My Way Home Is Through You


His warm arms were around my shoulders as my head rested on his chest. I didn't want to move even though the windows were letting in bright lights; I could smell the leftover pizza from last night and the sweet smell of cream soda.

"What's going on?" Garrett asked. I lifted my head and opened one eye. I noticed Klondike's arms around my waist before my head fell back on Cameron's chest. The fact that last night, when I had first walked into this room and it was completely different amused me.

"We normal people are trying to sleep," I said, yawning after. There was something about having a horrible show that always made me want to sleep; probably because I always wanted to pretend it was just a nightmare.

I heard Garrett huff in annoyance, so I pushed Klondike's arms off me before I climbed over Cameron and fell on the floor. I rubbed my eyes. "What's wrong now, Mr. Grumpybutt? You're the one who fell asleep during the movie."

He raised an eyebrow. "I woke up in the tub, how?"

I rubbed my eyes and shrugged. "We carried you." I knew he was going to ask, so I quickly added, "Savana and I do it all the time."

He rubbed his forehead. "That explains why I always wake up in the tub at those parties that you and Kennedy have... Shit... I owe John an apology..." I raised an eyebrow as I looked around the room. Everybody was sleeping on the floor except for Cameron, Klondike, Savana and Zach in each others' arms on the bed.

"Should I be offended that you fell asleep in someone's arms... Someone who isn't me?" Garrett asked.

I rolled my eyes. "No. We're all gay here. I'm going back to bed." I stared at the bed and tried to decide what was the best way to get back between Klondike and Cameron; I could climb up the foot of the bed (not really very fun), or I could straddle Cam and fall on the bed, most likely waking everyone up AND making Garrett jealous.

I decided to go with the plan that sounded like more fun. I started to walk towards the bed and was about to climb over Cameron when two hands pulled me away from the bed. I turned and glared at Garrett. "Stop being jealous. God! You don't see me getting pissy when you're hanging out with your friends." I pushed his hands off my waist and Savana got off the bed, walking over and kicking him behind the knee. She grabbed his arms and I grabbed his ankles, then we carried him into the bathroom and put him back in the tub before we both crawled into bed again.

I bounced up and down as Cameron walked me towards our van. "Do you ever take a minute to relax?" he laughed.

I shrugged. "We play the fair tomorrow! We have a day off today! Will you ride rides with me? I wanna go on as many as I can. And funnel cake! I want a funnel cake!" I knew calltime was ten minutes ago and they were going to kick my ass. "And next week.... Texas! My brother lives in Texas. I haven't seen him in forever." I frowned. "He probably won't come though."

Cameron hugged me. "Yes, I'll ride rides with you and buy you a funnel cake. Whatever you want to do." He smiled and whoever was driving honked the horn. They could see us, I knew it. "Who knows. Maybe he'll show up." I looked down at my feet and blushed.

"I doubt it. I really have to go. Bye, Cam!" I kissed his cheek before I ran to the van and got in, climbing into the back.

Ryley playfully shoved my shoulder. "What was that about?" she giggled. "What happened to Gee?"

I shrugged. "I broke up with him for her," Savana said, smiling as she handed me my phone.

My eyes widened. "What?!"

She shrugged. "Cameron is better for you. He's cuter, he's nicer, and he doesn't treat you like shit. I bet you anything he'd stay awake during a movie if it were just you two, unlike a Mr. Nickelsen that I just so happen to know that can fall asleep during the first five minutes."

Kylie turned in her seat. "I disagree. I don't like Cameron." She scrunched up her nose and I threw a pillow at her.

My phone vibrated in my hand. "Answer it!" Savana demanded when she saw the name that showed up. I shook my head and she grabbed my phone. "Hello? ... Yeah.... Yes.... Absolutely. She'll see you tonight at five." She smiled. "No problem. Bye Cameron!" She gave my phone back to me and my eyes widened again.

What had I just gotten into?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm lame. I haven't gotten around to writing anyone in. I haven't updated in forever. Come Down With Love gave me inspiration... But this chapter is super short. Next one will be longer! DATE! Is anyone else excited about that, or am I just lame?

I would like to point out that I have a fever right now and I'm slightly delusional. Can I get some love? Comments and subscriptions are appreciated. Now if you'll excuse me, Imma sleep. I need sleep. I wish I had a football game to go to on Friday. I'm gonna wait for next Monday. I want to see Dennis.

Imma shuddup now.

Comment. Subscribe. <3


(Get well soon, Lizz!! ;D)