Come Back

Please, Help Me - Olivia

“No… Doctor!” he called out and it wasn’t too long before the doctor I talked to earlier entered the room.

“Yes?” he asked, he glanced at both of us and smiled. “Oh Jason isn’t it great that Olivia finally woke up?”

“No,” he mumbled looking awfully sad. “Doctor… I think she has Amnesia. She doesn’t remember me…” the boy, Jason looked down at the ground looking like he was going to start tearing.

“That’s not good. Hold on Olivia. I’m going to talk to Jason outside for awhile.” They exited the room leaving me alone surrounded by a million gifts all to me. From the things I’ve read I apparently was in a coma for some reason and a lot of my friends told me to get better soon.

Jason and the doctor’s voices raised a bit startling me. Glancing at them, Jason didn’t look to happy. What did I do wrong? They both looked at me and I blushed a little looking away quickly. I heard the door open and I walked up to them. Jason was starring at the ground again and I bent low to make eye contact. With a small childish smile I got him to laugh a little. Something inside of me reacted by unleashing the butterflies. Not really caring what I was doing my arms found their way around Jason’s waist which also made something inside of me flutter. What’s going on?

The doctor cleared his throat and grinned at us two. “Olivia. You remember your parents right?”

I nodded in response.

“You remember your friends?”

“Yes. Jody, Chris, Gabe, Char, Ricky, Rizza, and a lot more. Why?” Looking up again I stole a peek at Jason. “And Jason too. Right?”

“Olivia you and Jason are---“

“Best friends. We grew up together.” Jason cut him off quickly.

“Oh… I’m sorry, I remember everyone… But…” I let go thinking hard. Trying to remember anything about Jason. Whenever I tried reaching out for a memory of what seemed like Jason it fogged up and slipped away.

He placed his hand on my head laughing, “Don’t worry. You don’t need to hurt yourself trying to remember.” Although he ‘laughed’ I heard the pang of sorrow in his voice and in the way he acted.

“Well anyways, Jason will be taking care of you because your parents are out on a business trip again. Maybe you’ll get your memories back when you spend more time with him.” I thought about it and realized that for some reason I really wanted to remember who this boy was.

Jason led me out of the Trinity Hospital and into his car. “Jason?” he looked at me for a moment before focusing on the road again. “How long was I in a coma?” Curiosity crawled anxiously wanting to know.

With a sigh he mumbled so low I had to think of what he said. “7 Months? That’s really long…”

“Yes it was. You had a lot of worried Olivia. But don’t worry.”

“Jason… something feels wrong. Why can I remember everyone else… Except you?” He stepped out of the car and grabbed the door for me.

“I don’t know how to answer that Olivia because I really don’t know.”

The sun beamed down on us as we got out of the car. Jason carried all the things that were in my room into the house. I followed him inside and watched as he walked around the house freely as if it was his own. Watching him made me feel happy, as if I had seen it before. “Thank you for all of your help Jason.”

He turned around and gave me a smile that made butterflies go wild, “No problem.”

“Uhm… Jason?...”


I fidgeted a little feeling a little weird asking, “Is it okay if I call you? Even if it’s not important… Just to hear yo—I mean to talk?” I cut myself off from saying that I just wanted to hear his voice before he noticed. It’s weird, I don’t know why and I can’t explain it… But something about Jason made me feel safe. Like he wouldn’t let anyone harm me. Then again, I could just be imagining things.

He chuckled before nodding. “Sure, don’t worry.” He met me at the doorway and we both stood there for awhile. I had the weird urge to hug him and not let him go but despite that feeling I smiled. “I’ll see you later I guess.”

I nodded and opened the door for him. We lingered there. Not knowing what to do. After fighting myself to hug him or not he backed away and walked home. Looking back at the empty house I sighed regretting the fact that I let him go. “What’s wrong with me?” I asked the house. “Why can’t I remember him… Why would I forget someone so sweet?” I didn’t know what else to do so I walked to the lake and sat on the dock. A weird feeling flew through me. A memory… “Something happened here…” the lake responded by touching my foot that dangled from the dock. “But.. I can’t remember what…”

It seemed that every time I tried to remember something about Jason the more it hurt. Ever since I woke up in the hospital I felt that something way beyond wrong. Tilting my head upwards I yelled in frustration. “I need help…” I whimpered to myself…

Gently, I laid back on the dock starring at the sky. Dark purple and blue lighting mixed in with the yellow orange glow the sun gave off. Dark slowly taking over light. I felt just like that… Something inside me was taking over… Maybe that’s why I can’t remember… Fresh tears ran down my cheek as I gave into the darkness. Help me remember please. My pleads were not responded… Why me?
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