Scream Queen

.Sweet 16.

The music pounded insanely in the big hall. From wall to wall the room was decked out in my favorite colors red, blue, gold, and silver. The whole right side of the ball room was in blue and silver, the right red and gold. The theme for the party is dusk to dawn, a big picture of a setting sun and a full moon. If you are on the dawn side you wore red, gold, black and white. If you are on the dusk side you wore blue, black, silver and white.Besides those two themes is was horror films Hollywood style all over the place. It was incredible.
I was to make my big entrance soon. I had zombies and slashers surrounding me. They would all walk out doing weird movement, and I would pop out in the middle in my long strapless silver and gold dress, my hair was up in a high curly bun with a sparkling tiara.
This is my night.
My mom hurried the dancers to their places before my dad announced my arrival.
My brother and sisters are at the end of the line. They would greet me when I came out from the killer dancers. Then the party would begin.
The doors opened up for the back entrance. From where I stood I could see my entire guests confused faces. The zombies came out as the creepy music started t play. When the zombies were done, a screeching scream went through the speakers and the slashers made their debut. They were bloody in all different horror masks. Some had girls with them and pretended to kill them while others went to the crowed hyping them up. When the last guy walked out a thunder sound boomed and the lights went out. A blinding white light shined on me, and I made my entrance.
California Gurls ranged in my ear as me my sisters and my best friend danced in a group. The music stopped and everyone groaned in protest.
“I know, I know, but the father and man who paid for all of this,”
My dad laughed tackily. I crossed my arms over my chest. He’s so embarrassing. Charlie giggled and my sister Aderianna rolled her eyes.
“Would like a dance with his daughter”
My dad smiled, the spot light on me.
He walked off the stage in his white tux and bow tie.
“May I have this dance birthday girl?”
He said extending his hand still holding the mic
I smiled and took his hand.
“Of course you can daddy”

“I can’t believe how grown you are, it seems like just yesterday when I was setting up a stage in the living room so you can practice your pre-k play”
My dad smiled warmly his eyes were becoming glossy.
“Daddy,” I chuckled. “Don’t cry you’re going to make me cry and I’m wearing makeup.”
He laughed and stroked my cheek.
“You look just like your mother on her birthday”
I smiled and touched his hand.
The Christina Aguilera song stopped playing the floors vibrated with the next song.
“Excuse me Mr. Larkin, but can I steel Hanna”
I smiled and looked looking at my boyfriend Lucus.
My dad looked annoyed but handed me to Lucus gracefully.
“Of course, I should go find Sabrina she’s probably dying to introduce me to someone”
I laughed.
My dad disappeared into the crowed. Lucus pulled me into his chest holding my waist firmly.
“Great party” He whispered in my ear.
I shivered at his cold breath.
Charlie and I danced around Lucus putting him in a sandwich.

Everyone was having a blast. I even saw one of the zombies flirting with my little sister Anya, who looked like she was flirting back.
Go sis!
Then my mom’s voice came on the speakers.
“How’s everybody doing tonight?”
Everyone cheered. Lucus put his arm around me and hooted along with the others. My mom smiled and shook her head playfully knowing it was Lucus and his friends who made the noise.
The spot light on me once again.
“There’s a surprise waiting for you outside.”
Personally I knew this was coming. I’ve watched Super Sweet 16 before, and whenever they announce, ‘there is a surprise waiting for you outside’ it means there’s a sparkly car waiting for me, Extra sparkly knowing my parents.
But when I came outside with my guest following early behind, it wasn’t a hug SUV, or a slick Lamborghini, it wasn’t my dad’s old buggy, or the cute Cadillac I saw at the dealers. It was a hoarse.
It was a beautiful gigantic white hoarse with silver flowing hair and alarming intense eyes.
“Oh my freaking gosh!”
I looked over at my parents smiling madly like my siblings. I rushed over to them.
“Mom dad! How could you? Oh my gosh!”
They laughed. I was to speechless for words.
“Wow, I’m glad I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t think I was going to be able to keep a secret like this especially this long! But I’m glad I did. It was totally worth it to see your face”
I looked down at my little brother with his toothy grin.
I looked at my sisters. They all had toothy grins.
“You all knew!”
They laughed.
“Of course we did.” Aderianna said.
“Daddy wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret if it weren’t for us”
Anya smiled proudly.
Aderianna handed me a carrot and turned me towards the hoarse.
“Now, go win over your new friend”

“Mrs. Larkin”
I smiled. Hanna is so happy.
“Mrs. Larkin”
I turned around to our guard. I step to the side.
“What’s wrong Henrey?”
He shifted. “There was an incident in the front yard.”
My eyebrows forward. I crossed my arms over my chest.
“What kind of incident?”
“Your dog”
I relaxed.
“Oh! Did Missy get out again? Oh just let her be she doesn’t bite anyone”
“No Mrs. Larkin”
I stared into Henery’s eyes.
“What exactly is wrong with Missy Henrey?”
He sighed.
“She’s dead”

I hurried to the front yard my husband right next to me. We told the caterers to start serving and told the kids we were just going to take care of some party crashers.
When we reached the front lawn half of our body guards were huddled in a circle hiding something.
I pushed them aside.
“Senorita, I sorry I no see little doggie!”
“Fernando what are you talking about?”
Our other body guard Paul pulled a crying Fernando from me.
They all moved slowly.
I gasped. My husband came in front of me blocking my view.
“Missy what happened to my dog!”
Everyone turned to Fernando.
“I- I was cutting down trees. When I put then in the disposal I saw blood.” He started sobbing.
“I no know senorita!”
Dug patted his shoulder.
“It wasn’t your fault Fernando.”
“No! I should know!”
“Fernando calm down. Missy was in the play house, someone had to let her loose. It wasn’t your fault.”
Fernando calmed down a bit.
“No my fault?”
“So who would do this?” Henery asked.
Dug looked at me.
We both know who did this.
“Okay guys, please take care of this. Bury her please. And clean everything I want no trace of this.”
They nodded and started getting to work.
Dug grabbed my hand we made our way back to the party.
“The kids don’t have to know”
“But Dug-“
“No buts”
I nodded.
My mind couldn’t think of anything else but Missy.
Her left leg was hanging off her body, her torso half missing, and her eye balls ripped out of their sockets, her right back and front leg missing. Her beautiful brown fur was covered in dirt and blood.

*Song's Played at Sweet 16*
The stunners-Dancin around

Maroon 5-Misery

Framing Hanley-Lollipop

Nick Minaj-Your love


Katy Perry-California Gurls

Katy Perry- Teenage dream

Chris Brown-I can transform ya

Christina Aguilera-Hurt

Colette Carr-Back it up

Belinda ft Pitbull-Egoista(englisg verson)

Usher-Hey daddy

Justin bieber-Baby

Lil wayne ft Nicki minaj-Knockout

Tokio hotel-Automatic

Metro station-17 again

Alicia Keys-Unthinkable

New boyz-Tie me down

Rhianna ft young jeezy-Hard

Lady gaga-Alejandro

Lady gaga ft Beyounce-Telephone
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sorry the first chapter took forever but its here i hope you like it. Tell me is it sounding creepy?