Come Back

I Apologize - Jason

Holding Olivia close to me. I knew I should be keeping my distance, but it was too hard. How are you supposed to stay away from the one you love? The answer is: You don’t.

After arguing with myself I finally let go of Olivia and left her alone to sleep. Everywhere I looked I remembered the girl that was here 7 months ago. Why is she hiding? The stairs creaked, telling me not to go. To stay and tell her the truth. Everything shouted at me, telling me to go back upstairs and hold her again. I couldn’t listen though. I ignored her house and walked out, only to be attacked by a strong gust of wind. Even the trees dancing in the wind howled at me. The moon high in the sky, putting me under its spell, I walked back home and tried my best to get some sleep.

It was Myself against the World.

Thoughts running freely in my head about what I should do next. The truth is, I really don’t know anymore. What am I supposed to do? The girl I love is hiding, and I don’t want to force her out. I didn’t bother to close one of my windows. With the wind rushing into my room, I pretended Olivia did the same and reached out for me. She was lost. So was I, without her.

I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. I felt physically and emotionally drained. Closing my eyes, the last thing I wished for, was to find out why. Not why me… Why her.


“You ever wanted something so bad that you just can’t have,
You even needed that one thing that’s not in your grasp.
Well it’s you that I’m wanting and needing like that,
So baby do me this favor and come on right back to me.”

A tear slipped as I listened to the words that were sung. The voice was strong and loud yet so vulnerable and sad. The words reached out for me and all I wanted to do was to grab a hold of it to take me with it to the beautiful voice that sung that song.

“Please do me this favor… And just come back to me.”

Mesmerized in the song, I sat up and went to the window to see Olivia on the dock again. Her voice entered my room. I got the sense that she wasn’t just singing to sing. Those words meant something to her and I as well. I watched as she sung to the lake, hoping her voice would be heard and answered. She opened her arms as if someone would jump into them and guide her. She broke off mid-song and kneeled to the ground.

“I’m sorry Olivia. I know you can do it. You’re a strong girl. You don’t need to remember that day… And if it means forgetting me as well, so be it.” I spoke to my window as if she could hear me.

Crying entered my room; I closed my window and looked at her once more before walking away.
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Thank you to everyone that has been reading :)

Please drop off any Suggestions or Comments. Good/Bad, just let me know someone out there is still reading.

At first I was really happy to create a Sequeal for everyone because of all the readers and feedback I got from 'Stay With Me.' But now its as if no one cares about Olivia and Jason :'(

Show your support please. <3