Status: Inactive :/ Sorry. Serious writer's block on this story

Summer Sweetness

Rolling Up The Boulevard

I tugged on the black mini skirt Lei made me wear. I would've been perfectly fine in my skinnies. Against my will, Hailee and Lei dragged me to the Disco Curtis concert. I made the mistake of telling them about my conversation with Tanner.
"We have to go now," Lei had said. Then she had proceeded to throw various clothes at me. She personally picked out what Hailee and I would wear for tonight.
"Ugh! This is so uncomfortable," I mumbled.
"But you look cute," Hailee smiled," The black and silver of your top go perfectly with the skirt."
"It's the converse that are the problem," Lei added. I looked down at my black and white converse.
"Hey! You wouldn't let me wear what I wanted; I had to express myself somehow. Besides they match... enough." Lei shook her head and finished applying her makeup.
"Plus we have to walk there," I continued, "These are nice and comfortable, unlike your flats and flip flops." Lei rolled her eyes at me.

Ten minutes later, we were walking up to the venue. We bought our tickets and found a table to sit down at. There were more people here than I expected. The first band was already playing. I honestly can't remember their name. It doesn't matter though, they were making my ears bleed. It was horrible. The next two bands were pretty good. I'd have to remember to look them up on Myspace later.
"When do you think---" Lei began. Then she jumped up and pulled me and Hailee to the stage.
"Jesus, Lei! What's wrong with you?!" Hailee exclaimed.
"Hey! You made it!" a voice said. The three of us looked up. Garrett was standing over us.
"Garrett!" Lei smiled. She flipped her hair then looked over her shoulder at me and Hailee, "There is always a method to my madness." The rest of Disco Curtis came on the stage and started setting up.
"Tanner said you might've been busy. Glad you showed up," he smiled. AJ came up behind him,
Hey girls! Good to see you again." We catted with them until they had to go soundcheck.
"You know Disco Curtis?" a girl asked us. She looked about our age, and had beautiful red hair and big brown eyes.
"Kinda," Hailee said, "I'm Hailee."
"Roxanne," I smiled, "And the one drooling over Garrett is Lei."
"I am not drooling!"
"Julie," the girl laughed, "But you can call me Jewel. I'm on vacation and heard the guys were playing tonight."
"Us too!" Hailee smiled, "We're in that hotel right by the beach."
"No way! Me too! Did you guys walk here too?"
"Yes," I laughed, "At least the venue was close. Hey, did you know DC's staying in that hotel too?" Jewel was about to answer when Tanner came onto the mic.
"Hey everyone!" he said, "We're Disco Curtis and we're gonna play a few songs for you tonight." He stepped back for a second. He looked straight at me and smiled.
"Ashley, baby, we're going down slowly, take me! Well, I've heard the worst, but honestly I can't get over you," Tanner sang. The crowd went crazy. Me and Jewel sang along to every song. They were so good! Lei was in her own little world the whole show. However, me, Hewel and Hailee kept the energy thriving. And I swear, Tanner would glancemy our way and his smile would grow. After the set, the four of us sat at a table to catch our breath, The boys made their way to us not even five minutes after we sat down.
"Hey guys." Tanner pulled up a chair. He turned it around and sat between me and Lei. The rest of the guys followed suitexcept they were sitting in the chairs the right way.
"Hey," Hailee smiled. I watched as Lei surreptitiously scooted her chair closer to Garrett.
"Awesome set, guys," Jewel beamed, "Totally flawless."
"And you are?" AJ asked leaning towards her slightly.
"Jewel," she said turning to face him.
"We still on for Chipotle?" Tanner asked me. I forced myself to finally look up at him.
"Wouldn't miss it," I smiled. He smiled back and my heart speed up a couple hundred notches. Shit, this boy will be the death of me. I cleared my throat and awkwardly looked away.
"Hey, um, guys?" Everyone looked at me, "Ch...Chipotle run?"
"Yes!" Brendan exclaimed, "I'm starving." We laughed and rose from the table. There wasn't a Chipotle in walking distance so we hailed two cabs.
"So what's up with you and Tanner?"Jewel asked. It wasn't like I could play off that she wasn't talking to me; her big brown eyes were looking at me expectantly.
"W-what are you t-talking about?" I stuttered.
"Don't play coy now," Lei said rolling her eyes, "He couldn't take his eyes off you during their set."
"And how would you know?!" I snapped, "Your eyes were glued to Garrett."
"And I caught you eying his package a couple times," Hailee giggled.
"Oh come on!" Lei protested, "I was right in front of his mic. Not my fault his dick was in my line of vision." Jewel and I burst out laughing as Lei's cheeks got redder and redder. The driver pulled up in front of Chipotle and we hopped out to find the boys.
"You know," Jewel said to me quietly, "You never answered my question." I turned to look at her, but she was already glued to AJ's side. Lei had linked herself to Garrett and Hailee was chatting up Brendan. Tanner, however, was nowhere in---
"Hey Roxy." I squealed in fright and clutched my hand to my chest. I heard him chuckle next to me.
"Can you make a noise or something when you walk? I didn't plan on dying in front of a Chipotle."
"I'm sorry," he laughed. He put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into a half-hug.He smelled amazing.
"I didn't realize you were so skittish," he continued as we walked inside.
"I wouldn't be skittish if someone made noise when he walked."
"In my defense, neither are you."
"I---what?" I stopped walking and looked down at my feet. Tanner took his arm off my shoulders.Goddammit! Put it back! I took a step and frowned. Nothing.
"Well shit..." I looked up. Hailee and Jewel were staring at me with their mouths open. Lei had one eyebrow raised and a smirk I knew all-too-well. It was her 'told you so' smirk. I felt my cheeks go warm. I cleared my throat and walked ahead of Tanner.I probably looked like an idiot, cause I was trying to make noise.
"No use denying it," Jewel said.
"We all saw that," Lei added.
We ordered our food, then decided to eat outside. It was a beautiful night. The moon and stars were shining brightkinda like Tanner's eyes when he smiled.
"I assume you all go to school together," Brendan said.
"All but Jewel," Lei said, "She's our new summer bestie."
"But yea," I said, "We've been the Three Musketeers since elementary."
"Inseparable, I say," Hailee beamed. We all shared a laugh.
"You guys came by yourselves, right?" Jewel asked; we nodded, "Luckies! Since it's just me, I had to bring my older brother. We've been here three days and I already want to kill him."
"Now you have us to entertain you," Garrett smiled.
"He can entertain me any day of the week," Lei said quietly into my ear. I giggled at her. Tanner glanced over at us. He nudged me with his elbow, "You're not laughing at us, are you?" I shook my head, smiling.
"Just something Lei said.
"How long will you guys be here?" Hailee asked. AJ shrugged, "We're taking a much needed vacation. So we're here until Jay tells us to come back to Texas."
"So in other words," Lei began, a smile spreading across her face, "We'll be seeing a lot of each other this summer." She looked over at Garrett and winked.
"I hope so," Tanner said. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hailee slowly take out her phone.
"Don't you dare tweet about this, Hails," I warned. Hailee froze.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" she said, trying to play it off.
"Put the iPhone down, Hailee Elizabeth," Lei said, "We know you." Hailee sighed and tossed her phone back in er purse.
"You both suck," she huffed.
"You swallow," I winked.
"You have Twitter?" Jewel asked, "Oh my God, you have to follow me!"
"We'll follow you too," Garrett said.
"We can get to know you better that way," Brendan said, "And keep in touch." I thought back to all the stupid stuff I tweet.

Lei made me wear a skirt :(
blah blah blah waka waka waka

And that was just from today. Oh shit. Oh shit!
"Uhm...maybe that's not such a...I mean, I don't have..." I stammered.
"That'd be great!" Lei exclaimed, "Mine is Leix3. Lei times three! Uhm Hails is Hailizleebeth and Roxy's is... wait... didn't you change yours?" I looked away and tried to ignore them. Hailee took her phone back out.
"Hmmm... It's RoxieSlashh. Two h's." Everyone, but me, took out their phones.
"Followed!" AJ and Jewel said together.
"Followed," Tanner said a little more quietly. He was smiling at me shyly. I looked away to hide my blush. Shit. Now I have to watch what I tweet...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for the 3rd chapter! :D
Even if no one reads this, I will continue to type up my stories. It's mostly for me and for whoever will give constructive criticism.
In other news, I start my senior year tomorrow D:
Wish me luck?