Status: Inactive :/ Sorry. Serious writer's block on this story

Summer Sweetness

"Oh yea... did I mention I'm afraid of heights?"

"Right! Turn right!" I screamed at Lei.

"Into my arms! You might..." Hailee sang. Lei, of course, continues going straight.

"What the hell?!" I screamed again, "You tell me to give you directions to the airport and you don't listen to me!"

"I'm sorry!" Lei said, "I panicked.."

"Why? Hailee! Shut. Up!"

"Guys," Lei said quietly after Hailee stopped singing, "This is like... like our first trip without parentals. It's a little scary." We sat in silence for a while.

"Right," I said quietly, "Then you're gonna take an immediate left." Lei followed my directions and soon we made it to the airport.

"I'm scared too," Hailee said, "I mean, if something bad happens, we can't exactly run to Mommy and Daddy to make it all better." I turned around in my seat to look at her. Her head was down and all I could see was her long, pale blond hair.

"Hails," I said softly, then glanced at Lei, "Lei... think about it. This is what our college lives will be like. No Mom and Dad. This trip will show us if we really can break away from them." My two friends looked at me. They smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Let's do this!" Hailee said.

"Finally!" We were finally boarding the plane after a two hour wait. This flight would take us straight to Florida with no layovers. See ya, Ohio. It's been real.

"Oh yea," Lei said, as she found her seat, "Did I mention I"m afraid of heights?"

"What?!" Hailee and I exclaimed.

"Yea..." We were on a pretty big plane. There were three seats to a row. Lei sat in the seat closest to the aisle; Hailee took the window seat, so i was stuck in the middle.

"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?!" Hailee hissed.

"Well...I kinda forgot about it," Lei said calmly, "I don't know why it didn't click." She tossed her phone back and forth between her hands.

"Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for lift off," the loudspeaker announced. Lei dropped her phone in her lap and gripped the arm rests. Hailee quickly put the shade down on the window.

"Oh shit. Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Lei said as the plane rolled forward. She repeated it like a mantra until we were safely in the air.

An hour later, she was still gripping the arm rest. She had gotten so hysterical she was referencing Lost.

"Oh my God... we're gonna crash. Get stranded on an island.."

"We're traveling over the U.S, not the Pacific," Hailee mumbled. Lei continued rambling," There's gonna be a big explosion... only a few survivors. We gotta find someone that looks like Sawyer..."

"Oh dear Lord..." I saidquietly. It was gonna be a long flight.

"Taxi!" We called a taxi and drove of towards our hotel. We booked this sweet place by the beach. Our room was pretty amazing too. We had this cute, little balcony overlooking the beach. There was one problem though... only two beds. The three of us looked from the view to the beds. We glanced at each other then back at the beds.

"Nose goes!" LEi yelled. Lei and Hailee quickly touched their noses. I, of course, was a second too late.

"Damn..." I mumbled. Guess I"m sleeping on the couch this summer. My best friends flopped down on a bed. I rolled my eyes and went to check out the rest of the room. I walked into the living room area and my eyes immediately fell on the couch. I glared at it. Yes, I glared at an inanimate object. I sighed and went back into the bedroom.

"Beach?" Hailee asked with a slight tilt of her head. A smile played its way across my lips.

"Dibs on the bathroom!" I picked up my bag and ran into the bathroom.

"No fair!" Lei whined. I changed into my swimsuit and swept my hair into a ponytail. I was wearing a black swimsuit; it had a red heart charm on the top and a red belt on the bottoms. I put a tank top and shorts over it, then stepped out so Lei and Hailee could change. Hailee changed into a pink and green suit that made her look like a strawberry. And Lei wore a sophisticated brown and aqua suit. They put on cover-ups and we walked down to the beach.

"This is gonna be an awesome summer!" I said stretching my arms over my head.

"Totally," Lei agreed, "This place is crawling with hotties."

"I know right! Hey, since it's summer, you know a lot of bands will be on tour. Maybe we can catch a show or two while we're down here."

"Oh yea!" Hailee said suddenly, "That reminds me. I checked out the local venues here before we left home. There's a band playing close by here tomorrow. I think they were called Dis--"

"HOLY SHIT! DISCO CURTIS!" I exclaimed. I stopped in my tracks causing Lei and Hails to run into me. About 10 feet in front of me were four, shirtless guys playing volleyball.

"Yea! Disco Curtis," Hailee smiled. She looked at my expression, "What's wrong?"

"D...D...Disco...Curtis..." I stuttered, pointing forward.

"well," Lei said, pushing her sunglasses up, "This summer just got more interesting."