Come Back

Beautiful Girl; Don't Cry - Jason

Upon entering my house I went straight upstairs to my room that over looked the lake… I couldn’t hold it in anymore… The tears flowed like a river and the truth stabbed me like a knife… Olivia doesn’t remember me… She remembers everyone else, except me. Why me?

I jumped onto my bed that hasn’t been touched in 7 months. That’s how long Olivia couldn’t hear any of us. Everyone that knew my sweet Olivia stopped by to talk to her as she lay in her hospital bed. Her body was there but Olivia wasn’t. We all knew our Olivia wasn’t in that bed. We would all talk to her as if she was awake and aware of it all…

Char and Ricky came in to talk to her a lot. They talked on and on about how they were together and spent almost every minute with each other. I always stepped out of the room when they were there though. It killed me to remember that Olivia and I were like that for a short time.

“It’s not fair.” I mumbled into my pillow. That girl that woke up… Olivia was still in her; deep inside. I saw it for myself. The Olivia I knew surfaced a few times today but ran away before that girl could say anything. I clutched the necklace around my neck yearning to be with her again. The house phone rang tearing me away from my sweet memories.


“Hi Jason, this is Doctor Tanaka.”

“Oh hey Doctor. What’s up?”

“I was just wondering what happened today. You could’ve told Olivia who you were.”

I exhaled into the receiver, “I know…. But I guess that wouldn’t be fair to her. I guess if we’re truly meant to be she won’t need someone to tell her we were together to remember. I’ll let her heart guide herself to what she truly wants.” As much as it hurt, I knew it was the right thing to do. I got up from my bed to look out the window. Olivia was on the dock. Lying where we both were before.

“You’re a good kid Jason. I hope she remembers…. Jason… I think Olivia doesn’t remember you because she blocked out that entire day at the Zoo… I spoke to her earlier about it and she didn’t remember anything except you crying as she left in the ambulance.”

“I see… I can’t blame her for wanting to forget though… I’ll keep you updated.”

“Okay, Good luck.” I threw the phone on my bed and watched Olivia. She looked so lost. As much as I wanted to help her I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It isn’t right to make her like me again if she doesn’t even remember me. That wouldn’t be fair to her…

The moon had finally risen and the sun had set when Olivia got up and went back into her house. Something was weird. For a moment on the dock, I thought she remembered what happened there. That slipped away quickly though and she went back to looking lost.

I called everyone and told them not to mention anything about Olivia and I being together or anything about the day at the Zoo. If we were right for each other… She would come back to us all on her own. They all understood and as much it pained them as well, they knew it was right.

‘Cause you’re a pretty little windstorm
On the boulevard
Something like a sunset
Oh yea you’re a shooting star
And I might drive myself insane
If your lips start speaking my name’

I sang along before answering her call, “Hello?”

It was quiet for awhile and I thought she had hung up on me. “Hey Jason.” Behind that little voice I could tell she was frustrated.

“Olivia? Are you okay?”

From her line I heard her sniffle before I heard her break down. “Jason… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Sh Olivia, what’s wrong?”

Her breaths came out uneven as she tried to calm herself down, “I’m sorry. I can’t remember you!” She wailed and I wanted nothing more than to go over and hold her.

“Don’t worry. It’s okay.” I lied.

“No it’s not okay. Sometimes I remember things but before I understand what they are they vanish. I know they’re about you. I always see you… But I can’t remember!”

Half of me jumped for joy knowing she still had memories of us but the other half wanted to break down with her. She was trying so hard to remember but she did a good job in blocking it out.

“Olivia… Calm down, you’ll be just fine.”

“Jason… I know there’s something I’m missing. I can feel it.” I smiled through the tears, “But it’s as if something is fighting against myself to forget something. But I just don’t know why I would want to forget someone like you. Why would I do that to you?”

“Olivia, please just calm down. It’s going to be okay.”

“Okay… I believe you Jason…”

“Good, but right now you need to rest up. You’ve been through enough for one day.”

“But..” she trailed off leading me to hope.

“But what?”

“But can we stay on the phone? I don’t want to be alone… I’m scared.”

Laughing at how Olivia spoke like she was normal again I agreed. Throughout the night I told Olivia what she had missed out on while she was in her coma. I heard her breaths deepen and I smiled knowing she had fallen asleep.

“Olivia… I wish you could remember me.”

“Mmm, Jason.” I heard her mumble.

“Help me please.” Shocked to hear her talking in her sleep I called the doctor on my house phone.

“Hello? Jason?”

“Hi doctor. Don’t think I’m crazy but I think Olivia remembers. But only when she’s sleeping.”

“Jason I—“

“Doctor I know what I’m hearing. Hear listen.” I put her end of the phone to my cell phone. We listened to Olivia pleading for help like the day at the Zoo.

“Jason I was going to say ‘I understand.’ That’s actually very common. She won’t remember when she wakes up though.”

“I thought so.” I mumbled a bit disappointed.

“Jason what’s wrong!?”

“Doctor, it isn’t me… It’s Olivia. I’ll call you later I need to get to her.”

Olivia was crying loudly on the other line muttering for help. Running over to her house I ran upstairs to her room. She was tangled in her sheets as if she was trying to fight them. I sat next to her and placed her on my lap holding her as tight as I could. “Olivia. Olivia, wake up.”

Shaking her didn’t wake her and I could tell the memories replying in her sleep were getting worst. “Please wake up Olivia.” My voice filled with such panic. She murmured my name again begging for help.

“I’m sorry Olivia, but I have to do it.” I rested my lips upon hers and lingered before sitting up straight just in time. Her eyes shot open revealing that she’s been crying for more than an hour.

“Jason? Is that you?”

I nodded loosening my grip on her.

“Please,” she tugged on my shirt and snuggled closer to my chest, “Don’t leave me please. I don’t know why, but I feel so scared.”

“I won’t let anything happen to you Olivia. I promise.”

She held onto me as if I was going to drop her from a building and I couldn’t help but hold her wishing she knew. I know it wasn’t right, but I failed on protecting her the last time. This time is different.

“Jason…” Her head shifted to look me in the eyes, seeing right through my pain. “Déjà vu.” Olivia’s words explaining themselves.

“Don’t leave please… I don’t want him to come back for me.” Is she remembering? I glanced down only to realize she had been talking in her sleep again. My heart sank thinking of the girl I held tonight. She was two different people. The girl I held was Olivia Ann Oassay. The other that was hiding… That’s the girl I love… ‘My Key.’