Come Back

Remember Me - Olivia

“Guess who.” A voice appeared behind me covering my eyes blinding my vision. I smiled knowing who it was.

“Let me guess. Maybe it’s Gabe. No! Chris? … Or Rizza!”

I felt him jump back a bit gasping, “I am not a girl! I’m damn sure I’m a guy.”

“I know I know Jason.”

He pulled his hands back to his side and smiled a ‘hello.’ As much as I wanted to jump into his arms and hug him I turned away and starred into the distance. From the corner of my eye I thought I saw something moving in the woods nearby.

“Hey Olivia?”

I turned back towards Jason and forced a smile. “Yes Jason?”

“I was wondering… Do you want to go to the carnival with me? Everyone else will be there too. But if not, I can stay home with you again…”

“Sure, why not.” I answered trying to slip a bit of joy in my voice.

A smile spread across Jason’s face as well, but there was something behind it. Pain…. Sorrow… “Okay. Go get ready and I’ll come get you in an hour.”

Without anything else to say I nodded walking past him and back into the house. I resisted the urge to turn around and see if he was watching me although it was hard.

Just like he said, Jason stood outside waiting for me so we could meet up with everyone else down at the carnival.

“Coming!” I yelled running down the stairs without tripping and slipping on my vans.

“What a coincidence.” Jason looked me up and down smiling. I hadn’t noticed up until then that he wore black jeans and a grey top as well.

I quickly readjusting my attention to the floor, trying to hide the slight blush that heated up my cheeks.

“Don’t worry. You look stuning.” He whispered reaching out for my arm.

We walked in silence, arms linked together listening to the laughter and screaming grow louder as we approached the main gate. With glowing smiles plastered on their faces each of our friends jumped up and down waving us over.

“Aw! How cute! You two are matching!” Jody shouted ripping me out of Jason’s grasp to brace me in a hug. “I missed you Olivia.” She whispered into my ear squeezing me a bit before letting go and wiping her eyes that were ready to give into tears. Everyone did the same before we finally moved past the main gate.

We all had rode most of the rides by the time we all fell onto a table nearby. Everything was going perfect. I didn’t have to fake any smiles or force an uncomfortable laugh. With everyone smiling around me, I felt like I belonged again. Tears slipped freely as I realized the people I tried blocking out of my life. The people that had always supported me no matter what I’ve been through. My friends that loved me before I was in the hospital. The friends I went to school with. The friends I created memories with in high school, and the friends that still loved me even now, when I’m broken.

“Olivia?” Ricky gaped moving to sit next to me. “What’s wrong? Does something hurt? Did someone say something mean to you? Are you not having fun? Do you want to go home?” Questions rushed through our table.

I think everyone single one of them looked at me like I was crazy when I bursted out laughing. They just starred with their mouths dropped open a bit, searching for answers in each other’s eyes. I bent over from the pain all the laughing had caused.

“You… Should see… Your faces…” I managed to say through my laughing fit. They all stayed quiet watching me with such caution as if I would jump up and kill them any second. Finally my laughter subsided and my breathing returned to normal but my I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face.

“What’s wrong with you? You were just crying then you started laughing.”

I looked directly into their eyes and they relaxed a bit.

“Why were you crying?”

“I wasn’t crying. I was tearing!” I corrected matter-of-factly. “And.. Nothing’s wrong. Nothing hurts. No one said anything mean to me. I AM having fun. And no I don’t want to go home.” I answered holding my head up high answering Ricky’s questions.

“Oh… Thank you for answering my questions.” He smirked.

“How come you were ‘tearing.’”

“I don’t know… I just felt bad, because I tried my best in ignoring everyone since I woke up from my coma…”

“Why though?” As I expected, hurt washed over their faces.

“I didn’t want to be a burden to anyone. Since I couldn’t really remember Jason I didn’t know what else I had forgotten and I didn’t want to be a bother to any of you. But….” I stood up and walked towards the edge of the dock that over looked the empty beach. “But tonight… I regretted it all.” Turning my back towards them I let a few more tears slide as I continued. “I realized that you guys didn’t really care. I had a really good time tonight.” I faced my friends, not caring about my appearance. “Ever since I woke up, I knew something was wrong. I felt like I didn’t belong here anymore. I understand that I lost some important memories. Memories that may have brought me tears or smiles,” – they cringed a bit, but I didn’t understand why, “But for the first time… I felt like this was all right. You guys obviously don’t care that I can’t remember certain things, and I thank you for that. I’m just glad I have friends like you guys.”

They looked at each other again and I felt alone for a moment. It was like they were having a silent conversation without me again. They must’ve realized my change in mood because one by one they walked up to be and hugged me.

“Olivia… We loved you when you were the quiet girl in school and just because you can’t remember that you and Jason were a----“ Rizza slapped Chris on the head before he could finish.

“’Me and Jason were a’ what?”

“Just that you can’t remember him. But we still love you. And we always will.”

I wasn’t satisfied or happy with the fact I knew they were hiding something from me but I nodded and held onto this moment for as long as I could. Mentally snapping a photo, ordering myself to never forget this precious moment. Right here. Right now.

“Aw, well isn’t this a beautiful sight?” A disturbingly un-familiar voice pierced through the last few seconds.

Everyone let go off me and by the look in everyone’s eyes, including Jason’s, no one wanted her here.

I stepped forward, away from everyone and was the first to break the awkwardness. “Hi. And you are?”

“Don’t act like you all don’t remember me.” The girl snickered, flipping her died black and red hair out of her way. Her lips were horribly two shades darker than necessary. Her skirt revealed too much skin—if I do say so myself—and her shirt was cut up so a huge amount of cleavage was visible.

I don’t remember her, but on the other hand I’m glad I don’t. “Fake hair. Fake boobs. Fake girl. Disgusting fake voice. Sorry, that doesn’t ring in a bell. Who are you?” From behind me I heard my friends all laughing and a few of them let their knees hit the dock as they rolled over trying to control their breathing.

“Bitch!” she screamed. She lunged towards me but I caught her wrist and pinned her arms behind her back. I kicked the back of her knees and pushed her body down to kiss the dock. She wiggled beneath me but I only tightened my grip on her, not caring if I was being rude to this stranger.

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t insult me.”

“Shut up you bitch! Let me go!” she screamed, her whining echoing throughout the dock.
I looked up to my friends and they were all still laughing.

“That’s what you get for messing with Olivia!” Gabe shouted holding his stomach.

“No one wants you here. You should just leave.” Jody smirked. Everyone agreed with Jody.

“I’m going to ask this again, very politely.” I didn’t give a damn if I left bruises on her wrist by then, “Who. Are. You?”

“Bitch get off of me! I’m Jason’s girlfriend!” She cried out. Her words attacking me. Repeating in my head, over and over again. I felt my stomach churn and my heart sink as my confidence quickly washed away.

Everyone had stopped laughing and threw the girl glares. Slowly, I let my limbs go limp and let her go, swaying from side to side as I forced myself to stand on my own. The girl quickly stood up and closed the distance between the both of us. She was so close to my face that I could feel her breath on my neck. She struggled to control her breathing but did her best to destroy me with that stare of hers.

“My name is Shelby. And it’s not nice to hurt Jason’s girlfriend.” The simple statement ran through every nerve throughout my body and my eyes reacted. “Remember me?!” she yelled stepping closer.

“Jason’s…. Girlfriend…” I whispered not wanting to believe it.

Before anyone could stop me I turned around and ran, ignoring everyone who called out for me to come back. Her laughter echoed, following me as I sprinted away. I ran fast as my legs could take me. I didn’t know where I was going. All I knew was Jason had a girlfriend. That girl was his girlfriend. I didn’t have a chance. I fell to the ground not remembering these surroundings. With the strength I had left I hugged my legs and yelled aloud. What was I thinking?

“Remember me… Jason’s girlfriend.” No… Jason…
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been awhile.

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