Status: Inactive :/ Sorry. Serious writer's block on this story

Summer Sweetness

Hello Gorgeous

Lei and Hailee each grabbed one of my arms. They started walking towards the volleyball court. I was a little too awe-struck to protest. As we got closer, the guys slowly ended their game.

"Hi!" Lei said. They dropped the ball and walked towards us. I gulped as I took them all in. My eyes locked with Tanner Howe's,the lead singer. I blushed and looked down.

"Hello ladies," AJ Novak, the drummer, said.

"Hey!" Hailee smiled, "You guys are in the band Disco Curtis, right?" My head shot up and I stared at her. I couldn't believe she just went out and said it.

"No," Brendan Barone, the bassist, said.

"Absolutely not," added Garrett Perales, the guitarist. Hailee looked at them then at me in confusion.

"But..." she said, "I thought you---" The guys started laughing.

"We're just kidding," Tanner laughed, "Yea, we're Disco Curtis. Pleased to meet you, I'm Tanner. This is AJ, Garrett and Brendan."

"Well, I'm Lei," she smiled, "The confused on is Hailee and the unusually quiet one is Roxanne. What brings you guys here?"

"Day off," Brendan smiled, "We've got a show tomorrow. What about you ladies?"

"We're on vacation," Hailee said, leaning forward slightly, "This is our first summer as high school graduates."

"Oh sweet!" AJ said, "Are you guys staying nearby?"

"Hotel," I said and pointed behind us. Stupid, why did you say anything?! Tanner smiled down at me, "No way! We're staying there too!" I swear my eyes bugged out of my head.

"What?!" I shrieked. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands and flushed in embarassment. Lei and Hailee tried their best to hold back their laughter. Then, I about died. Tanner walked up to me, put his arm around my shoulder and leaned in close to my ear.

"We should hang out sometime."

"Oh...kay," I blushed. In my head, of course, I'm screaming like crazy. Tanner smiled at me again and removed his arm.

"Well, we gotta go," Garrett said, "See you girls later." The guys waved and walked away.

"Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod!" I said.

"Did you see those gorgeous curls?!" Lei gushed, "What was his name?"


"Oh my goodness! They're all so hot! Can you believe they're staying at our hotel? Rox? Roxy? Roxanne!" I jumped. Hailee giggled, "You okay, Rox?"

"Uh... I need to go lay down. Too... too much excitement for one day."

"We didn't even step in the water yet!" Lei complained.

"You guys go ahead. I'm going back to the room." I started walking away.

"Okay, we'll see you in a bit," Hailee called after me.

I made the 10-minute walk back to the hotel a 20-minute walk. I was too caught up in my thoughts. First, I couldn't believe we ran into Disco Curtis like that. Second, we're staying in the same hotel as them. Third, I made a complete idiot out of myself! I had always vowed to be cool, calm and collected when I met someone I considered famous. And what do I do? I get all tongue-tied and just stare at them.

I stopped walking as I came up to the hotel. I shook my head, clearing the thoughts out of my head. Next time, I thought to myself, I will be as cool as ever. I pushed the door open with determination. I walked with my head held high to the elevator. I pushed the up button, the doors opened and... I died. Leaning against the wall, looking ever so cute, was Tanner. My breath caught in my throat.

"Hey," he smiled, "Roxanne, right?" I cleared my throat and stepped in the elevator.

"Hi," I said. I tried my best not to look at him. Damn, that was hard. I could literally feel his prescence.

"Will I see you at our show tomorrow?" he asked. I shrugged, "I guess... If we have nothing better to do." just stay cool. Don't make eye contact or you'll melt. The elevator stopped on my floor, I noticed Tanner getting out the elevator as well. I started walking to our room; he was following me. I stopped at the door and Tanner came up behind me.

"Well... if you decide to go, we could all hit Chipotle after," he said in my ear. That cool demeanor I had earlier completely left me.

"Oh... okay." Tanner backed away smiling. He walked three doors down from me and went into the room.