Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


I decided to have coffee with some of my friends the day after the big show. I heard a honk and ran out the door to find Ian and Natalia standing around his car.

Ian was probably my best guy friend out of the group. He stood at an amazing 6'3, he has gorgeous blue eyes and black side swept hair. He wore his usual attire; Blue jeans with a different color v-neck shirt. He would occasionally wear a band tee but today, today was v-neck. He is definitely like a big brother to me. He is very over protective when it comes to Natalia and me. I didn't mind much at all. It is funny how everything turned out. I had met him at a show, Natalia introduced me to him, and funny enough I met Natalia at a show too.

Natalia was the shortest and the youngest out of all of us.At 16, she was around 4'10" and skinny like a twig. Her black hair was long and reached passed her tummy. Her eyes are light brown with a hit of hazel. Her attire consisted of shorts and a tank top. She doesn't like to dress up much but when she does, you could definitely see her in those cute jumpsuits. She is absolutely obsessed with music, and she plays anything she can get her measly little hands on.

I hugged both of my best friends and we all climbed into the car and drove to the nearest Starbucks. I grabbed my Caramel Frap from off the counter and walked outside to reserve a seat for the three of us. Ian and Natalia came out with their drinks; Mocha Frapp for Ian and a decaf coffee for Natalia. I slipped my drink as if my life depended on it. I was addicted to coffee but not as much as I was addicted to smoking.

"So guys, last night's show was amazing." Natalia started.
"I know! Did you see All Hearts set? They were so good!" Ian said.
"Well they are signed for a reason. And you are such a fan boy Ian." I laughed and everyone knew it to be true.
"I am not," He pouted, "I just think the bands here are really good." He blushed.
"I agree," Natalia said "I know we all have our moments."
I just shook my head.
"So where are the rest of the guys?" I asked.
"Brandon, Dillon and Jonah are all on their way. I told them we would be here for a while, like we always do." He laughed. I took a drag from my cigarette and blew out the smoke. Natalia waved her hands in front her face.
"That's going to kill you one day." She stated.
"I know." I said not even an ounce of fuck given.
"Hey Dallas! Maybe when we're super old, we can share the same old folks bed! Since we'll both be dying from probably lung cancer." Ian said trying to hold in his laughter. I couldn't help but crack a smile. Natalia whacked me.
"And Natalia can come to the hospital with her millions of grand kids showing us as example of what will happen if you smoke." I joked rubbing my arm where Natalia had hit me.
"No, I'm going to be in the bed next to you fuckers for second hand smoke!" she crossed her arms and pouted.
"Aw, don't worry; we'll make sure you're all old and wrinkly just as much as we will be." Ian cooed. I laughed.
"You two are retarded." Natalia said still pouting. I shrugged and took another drag from my cigarette.

Brandon, Dillon and Jonah finally arrived.
I knew Jonah the longest. He and I had worked at a clothing store together a year back and we have been talked ever since. He introduced me to Brandon and Dillon. Who by the way, I think is secretly into each other. The jokes they made weren't usually normal for just friends. They even all looked related. The three stooges look freakishly alike with their black/brown hair and intense blue/green eyes. The only difference is Jonah has braces. Their styles were pretty much the same; Brandon likes to wear his Emmure shirt all the time with some black skinny jeans and a backwards trucker hat. Dillon likes to wear plaid shirts with black lose jeans with a black beanie. Jonah just wears skinny jeans with either a band tee or a normal plain color tee. He doesn't really care much for appearance.

The rest of the night consists of the usual jokes, buying more cups of coffee and pretty much listening to music. It was around three in the morning when I got home. I had a key so my mother didn't care when I got home. I changed into shorts and a tank top.

I hopped onto my computer hoping maybe I could find this mysterious boy. I know, stalker status, but I just had to see what this boy was all about. I'm friends with all his friends, so I thought it would be easy to find him. Not at all.
It took me three days to find his page. His name was Ronnie Bell; he was into bike riding, old school punk and art. But I also noticed his status " in a relationship" and it had the girls name right under. Part of me was a bit disappointed. However, I knew it didn't matter. All that mattered was I had found him and I was determined to know him. I sent him a friends' request and went to bed.

I was still recovering from that night's show. I ended up with bruises, scars and a horsed voice. But it was so worth it. That night was amazing on so many levels.

Once again, I hopped on the computer and checked my usual sites. Surprise, Ronnie had accepted my add. I looked my notifications "Ronnie bell has posted something on your wall". This alone immediately stopped my breathing. I clicked on it.

"Yes! You were the girl that was singing along with me!"

This was surprising, I had no idea he remembered me.

"Yes! That is I! :) How are you?"
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New story, i hope you like it! <3

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