Come Back

Be ready when I take over this world with puppies

Olivia stirred as she noticed her eyes had become very irritated. The darkness had vanished alongside with the moon and the light from the sun seeped through the silky cloth of her curtains. She tried getting out of bed but a slight weight held down her stomach. Peeking under the sheets she saw Jason’s arms wound protectively around her and remembered she had done the same before they both fell asleep.

Jason, the guy that had always been there for her, the strong companion that protected her and comforted her when she thought she couldn’t see the end of the darkness. Jason, the guy that never once faltered in his superior position, Jason the guy that had slightly broke that image as Olivia saw for her own eyes he was startled as much as she was the night before. He had clung onto her like she was about to slip away in the middle of the night with no clue where to be found. Olivia silently made a note of this change, she hadn’t realized that she had let herself smile thinking about how close both of their bodies were through the night.

Jason shifted and Olivia froze quickly falling back down against the mattress pretending she was still deep asleep. He let out a heavy unconscious sigh before closing the distance between them. She felt his steady heartbeat pass through his chest once he snuggled closer, his chest now touching her back.

“Why aren’t you resisting?” his voice startled Olivia to the point she was sure her body lifted off the mattress in surprise. She could’ve swore that the hair on the back of her neck had become alert as well as her heart that picked up its pace dramatically. “I didn’t mean to startle you… That much,” he chuckled innocently.

“Jerk.” She whispered soft enough to lose its way through her room but loud enough for Jason to hear. He didn’t move his arms as she sat up, feeling her cheeks heat up.

“Are you going to answer?” he asked following her lead and sitting up along with her, with no distance between their bodies.

“I—“ She trailed off not knowing how to truly answer without rejection. “Sorry..” she whispered before sliding out of bed making her way to the bathroom, but not before grabbing a outfit fit for her plans. Olivia made sure to change slowly, trying to think of the right way to confess to Jason. After buttoning a few more buttons on her flannel she starred at the necklace dangling from its wire. She tucked it under the tank top before exiting the bathroom.

Jason was still in bed looking half asleep. He starred past the window, focusing on something only he could see. She leaned against the door frame waiting for him to notice her starring. His messy hair flew out in different directions but he didn’t seem tired like he usually did. She tried remembering if Jason shifted more than necessary because of another nightmare but she came up with a big happy no. The light rested on him gently but that wasn’t the new glow Olivia saw. She saw a change in the boy that sat in her bed. Something so different, so good, but she just couldn’t think of why. Maybe because of the good amount of rest he had gotten or the fact his—
Her aimless train of thought came to a rough halt when she realized he was starring right back at her, silently studying her as well.

“C’mon. Get ready, we’re going to down to the mall.” It was more of a friendly demand instead of a statement. Before Jason could leave her room to get his own clothes she raised a hand to his chest and pushed him back down to her bed. “Uhm never mind. You sort of suck when it comes to finding something that matches what I’m wearing. I’ll be back.” She rushed out of her room into his and quickly found something he wouldn’t object to.

Olivia smiled at his outfit. When she entered her room again she flung his clothes at his face and set his shoes near the door. She laughed when she saw his shock and fake hurt expression. Olivia rushed out when she saw him pick up a pillow and attempt to throw it at her.

“Okay,” he sighed meeting her downstairs.

“Seee, that wasn’t so bad now, was it?” Olivia smiled before snatching both Jason and hers phones and keys and making her way too the car.

“You’re a short girl full of pure evil.” He joked grabbing their wallets then hoping in the passenger seat. Without her noticing Jason rested his necklace under his flannel.

“Oh yes. Next I’m planning on taking over this island using only the help of those cute puppies. But don’t squeal or else I’ll have to command them to eat you,” they both laughed as she pulled out of the driveway and towards the mall. For a tiny second Olivia felt uneasy and remembered the dark figure but it disappeared as the sun pierced through the window causing her to squint. Jason pulled down both of their mirrors and they continued their silent drive. He reached forward to turn up the volume. He flipped through a few stations before his hand retreated back into his lap. Olivia and Jason bobbed there heads together listening to the new beat,

“This beat makes me go APE SHIT,
This drink makes me go APE SHIT,
This club makes me go APE SHIT
Everybody go APE SHIT,
Now jump jump jump jump jump!”

Jason and Olivia sung loud and so carefree. Olivia’s hair flew back as she opened the windows as well as Jason’s. They probably passed by multiple people smiling as they passed by, maybe just for the tease or just happy to see the scene. Who knew?

The drive down to Pearlridge wasn’t long with the music blasting and good company. They parked up above and made their way in the crowded mall.

“What now?”

“That’s a stupid question Jason. We’re in a mall with over 30 shops, with money our parents provide for us, what do you think we do? Play hide and seek?” she twirled around to face him,
“Might I add that they’re rich as hell and don’t care how much we spend? Understand now?”

“Okay stop doing that,” he walked passed her pushing her lightly. “You’re making me look stupid.” They laughed as they went down the escalator.

“Well that was a pretty dumb question y’know.” She pointed out. He just nodded before walking into a random shop.

“And now the shopping begins. Let us shop until we drop, boys and girls.” Olivia cupped her hand near her mouth acting like an announcer talking to no one really other than Jason. He shook his head and dragged her leading her to the back near the clothes rack.



“Go!” they yelled before searching through countless racks.

In and out of dressing rooms. Countless look over’s, deciding if they should get this or get that. First shop, second shop, third shop… They all became blurred as they lost count of how many stores they entered. Both Olivia and Jason were losing space on their arms to carry their bags. They had to make a few trips back to their car to store their shopping bags before starting all over again and looking for new useless things to buy.

Jason grinned as he watched Olivia near the jewelry rack. She turned around and mouthed, ‘Help Me!’ and he made his way over. “I don’t care what you get just get something you think I would wear! Pretty please please please.” She pleaded looking up at Jason.

“Yea yea, I know.”

“Go!” she yelled before they both walked away and rummaged through the racks. This was one of their original games they came up with out of boredom a few stores ago. Both would pick out something, anything that they thought the person (depending on the store) would wear. They had 15 minutes to pick things out before rushing over near the dressing rooms to see what they had collected.

Olivia was quick to grab the cute things she knew she’d wear. Jason mumbled in frustration searching for accessories in Charlotte Russe. As their 15 minutes slowly drew to an end Jason waited for Olivia to meet him at the back of the shop.

She dumped everything she had collected on the chair in front of them. Olivia followed her clothes and fell to the cushions relaxing as Jason spread out what he had gathered. Once she got a good look at Jason’s pile she shot upright and starred in awe.

“There so cute!” she squealed. Olivia could’ve sworn he blushed before he shrugged his shoulders and shoved his hands in his pocket. His looked at the line and they both stepped in. The girls working behind the cash register smirked when it was Olivia and Jason’s turn.

“Hi.” They purred. Olivia noticed she had clenched her hand into a fist in disgust as she observed the way they starred at Jason. “We thought it was sooo cute how your boyfriend here picked out things for you.” They spoke directly to Jason, as if Olivia wasn’t even visible.


“I know he’s the sweetest. I’m so lucky to have him.” Olivia smiled linking arms with Jason. She did her best to paint on a smile and it shocked her how easy it was for her to really smile. She didn’t have to fake being happy at this moment. Jason didn’t hesitate, he shuffled closer to her and slipped an arm around her waist.

“I’m the lucky one.” He spoke, the girls behind the counter gave Olivia a dirty side glance, their happiness dissolving in seconds when she told them they were in fact “boyfriend girlfriend”.
“Okay would you like the receipt in the bag?” one girl asked, her fake innocent voice irritated the hell out of Jason and Olivia. They nodded and quickly made their way out of that store to take a seat on the couches nearby.

Olivia hadn’t let go of Jason’s arm. In fact she tightened her grip as they passed by the counter girls once more. Jason didn’t mind her sudden jealously. In fact, he took a guilty pleasure in it. He knew it was wrong but the feeling of having her near him this way made it all feel so right. Olivia jumped a bit and loosened her grip.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean… Y’know back there.” She whispered looking down at the ground. “They were just too fake…” she lied.

“It’s fine,” he reassured. Olivia didn’t even except it. He lifted her chin to meet his eyes. “It’s fine I said.” He smiled. Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. “Okay?” She nodded and stood up from her seat.

“So which store next?” she jumped subjects pretty fast. “Let’s go to Echo.” She announced before rushing towards the elevator. Jason picked up her bags and slowly stepped in the elevator. It was empty and Jason knew Olivia was nervous because of the recent events that had happened not too long ago. “Oh, sorry.” She reached out for her shopping bags but Jason swiftly caught her wrists and pulled her into his grasp.

“Don’t be.” He murmured against her hair. “Don’t be..”



For a moment everything felt right, but it crashed all too soon.