Melody of Oblivion

Causlites can't be helped

The man on the corner was one of those fanatical hobos; you know the type. The one holding a sign and damning the entire world to a fate worse than hell. Funny thing though…they’re already in it. Chase turned on the air conditioner full blast, the cold air caressing his hot face. Hayley was curled up in the back with the two kids, his twin sitting in the passenger seat beside him, and the newest member of their group; an emo outcast kid sitting beside Hayley staring out the window. Chase had forgotten the emo’s name; the guy had no self preservation and he’d probably be dead in a few days so why bother? The kids would though….them and Hayley. They’d be torn up by another death like always and what could Chase do but drive on?

“If we don’t stop at a motel we can make Washington in a couple days,” Tristan said, turning on the radio and lowering it before anyone could wake up.

“The vampires still there?”

Tristan nodded. “Yeah. We can’t go to Florida for a while though.”

Chase peeked in the back; the review mirror was at a perfect angle to spy on the sleeping emo kid. “We should leave the emo,” Chase replied, turning his eyes back to the road.

“We should but you know we ain’t. “

Chase bit back a snort and raked one hand through his shaggy black hair. THAT was the truth, if they were anything to it. Off in the distance he could see the beginning of rain clouds; dark gray flirting with the edge of the earth. “Sides,” Tristan said softly- so softly Chase almost didn’t hear it- , “the kid knew what he was getting into when he killed the vamp.”

The black Mustang GT rumbled over the smooth road, filling in the brothers’ tense silence. It was kind of funny in a way; even though Chase and Tristan were identical in every way: same muscle, same height, same choice in jalapeño burgers, people always though Tristan was the nicer one. Nothing could have been further from the truth. “He only killed it ‘because you pressured him too.”

Tristan shrugged. “Causalities can’t be helped. Unless you want to …”

Chase pulled the Mustang onto the side of the road, putting the car into park and cutting off the ignition with a good flick of the wrist. Hayley was the first to wake; blonde hair mussed up and green eyes bleary with sleep. “Chase,” she whispered, “What are-”

“- keep quiet,” Tristan growled as his brother screwed on the silence to his Glock. The sun gleamed off the black metal, making it for a moment almost surreal. Chase opened his door and tucked the gun into his waist band, hiding it with his shirt. No need to scare the kid any more then he had too. He knocked on the window, causing the sleeping emo to wake.

“Potty break.”

The emo kid nodded, stepping out into the sun, “God,” he groaned, stretching. Chase could hear his bones pop. “You gotta go too man?”


The two walked into the tall grass; a quick efficient pop and only Chase came back. Hayley didn’t question it. Tristan knew it was for the best. The kids were fast asleep. And Chase? Chase couldn’t think about it. About the fact that no one would discover the emo kid’s body for a while; it would grow bloated at first from gas and then the animals would get at it tearing off strips of flesh. Maggots would have to crawl their way out of his eye sockets to hit the ground.

Chase couldn’t think about it. And he wouldn’t. They were off to Forks, Washington to take care of business and the last thing someone needs is a clouded mind. It still didn’t make him feel better though.
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The twilight cast will come in the next chap ^^. And I'm gonna make a few changes to the whole indestrucble vampire myth.