Come Back

Too Fast- Jason

“My name is Shelby. And it’s not nice to hurt Jason’s girlfriend.”

My head shot up from the ground and I immediately stopped laughing along with everyone else.

“Remember me?!” Shelby yelled at Olivia.

Olivia stepped back, hurt written all over her and quickly ran off. I was about to run after her when Shelby grabbed my arms and told me not to go. Everything was happening too fast.

“What do you mean don’t go!? You lied to her! You aren’t my girlfriend! Now get your hands off of me and go back to that your trashcan!” Tears filled Shelby’s eyes but I wouldn’t fall for her tricks. “Don’t you dare try that with me. What don’t you get when I say I don't love you and you aren't my girlfriend!” I spat each word with acid before running after Olivia, not looking back.

“How dare you Jason! I love you and you’ll always love me!” She yelled after me but I ran faster, getting away from her. I heard everyone else yelling at Shelby. They’d take care of her for me. Right now I needed to find Olivia. Tell her it was all a lie. Tell her that I love her, not Shelby… I don’t care if I force her to remember me again. I can’t take it anymore… I need her. I need my Olivia.

It’s been hours and I haven’t had any success in finding her. The wind has died down and has stopped yelling at me. The only sound was the echo of my footsteps slowing down. I could hear my chest loud and clear as it yearned for rest, as it yearned for her. The car horn from behind me startled me.

“Have you found her yet?” Voices from the car sounded so familiar but my vision failed me. Everything was happening too fast. Before I knew what happened, my body met the pavement and all I saw was black. Voices called out for me but I couldn’t see anyone. I felt arms guiding me somewhere but couldn’t find anyone.

“Jason! Hold on!”


“He shouldn’t have pushed himself….” The voice faded in and out of my hearing range but he listened quietly collecting information. “You all should’ve stopped him. When you all brought him in he was in dire need of water and was running on the last ounce of his energy.”

It was only then that I noticed my own weak body was lying in a hospital bed and that familiar voice was Doctor Tanaka probably lecturing my friends.

Looking around the room caused my heart rate to increase dramatically. The monitors screamed for help, warning everyone on the floor that I was so close to my breaking point. Everyone rushed to the sides of my bed. Distress visible in every action, every blink, every breath.

“What’s going on Doctor,” Jody asked, her voice squeaky.

I searched around the room, ignoring everyone telling me to calm myself. Why was I in this room... Why?

“Jason.. Jason. Hey there, you need to calm yourself.” She placed her hand on mines which only worsened it all. She ripped her hands from mine and backed away with both hands in the air. “Okay okay. Look, I’m not touching you anymore. Please calm yourself.”

I reached up to my mouth to remove the oxygen tubes and ripped them out calming myself down. Fresh tears rolled down from my eyes as I whispered my problem. “Olivia…”

My friends all looked around, trying to understand. All heads snapped back towards me as realization hit them. “Doctor… This was Olivia’s room…”

Tanaka’s eyes went wide as she looked down at the clipboard. “Yes… It is… I didn’t even realize until now. I’m sorry Jason.”

I nodded my head, shutting my eyes tight stopping the flood of tears. One by one I felt hands placed on my body.

Everyone shed tears as well. Felt my pain, felt the need to help in any way we all could… “We’ll get her back Jason. We’ll find her.. We promise.” I shook my head as I squeezed each of their hands.

“Not without me…” They all nodded and left the room.

“I wish you luck Jason. But may I ask we not get the police involved? We’re not sure if it’ll trigger something in Olivia’s mind that’ll send her over the top.” I nodded understanding and suddenly my vision went blank. “Don’t worry, just rest for now. We’ll do everything we can to help you kids. But for now you need to help yourself and rest.”

Understanding, I sunk into the bed. Slowly fading from the room, still mentally searching for her and for a moment that replayed over and over in my head, I heard her answer.
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I'm so sorry it's been a long time since I've updated. I got a new laptop & had problems when trying to transfer my stories.
Everyone who's still with me, thank you so very much :) It means a lot to me.

Comment & I'll update more