Scream Queen

.After Math. Part 1

Watch out Hanna,everything is not what it seems.
They'll lie to protect,betray because their selfish.
Pain will come once you find out the truth...or death.

I sat up straight in my bed my blonde hair hanging in my eyes.
Two weird dreams in one night. I never remember my dreams,let alone two,but I remember these two so well. The first was of my birthday party. It couldn't have been any better. The dream went just like the actual party. Perfect. And yet, when my parents came back from dealing with the party chrashers, I felt like something was wrong. They were distant most of the time after they came back but,insisted they were fine. That's how the dream went everything was great but not great. Does that make any sense?
My second dream was black.
I was in my party dress my hair perfect and my tiara placed neatly on my head. But it was still dark. I stood in the middle a white light shined on me, I shielded my eyes from the brightness. I stepped away but the light still followed me. Then a voice came, it sounded like my voice when I was five. The voice was warning me about betrayal, death, pain and lies. I open my mouth to question her but I woke up.
Now I'm sitting in my canopy bed in my shorts and pink Victoria secret shirt.
The sun was seeping through my cream curtains. I got up my feet landing on the warm wood floor.
I pulled the curtains back squinting at the immediate sun light. I looked across the back lawn the grass was extremely green and my moms flowers are in full bloom. I heared shuffiling in the new barn. "My hoarse"
Gosh I love the way that sounds!
I've decided to name him Nova. Because his clear eyes lit up instantly when I gave him the carrot. I intoduced myself and ran my fingers through his thick silver hair. In a few minutes his eyes went dim with boredom. It sounds weird but it's true. That probably doesn't sound like a real reason to name him Nova but I think it fits.
I went to the bathroom took a quick shower and put on my ripped blue jeans with a black tank top my pink,blue,white plaid shirt. I grabbed my new ridding boots and helment.
I went to the kitchen and snaaged a granola bar for me and a red apple for Nova. I heared a noise coming from the hallway.
"Mom! is that you? I'm going to the barn to ride Nova!"
I walked out chewing my granola loudly.
When i turned the corner i saw black boots. Dr.Martens! like the one my bestie wears.
"Oh sorry"
I looked up. Well isn't this interesting.
"Who are you?" I eyed him suspiciously.
If he makes a questionable move I'll wack him with my helment and kick him with my ridding boots!
"You can't be here to see Aderianna your to young, and your not one of Stevie's friends-"
"I'm here to see Anya"
"Anya" Well,okay Anya doesn't have much friends just one. Definately not a boyfriend or so I thought.
"Jessy!" Anya came running down in her Jucie sweats. Which is weird because I didn't even know she has Jucie sweats.
"Anya you didn't tell me you have a boyfriend"
I nudge her arm with mine. She blushed looking like swallon cherry.
"I don't Jessy is my tutore"
"Tutore for what?"
"Biology" Jessy said. I looked at him then Anya. She was gazing at him as if the world were a better place.
"Oh-kay" I smirked.

To Be Countinued.
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Plz excuse the spelling mistakes. I just really wanted to get this chapter up but it's long os not all of it is there.