Status: Chapter 4 is up

Ascendead Master

A Rose Without A Name

In this world of suffering, there was a single glimmer of hope. But was that hope reality or fiction?

There is a story of a rose that would not wither for a thousand years. It has been guarded for generations by descendents of the rose guardians. They all have an unearthly beauty about them which is a nearly sure sign of a descendent. All that follows them is lonely solitude as they stay hidden, one day appearing when the time is right.

"Grandma, that's just a story." I told her as she smiled at me. I was only six by the looks of it and my grandma was about 50. "Maybe yes, maybe no. Either way, you best get to sleep young lady." She told me. "Ok. G'night, grandma!" I plopped down on the bed as she patted my head. "Good night, sweetie." She left me to sleep after closing the light.

I was wide awake though as I thought back on the story. "The descendents of the rose... All that follows them is lonely solitude..." I uttered as I stared up at the moon that was situated perfectly in my window, "One day...they'll come back... They'll come back..."

I closed my innocent brown eyes, not expecting how upside down my future was to become because of that very day.

"Descendant Corp. has announced that they have found a way for eternal life. There will be more on this breaking news after the commercial break." The anchor woman said as I sat on my couch, my waist length dark brown hair splayed out behind me as my form was now of a seventeen year old.

My once innocent eyes were cold as I soon shut off the TV. "Grandma... Is there anything left for me in this world?" I asked as I looked at her picture. I touched the frame lightly. "I know it's been a year but...I still need you, grandma... I'm so lonely... First mom and dad, now you... I have no one left. I'm better off dead."

Suddenly, the phone that rested next to my grandma's photo rang for the first time in quite a while. I was a bit hesitant as I let it ring. Once, twice, thrice.

At the fourth ring, I picked it up asking quickly, "Hello. Who is this?" The man chuckled slightly as he simply said, "The descendants of the rose have arisen, dear rose. Be prepared for the world filled with the scent of roses and for the loneliness that you must endure."

The phone call was suddenly cut as I stared blankly, too shocked to express myself or even move.

Soon, my hands trembled as the phone slipped from my hand to the carpeted floor. "The...descendants...?" I questioned until I suddenly remembered what I said as a child, "One day...they'll come back... They'll come back..." I remember closing my eyes that night and remembered the happiness that came as I thought of the descendants of the rose.

"Am I...the reason they returned...?" I uttered as I suddenly placed a hand over my neck, not really sure why but feeling that it was necessary.

I opened the TV again, seeing the president of Descendant Corp. on the screen. His medium length brown hair was perfect as it caressed his idyllic face. His eyes were icy in appearance though I dismissed it as him wearing contacts. "Kamijo..." I pronounced his name as I stared at the man on the screen who was being questioned by the press. "I will soon show the world the way to eternal life." Kamijo said as his frozen orbs seemed to pierce through my soul even through the TV.

"A...descendant?" I questioned as I jumped to my feet, "Am...I to become a descendant as well?"

Just as I said that, four other men appeared.

All held ethereal beauty as they stared into my soul.

The first was very feminine to say the least as his beautiful blond hair caressed his girlish face, his brown eyes holding innocence in them. The second was rather boyish as his silvery hair splayed over his face as his blue eyes seemed to search for someone or something. The next one was very purple oriented due to his clothes of choice as his beautifully curled brown hair fell over one of his gray eyes that seemed to search as it caressed his face. The last was like Kamijo, manly but slightly feminine as his blond hair fell over his face as it caressed his face and neck as his icy eyes bore into anyone's soul.
"It's all of Descendant Corp. This is very exciting as these five men have never before been seen together like this. From left to right, it is Teru, Jasmine-You, Kamijo, Hizaki and Yuki."
Kamijo soon said, "I would like to throw a small party this Saturday. An invitation will be sent out to all that we wish to attend. Please, join us in eternity."

It felt as if he spoke to me, then again, I could just be obsessing over him.

I bit my lip as they started to walk back to their solitude until Kamijo looked back, directly at the camera mouthing, "Be prepared."

My breathing became labored as I quickly shut the TV. "I-I have to get some fresh air. That's all." I told myself as I went to the door, putting on my shoes and placing on a zipped hoodie. I quickly left, unable to stay longer in my own home.

I walked down the streets, watching the people walking by as they continued on with their sad and lonely existences. "Am I doomed to be alone?" I questioned until a fortune teller stopped me. "Madam, I would like to give you a free reading." They told me and I recognized it as a male though his facial appearance deceived you.

He wore a black cloak as a friend of his stood by with art related utensils like an easel and pencils to say the very least. I stared for a moment before holding out my palm. The man smiled at me slightly as he gently took my hand in his. "As we are doing this, my friend will also predict your future through his drawing as well." The man told me as his quiet friend began to draw me even as I moved slightly.

The man gently took hold of my hand, tracing the various lines that meant nothing to me, saying, "I see a lonely future for you. One of great solitude. There are roses everywhere. The scent is heady as it lingers about that world that awaits you. There are five men that will be there to greet you."

I shook slightly as he smiled. "It appears my friend has finished. What is the future you see?" The man who still held my hand asked. "I see death deep within your heart." He told me directly. I quickly withdrew my hand. "I-I have to go now. Thank you, I guess." I said as I ran towards my house.

Just as I was about to run inside, I saw that the mailbox was left ajar. "Who...?" I trailed off before I remembered Kamijo's words. "An invitation will be sent out to all those we wish to attend. Please, join us." "Be prepared."

I gulped as I opened the mailbox fully, revealing a beautiful red rose alongside an envelope with a red wax seal.

I slowly took the rose and the envelope, immediately realizing how heady the rose scent was even from just the envelope.

On the front, it read, "To the rose without a name."

My breathing became heavy as I knew that I would never be able to escape this world of roses.
Somewhere, Kamijo stood overlooking the world set before him. "Kamijo, she has received her invitation." The man with long, blond curled hair told the taller man. "I see," Kamijo said as he smirked, "Perfect. We will show her a beautiful eternity."
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