Status: Chapter 4 is up

Ascendead Master

The Premeditated Revolution

After my moment, we arrived at Kamijo's office. I was apprehensive as I walked in as Hizaki opened the door for me.

Inside that room, Kamijo had been staring out at the world through the curtains before looking at me, eyes filled with surprise. "You look gorgeous, my dear rose." He told me as he came over to me.

Just as he was about to caress my face, I took a step back asking, "Why did you change me?" Kamijo frowned at my reaction as he asked me, "Do you remember your 13th birthday when you made a promise to us?"

"N-Not really..." I uttered when it suddenly hit me.
"Yay! Make a wish Kioshi!" Grandma shouted. I prayed with all my heart and soul to my candles, "I wish that Kamijo, Teru, Hizaki, Jasmine-You and Yuki were here." I took a deep breath and blew out the candles. They hadn't visited as much as when I was a child and it made me sad.

My grandmother and I ate the cake before she went to sit in the living room as I played outside. "Kioshi." I heard someone call my name. I jumped to my feet asking, "Is that you guys?"

They stepped out from their hiding with a single rose from each. "Roses?" I asked as I ran up to them. "Yes, beautiful roses for a beautiful rose." Kamijo told me as each of them handed me their roses. "I don't know what she does but grandma always takes them away from me." "We know. That is why we ask, would you become a rose beside us forever when you are ready?" Hizaki asked.

I was taken aback. "We can't live without you." Teru told me as his eyes showed some loss at the prospect of me saying no. "We long for only one. That is you." Jasmine-You told me with those searching grey eyes. "We will have nothing to live for if you fade." Yuki told me as he stared at me with his icy eyes. "What is your answer?" Kamijo asked.

Soon, I smiled saying, "I promise that when I turn 17, you can make me into a rose."

My eyes widened. "I did promise..." I uttered as I began remembering all my faded memories, "I understand a little now. I understand that I loved you all so much that I would rather become something I was never meant to be but now, I don't regret anything. I just love you all." I smiled, shocking them.

Kamijo came to me, embracing me until I hunched over in pain. "What's wrong, Kioshi?" They asked in unison. "My stomach...hurts..." I muttered as I bit my bottom lip to unsuccessfully ease the pain, "It hurts..."

"Kamijo, she yearns for blood." Hizaki told him frantically. I clutched my stomach as Kamijo picked me up in his arms. "Call for Jasmine-You, Teru and Yuki." Kamijo told him.
Suddenly, I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and he seemed to understand my thoughts. My newfound fangs found their way to his neck. I hesitated but Kamijo simply told me, "It is best to drink from someone you love."

I suddenly bit into his neck, piercing through the flesh to his blood-filled veins. I bit deeper, tasting his blood and reveling in the euphoria it gave me.

My lips and tongue pressed against his flesh, trapping drops of blood that tried to escape from my ravenous hunger. I clutched his shoulders tightly in my hands, soon trembling as tears filled my eyes.

I didn't want to hurt Kamijo. I didn't want to hurt anybody.

"Kioshi, it is all right. This is merely the instinct of our kind." Kamijo told me as I took one last gulp of blood before pulling away. I was breathing heavily as blood covered my lips. "I-I can't... I don't want to..." I whispered.

Suddenly, Kamijo kissed me, as if nothing had happened. He slowly pulled away after a moment, telling me, "You have to if you wish to survive. You do not have to kill humans but you will have to drink at least our blood daily in order to sustain your new body." I stared at him with sorrowful eyes before nodding, understanding that there was nothing that I could do at that point. "Kamijo..." I whispered as I buried my face in his chest.

"Kamijo, is Kioshi awake? We smelled your blood." I heard Teru's voice. "Yes. Our beloved rose has awakened but we will have to coax her to drink our blood." Kamijo told him as he held me gently in his arms.

"Teru, Hizaki, bring her to get bathed. Jasmine-You, Yuki, clean her clothes. I have to attend to human business." Kamijo told them as he coaxed me over to the others.

I stared at him for a moment before running into Hizaki's arms. "Dear, calm down." Hizaki told me as he rubbed my back gently before bringing me towards the bath house.
Teru drew my bath, checking the temperature as Yuki added a rose scented bubble bath. Jasmine-You and Hizaki got towels for me, though one was all that was really necessary for me.

"We will turn away. We cannot leave you alone." Yuki told me as he stepped towards the door, staring at it like the other three. I was a bit apprehensive but still allowed my dress to drop to the floor with my undergarments soon following.

I stepped into the tub, submerging my body in the bubbles and water. They soon turned, Yuki and Jasmine-You taking my clothes and leaving while Teru and Hizaki stayed. I thought of what I had become, the monster that I now was. "Would you like anything else, Kioshi?" Hizaki asked me. "No. I'm fine." I told him as I pulled my knees to my chest.

There was a long moment of silence until Teru suddenly told me, "You do not have to be afraid of what you've become." He sat down beside the tub, staring longingly at my face, "I'll never allow loneliness to befall you. I love you."

I was taken aback as Teru traced the lip of the tub with a fingertip. I stared at him before placing a hand over his gently. "I love you too, Teru." I whispered as I kissed his lips lightly before pulling away.

Both Hizaki and Teru were in shock by my actions. "I do love you. I do love you all... You were all my friends since I was a child. I could never hate any of you. Never..." I said as I stepped out of the tub, embracing Teru. "K-Kioshi, you'll catch a cold!" Hizaki exclaimed as Teru and he blushed at the sight of my bare form.

I stared at Hizaki in confusion before realizing what I was doing. "I-I'm sorry!" I shouted, blushing as I stood up, covering my privates and quickly stepping back into the tub.

After a few more moments in the tub, Hizaki held a towel in front of me. I stared up at him with questioning eyes as he said, "You must get out or you will become pruned. Your skin is too lovely for such a thing." I blushed but soon stood up, covering my chest before he wrapped the dark red towel tightly around my bare form.

I smiled at him when he suddenly placed his hands on my hips. "I love you." Hizaki told me as he stared longingly into my eyes. "I love you too, Hizaki. I love Teru, Jasmine-You, Yuki and Kamijo. I wouldn't trade you guys for anything in the world." I told him with a gentle smile, earning smiles from Hizaki and Teru.