Status: Inactive :/ Sorry. Serious writer's block on this story

Summer Sweetness

"Aren't We Wet Enough?"

"Where the hell did everyone go?!" I exclaimed. Tanner and I were standing in the middle of a shopping center we'd found. I went into this antique shop for five minutes. Five minutes! Come back out and everyone was gone! Well, except for Tanner. I swear the boy was attached to my hip.

"I don't know," Tanner took out his phone, "The rain shorted out my signal. I can't call anyone."

"Well shit," I sighed, "Should we just go back to the hotel?"

"That would probably be best. Doesn't look like this is stopping anytime soon." I bumped Tanner with my hip.

"What happened to 'It'll let up,'" I said raising my eyebrow.

"It will," he protested, "Eventually..." I laughed and linked arms with him.

"Let's go Tan-Dawg. We've been in this rain long enough." We stepped out from unnder the shelter of the door. I squealed as soon as the rain hit my already wet clothes. I thanked God once again that I had refrained from wearing white today and had instead settled on a navy blue top. Tanner wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. Even though his clothes were cold and wet, I could feel a warmth radiating off of him. I felt myself relax into his side as we started our walk back.

Simce we didn't have the others to provide conversation for us, we talked about what we both knew best. Music. We talked about our favorite bands, who we thought was the most influential musician and so on. It was nice. I never have these types of conversations with Lei and Hails. I love them to death, but they are die hard girly-girls.

"Do you play anything?" Tanner asked me.

"I taught myself to play guitar and I've played piano since I was five," I admitted.

"Really?" Tanner perked up. I smiled shyly.

"That's awesome! YOu should play for me sometime." I blushed. Oh yea, rockstar... I"m def gonna make a fool of myself by doing that.

"Hey!" Tanner exclaimed, "I can see the beach! Let's go down there, Roxy." He was pointing towards the beach.

"Uhh...what?" I looked at him in disbelief, "Aren't we wet enough?!" Tanner looked me up and down.No. I'm not even kidding right now. He full blown checked me out just now.

"No," he said grinning devilishly, "I don't think we are."

"N-no...T-tanner..." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the water's edge. Only, he didn't stop there. I screamed as we crashed down into the cold water.

"Tanner!" I sputtered. He laughed as he pulled me closer to his chest. He continued to pull me deeper into the water with him. He didn't stop until we were completely underneath. He released me and I pushed away from him and kicked myself back up to the surface.

"Oh my God! It's fucking cold!" I screamed. Tanner popped up next to me, still laughing.

"It's not that bad," he chuckled. I ignored him and swam back to shore. He was so lucky my flip flops had flown off before I had reached the water. I searched the sand for them. Where are the little bitches?! I found one to the immediate left of where i was standing.

"Looking for something?"

"Give me that, Howe!"

"Reach for it," he teased. He held the flip flop just out of my reach, forcing me to jump. he danced around me, laughing.

"Give me---whoa!" I landed on my ankle and lost my balance. I fell on Tanner and caused us both to fall to the ground. I opened my eyes and realized my face was thisclose to Tanner's. Naturally, I felt myself blush. Tanner propped himself up and put all his weight on one arm. With the other, he brushed my hair behind my ear. His hand lingered on the back of my neck. He traced circles into my skin, sending shivers down my spine. Then, ever so slowly, as if he was unsure of his actions, he brought our lips closer together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I don;t know if it was because of the rain, or just being on the beach, but that kiss was ten times more amazing than I could've ever dreamed. Tanner bit my bottom lip. His tongue begging for entrance that I finally gave him. Tanner was kissing me with such an intesity. Tanner broke the kiss,damn! Damn! Damn! Kiss me again! and just stared at me. His eyes searched mine. Unlike me, he wasn't breathing heavily. Before I could even get my thoughts straight, he had leaned back in and kissed me again.

The second was just as good as the first.

Maybe even better.
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