave him there. The bed sheets clung together but there was no body to make them. Warm heat seeped out from the bathroom that had been recently used into the cold bedroom. With a sigh Olivia quietly shut Jason’s door and wondered if he was downstairs.

The house fell silent, as if the bedroom wasn’t the only room without a presence. Olivia felt a sudden strange rush of loneliness as she stopped in the center of the hallway. In force of habit she looked up towards the ceiling of fantasies and the white plaster merged into images of Olivia and Jason sitting underneath a tree that provided little to nothing shade from the sun that burned through her shirt. The wind picked up and carried fallen petals past the lake. She felt warmth enter from her waist and made its way throughout her whole body as she realized Jason’s arms wound themselves around her, pulling her closer to him. Everything seemed so perfect until her fantasies turned into paranoia as she felt eyes bore themselves into her figure under the tree. The hidden glare threw daggers that could kill in one graceful strike. Jason had pulled away and left Olivia alone under the tree terrified of who was out in the tree line watching her. She had cried out for Jason to come back but without another glance back at her he ran from her grasp and out of her vision. From the corner of her eye she saw a black outline emerge from behind an old oak and…

NO! She yelled in her mind and pushed away those stupid thoughts. She reminded herself that she was no longer scared, that she had no reason to be scared when she had friends all around her protecting her from whatever was out there. Even if it was strange thoughts it felt so real to her. The coldness Jason left when he slipped out of her reach and the darkness that swept over her when she saw that shadow.

Olivia violently shook her head and ran downstairs without a double take on that shadow. When Olivia opened her eyes she stood next to the couch starring at Jason who was focused on the screen door leading to the lake. He had no idea Olivia had been watching him until he felt the couch dip as she added her own weight on. She hugged her knees and buried her face behind the hair that carelessly slipped to the front.


“Yes Olivia?”

“I need to tell you something.”

“Same here…”

“Well… Me first, please.”

Jason’s chest began to pound against his rib cage again and his throat went dry as he tried to object but he couldn’t find his own voice, so instead he nodded.

“Well there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” her voice trailed off into silence as she squeezed her knees tighter trying to project her voice loud enough for him to hear. “And well..”

Jason had leaned towards Olivia without actually knowing until there was a short knock on the door. Leave! Just leave! He mentally yelled at the door. He wanted to hear what Olivia had to say, hoping that she wasn’t regretting what had happened earlier this afternoon.

“What were you saying?”

“I was going to tell—“

There door bell chimed throughout the house followed by three short knocks. Both Olivia and Jason arose at the same time and made their way silently to the door. Olivia reached out to open it and outside was a man. They both took note that they’ve never seen him before. Why would a stranger be visiting us at this time of the damn hour!?

Olivia’s body froze for a reason she didn’t know. She took in the man that looked like he was in his late 20's or so. He wore black shoes that merged in with the night atmosphere and his hair turned from dark brown to black as passing cars headlights gleamed from behind the man. He dressed in a black knee length coat and blue faded jeans.

“How can we help you?” Jason asked as he noticed Olivia wasn’t going to say anything, strange he thought.

The man smiled. It was nowhere near a friendly smile, the right corner of his lips revealed a sharp tooth or two and his eyes first liquid froze into a dark circle of ice. He had stood up straight and tall and towered over both Olivia and Jason. Olivia starred in such fear that she couldn’t understand and Jason counted the seconds as they ticked by that he wasted just staring at them both.

“My apologizes for starring,” the mans voice was deep but screeched in and out of Olivia’s head making her feel lightheaded as she swayed from one foot to another, catching herself before she fell into Jason’s arms. “I’m sorry for bothering you two at such a late hour but no one was home earlier in the day and I just wanted to drop by once before to introduce myself.” He looked down at Olivia but she forced herself not to meet his hypnotizing stare. She focused on the rose beds beyond his left arm. “Everyone else in the neighborhood should know who I am except you two.”

“Okay? And you are?” Jason asked trying his best to sound polite but he failed at hiding the slight annoyance that shouted through his body language.

“My name is David. David Weller and I’m your new neighbor. I just moved in today and I live a few houses down and I thought it’d be nice if I introduced myself to everyone. They all seem really nice.” He smiled again but this time Jason noticed a falter in his attempt.

Olivia starred wide eyed at the flower beds as she replayed what he had said over and over again in her head. Why was she getting all worked up just because of this man? He just wanted to introduce himself, she told herself and forced her eyes to meet his and paint on a smile.

“Well it’s very nice to meet you Mr. Weller.”

“Oh please, just call me David.”

“Well DAVID, my name is Olivia and this is Jason. Jason lives with me… It seems like it, but him and his family actually live next door.” She pointed towards Jason’s house nudging him to say something.

“Yes.” Was all he could manage to say. He was too transfixed on how David was starring at Olivia. She had only made eye contact with him once or twice but he saw it all. David looked down at her as if he wanted to snatch her right then and there. He got a very bad vibe off of this man and Olivia felt the same way as well.

“Well I’m sorry for bothering you two. But I’m having a pool party next Sunday. Everyone is coming and it’d be a shame if you two went missing. Pool, food, friends, and more time to get to know each other better.” He smiled once more before taking a step back.

Olivia and Jason smiled and nodded before saying their farewells and shutting the door and making sure to turn all the locks to secure the door. Both of them leaned against the door as if putting pressure on it so no one could break in.

“You alright?” Jason asked, piercing the silence that hung around the door. He guided her to the couch and set her down to sit right next to him. Olivia starred at Jason but he recognized that stare. Olivia was too far to reach now. Her eyes were dull and distant and Jason knew she wouldn’t answer correctly if he asked what had happened back there.

“I froze up when I saw him… I don’t know why… But he’s scary Jason..” she whispered before pressing her head against his chest.

“I know. You aren’t the only one… Why don’t we talk about this later. Let’s get some sleep.” She nodded still pressed up against Jason, not wanting to move. Finally, after a few minutes Olivia stood up and Jason followed her upstairs. The floorboards beneath them creaked and then the house fell dangerously silent again. Olivia remembered those eyes that glared at her and that outline beyond those trees and panic rushed through her body faster than water could flow down an empty river. Jason was about to walk towards his bedroom before Olivia reached up and grabbed a fistful of his shirt stopping him in his tracks.

“Please stay… I don’t know why… But I feel so scared. Don’t leave me please…” she pleaded with tears threatening to block her voice.

He didn’t hesitate one bit. Slowly, they walked into Olivia’s bedroom standing near the door waiting for their eyes to adjust to the darkness. Not even the light from the moon that slipped into her room from behind the curtains could make Olivia feel safe again. They shut the door and shuffled towards her bed still feeling a bit uneasy about their unexpected visitor. Jason and Olivia laid next to each other starring at the blank ceiling as if it’d give them some answers.

“Don’t worry, he can’t hurt you. I won’t let him.” Jason whispered to the ceiling.

“Thank you.”

“Let’s get some rest.” And with that said they both drifted away. Both of their minds splattered with such blank thoughts as they imitated the roof above them, no longer thinking about David. Olivia’s fear slipped away as she felt the warmth of Jason’s body next to hers, knowing he’d never let anything harm her. Jason moved closer to Olivia and they clung to each other, shielding each other from those thoughts. Together they went limp and David was soon forgotten, along with their unspoken confessions that had been interrupted only moments before.