Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


I found him sitting on the curb. Exactly where we last sat at the show.
"Whats wrong?" I asked taking a seat next to him.
"Nothing." He was in the same position i once were. His head between his legs with a cigarette between his fingers.
"Liar." I pulled out my own cigarette and lit it.
"I'm not lying. Why are you out here?" He lifted his head up and took a drag.
"I needed fresh air."
I sighed, "You caught me. See, easy. Now tell me, what's wrong."
"You'll think it's stupid."
"I bet you i wouldn't."
After seconds went by, he sighed, "I can't tell you."
"Do you have something against Ronnie?"
His head whipped towards me and his eyes widened.
"No. I just-"
"Never mind." He turned back around and went back to putting his head between his legs.
"Okay then, well I'm going back in. Michael, just a little bit of advice," He lifted up his head to look at me." Don't bottle up your feelings because in the end, you'll explode." I walked back into the shop and found Ian and Ronnie laughing. I smiled as I walked next to Ronnie and gave him a kiss.

"Wanna hang out at my house for a little bit?" I asked him.

We got up and threw our drinks away hand in hand heading for his truck. I walked into the house, Ronnie right behind me, I threw my keys on the kitchen counter and grabbed a can of coke.
"Want something to drink?"
I nodded and grabbed a water bottle out from the fridge.
"Do you want to watch a movie or do you wanna fool around with the instruments downstairs?"
His eyebrows raised, smirking.
"Fool around?" He teased.
I laughed, "You know what i mean."
"Lets go play. I wanna check out that drum set of yours."

I smiled and headed down to the basement. I went straight to my acoustic and he sat comfortably behind the drum set. He started drumming and I'm not gonna lie, it was a huge turn on. I put down my baby and grabbed my camera that was on the near by computer desk. I started taking snap shots of him and i smiled as i looked back at them.
He finished and sat next to me, leaning over trying to see the pictures.
"You like?"
He nodded and smiled, planting a kiss on the side of my cheek. I turned the camera towards us and snapped a picture. We took a lot more pictures together, doing everything. Kissing, silly faces, smiling. I'm definitely putting these up when i get online.
"I have a song i wanted to play for you." I said giving him my camera and grabbing my guitar.
"Don't laugh okay?"
he smiled and nodded.

hey i think you're cute
would you like to be my new best friend?
we can talk for hours or just lay in bed
you're just the kind of kid i could grow old with
so won't you walk with me to the park up the road
i told you that I'd be right back
you said that I'll be the judge of that
'cause see boys they have a tendency of running from me
as fast as they can i don't know why
and i just laughed and asked if you'd like a coke or some sort of assorted beverage from the diner up the road
if so, you should walk with me
feel free to hold my hand
feel free to kiss me on the cheek even though I'd prefer the lips

hey i think you're groovy
would you wanna see a movie with me?
we can sit in uncomfortable seats and eventually
I'll get the nerve up to put my arm around you
can i put my arms around you?
'cause i'd sure like to
it'll be like an episode of boy meets world
except without the commercials
and I'm just fine with that
how about you?
i like the way you talk
i like your died black hair
i love your halfass accent you stole from the foreign movies
i like your pretty eyes
and how you're afraid of the dark
well i am too, so would you like to take a walk with me
through a well-lit park just up the block
I'll be the bright side of your bad day
I'll be the bright side of your bad nights
I'll be the bright side of your bad day
if you'll be mine

I turned to him and he smiled at me. His face inches away from me.
"That was beautiful."

I didn't trust my voice, so i just smiled. He slowly came closer and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and my hands automatically found it's way to the back of his head. He deepened the kiss and I didn't hesitate to do the same. He leaned forward as i leaned back, him laying on me and still gracing his lips upon mine. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and I helped him take it off, as he did the same for me. At this point, i didn't care what would happen. He was mine and i was his. Nothing was getting between us. No secrecy. Every feeling we've had for each other was through our actions. He kissed my neck then down to my newly tatted chest. I arched my back to give him more access. He started kissing down towards my stomach and unbuttoned my shorts.

"DALLAS! ARE YOU HOME?" Sasha yelled.
We both sighed and he got up.
"YEAH, I'LL BE UP IN A BIT." I yelled back towards the stairs.
We got up and we both put our shirts back on. Curse my sister for interrupting.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"It's okay."
I grabbed his hand and we both headed up the stairs and to the living room. Sasha, her boyfriend Alex and a little girl were in the living room, Sponge bob already flashed across the screen.
"Hey." I greeted giving my sister a kiss on her head.
"Sasha, this is Ronnie. Ronnie this is my sister Sasha, her boyfriend Alex and I'm guessing this is Brooke?" I asked my sister. She nodded.
He waved.
"So what are you kids up to?" Sasha asked.
"We were just in the basement."
"uh huh." she laughed.
"shut up Sasha." i smiled.
"Do you guys wanna do something? Mom said she wont be home til later tonight." Sasha asked.
I looked over at Ronnie who shrugged.
"What do you have in mind?"
"We can go out to dinner. Like a double date." Alex suggested. He speaks!
"Sure, Just let me go change and I'll be back." I said while dragging Ronnie upstairs to my room.
"She seems nice." Ronnie commented.
"Yeah." I tore off my shirt and threw on a black baby doll dress, walked over to the mirror and retouched my make up.
"Do I look okay?" I asked.
He walked up to me, "You look beautiful."
My cheeks got hot and like a school girl, i giggled.
"Thanks. Come on, lets go."
We walked back downstairs to see the three of them already by the door waiting to head out. We all climbed into Alex's four door truck.
"So where are we going exactly?"
"Jimmy Buffet okay?" Alex asked.
Ronnie and I sat in the back of the truck, in silence while Alex and Sasha engross themselves in their own conversation. The radio playing softly, a song I vaguely know.

We got out of the car when we reached the restaurant and headed in. My jaw dropped. Jimmy Buffet was gorgeous restaurant. it gave off the feeling of being underwater. The architecture of this place was immaculate. We got seated in a booth that looked like an underwater cave. A TV in every corner that showed the overplayed commercials of the restaurant. I grabbed my menu and started reading it.
"So Ronnie, tell me something."
He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow
"I like to draw?" He responded.
"Okay, and you like my sister."
He nodded and smiled.
"What are you getting at Sasha?" I whispered.
"I just wanted to see if he's good enough for my sister."
I rolled my eyes.
"Trust me, he's good enough." I laughed.
"I'm actually in the military. My rounds end in December."
"I"m in the military too." Alex responded.
The boys went in to talking about their ranks which both Sasha and i both know nothing about. I went back to looking over the menu, knowing what i wanted; Shrimp pasta.
"I'm Matt, I'll be your waiter tonight." I look up to see a tall dark handsome boy standing there. His smile was perfect.
"Do you guys need more time or are you ready to order?"
"I'm ready!" I responded.
He took down all of our orders and i cuddled up to Ronnie.
"Aw that's cute." My sister grabbed her phone and took a picture.
I raised my eyebrows at her.
"What? It was cute."
I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. The night went by with no problems. Ronnie got along with Sasha and Alex and Brookey was absolutely adorable. Well behaved for a baby that's not even two yet. Alex paid for the entire meal and we walked out. Alex and Sasha hand in hand with brookey sleeping soundly on Sasha's Shoulder, And Ronnie with his arm around my shoulder. Having a double date was a great idea. I got to know Alex and Sasha got to know Ronnie.

When we got back to the house, my mom 's car was already in the driveway.
"Are you staying over Ronnie?" Sasha asked.
He looked at me begging for me to answer.
"Yeah, he is." I laughed.

We got out, walked into the house and Ronnie and I headed up to my room. I walked over to my ihome and turned on some music. I turned around to see Ronnie sitting at the foot of my bed, looking at the poster covered walls.
"You have a lot of posters." He commented.
"Yeah." I laughed and took off my shorts and dress. I got into bed, Ronnie followed, taking off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. I laid my head on his chest and cuddled up to him.
"Sorry we got interrupted earlier."
"it's okay."
As we laid there, i could definitely get used to this. Going to bed with him every night, waking up next to him, knowing he's always going to be there, knowing he's mine and no one can take him away from me. I was finally happy. I was content with how my life was going and I wouldn't change that for absolutely anything.
"I love you Dallas."
"I love you too."
"Ever get that feeling where you just want something to last forever?"
I smiled. "mhmm."
"I feel that way about this right now."
My cheeks became hot again. I looked up at him, his eyes looking back at me. I kissed him and soon after, i could feel his slow breathing.
"I want this to last forever." I closed my eyes and fell asleep, knowing I'm gonna have the best night sleep I've ever had.
♠ ♠ ♠
another one for the night. :3 Hope you like it. Song is by Backseat Romance "hey". Go check it out, such a great song <3

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