My Way Home Is Through You


The rain beat down on the windshield as Ryley drove us to the venue. Her curly blonde hair was tucked behind her ears as her blue eyes focused on the road. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Savana, half asleep, curling up with her pillow against the window and her legs across her younger brother, Klondike's, lap. I halfway wondered if Kylie was in the back sleeping or texting her boyfriend, John.

"Hey, Lizz," Klondike said. I turned to look at him. It never failed to amaze me how different he and Savana were for twins. Chris, better known as Klondike, had short, light brown hair. He was roughly six feet tall with lean muscles and tanned skin. Savana was the exact opposite. She was barely 5'3" with bright red hair and pale white skin. "Wanna get snow cones after we get there?"

Savana reached out and slapped his shoulder. "You owe me a banana," she mumbled, yawning afterwards.

"Sure," I laughed, turning to stare back out the windshield. One thing I hated about tour was I never got to see my boyfriend-- not that I really got to see him much when I was home, considering he was on tour, too. I sighed as Ryley turned onto another road. "Is that the place?" I pointed to a building. I wasn't sure what the sign said, or if there was a sign at all, but it looked like what the dude on the phone had described.

I was pretty sure that Nick and James were playing Pokemon in the backseat. That was the thing I loved about my older brothers. They worked for me, and they were total geeks.

Nick was 5'11" with messy black hair and an olive tone skin. He had blue eyes and a smile that could melt any girl's heart. He had a way with words and could persuade even the most stubborn person to do something they never intended to do. He was twenty-two years old and always finding some way to talk to his girlfriend, Trace.

James was 5'9" and two years older than Nick. He had spiky bleach blonde hair and slightly darker skin than Nick; his eyes were hazel green. James was shy but was really outgoing once you got to know him.

"Get ready to work, guys," Klondike said as Ryley pulled into the parking lot. I turned in my seat to see Nick and James sigh as they put away their video games and find their backpacks. I unbuckled my seat-belt and opened the door, jumping out and stretching. I didn't care that it was still raining, it felt good.

"I gotta go potty," I announced. "Vannabear, come with me!"

She yawned as she sat up. "Are we at the hotel? How was the show? I didn't hit anybody did I?" she asked, rubbing her eyes. She fixed her tank top and climbed over her brother, jumping onto the ground and almost knocking me over. She giggled. "Sorry, Lizard." I rolled my eyes as we walked towards the entrance. Ryley was on my other side, readjusting her skirt before she opened the door. We followed her in, avoiding the stares of the few people already in the building.

She went to talk to management as Savana and I scurried to the bathrooms. We quickly did our business and were now standing in front of the sinks, washing our hands. I tried to avoid looking at my reflection in the mirror; I still wasn't used to seeing the pink and blonde in my hair, along with the natural black.

"You seem out of it," Savana commented.

I shrugged. "I was driving last night and when my shift ended I couldn't sleep." I finally looked at my reflection. My slight tan seemed significantly less than what it used to be in this light. There were dark bags under my eyes and my brown eyes didn't seem very bright. I attributed it all to being sick before we left.

She grinned. "Give me a piggy back ride?" I rolled my eyes before she jumped on my back.

"Let's help the guys get everything in and then we can go get snow cones with Klondike," I offered, neglecting to mention that I still had to call Garrett. I walked towards the same door we had come in, making a quick exit. Savana jumped off my back once we were outside.

"Don't you need to call Gare?" Kylie asked as she walked by with a couple of guitar cases. I glared. I was trying to avoid bringing up that subject.

I sighed as I walked into the trailer and sat down after I pulled out my phone. I dialed his number and pressed send, holding the phone to my ear as I watch Nick, James, and Klondike go back and forth, carrying stuff into the venue. "Hey, Lizz," his voice rang through my ear.

I tried to smile, but I couldn't. It had been too long since I'd seen him. "Hi Garrett." I didn't like the fact that anyone could hear what was being said. "I was just calling to, uh, tell you that we made it okay."

I could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke, "That's good. Made any new friends yet?" I glared at Klondike when he started mocking Garrett. Klondike had never really liked the fact that I was with a guy that thought that playing zombie games at his house counted as a date. Garrett wasn't exactly very fond of Klondike either, though.

I stood and kicked Klondike in the shin before I walked out and decided to walk around a little bit as I talked to Garrett. "How could I? I barely had time to go to the bathroom and call you."

"Oh," he mumbled. I heard someone calling him in the background. It sounded like Pat. "I have to go, babygirl."

I hated the time changes. They confused me. "I love you," I said quietly. I didn't really sound like I meant it to me.

"I love you, too. Good luck tonight!" And then the line went dead.

I turned and saw Klondike and Savana behind me smiling. "Snow cones?" I wondered how long it would be till Garrett and I broke up, but I didn't vocalize my concerns.

"Yeah," I said with a smile. "Let's go."
♠ ♠ ♠
Lizz | Savana | Kylie | Ryley

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