Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


I shifted and i could feel Ronnie's arms pulling me more towards him, I didn't mind at all. I turned around to face him, his eyes still closed. He looked absolutely peaceful and i couldn't get myself to stop staring at him.
"Good morning." He said lazily.
I laughed, "Good Morning." I lightly kissed his lips.
"i could get use to this." He smiled.
"Come on, lets get dressed."
"Nuh uh, i like this."
I got out of his grip and straddled him.
"Now, you are gonna wake up, and we're gonna go downstairs and have breakfast." I said kissing him.
"Or, we can stay here, in this position and make-"
"Nope, get up lazy butt." i laughed. I got up and grabbed the clothes i wore the day before and dropped it into my hamper. I walked over to my drawer and took out some shorts, and a black tube top. Making sure my tattoo was nicely showing. I turned to face Ronnie, seeing him already out of bed and dressed.
"That was fast."
He smiled and walked up to me, slowly grabbing my face and placing a small nice kiss on my lips. We stayed like that for what seemed to be hours. I didn't mind, he was a great kisser. We both pulled away and I retouched my make up once again.

We walked down the stairs hand in hand, to the kitchen.
"So whats on the menu this morning my love?" He asked while taking a seat on the island stool.
"Hm, I don't know. What should i make? what do vegans even eat for breakfast?"
"Got any bagels?"
"Erm, i think so. Lemme check."
I looked in the cabinets and to my surprise we actually did have some. I grabbed two and placed it in front of Ronnie with a jar of jelly.
"There you go."
I turned around and made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat next to him and we both dug in.
"I have to go into work today." He said taking a bite out of his bagel.
"Okie doke. I'm gonna go to my mom's shop and help out." He nodded and we continued eating.
"So, last night was nice." He said with a sly smile on his face.
"It was."
"Can we do it again tonight?"
I nodded and smiled. I wish he knew I'd never want it to end. The feeling of waking up next to him was one of the best feelings I've ever had. I could definitely get use to it.

I walked out of the front doors with him, and kissed him goodbye. I got into my car and headed to my mom's shop. It seems like this is a normal routine again. I parked and walked in, greeted by Shelly and Nikki. I walked into my mom's office.
"Don't you ever give yourself a day off?" I asked walking up to her and kissing her head.
"I wish." She laughed.
"Mom, why don't you?"
"It keeps me busy." She said sifting through her papers.
"Every time i come in here, you're always at your desk. How about you take the day off with me and we go do something together. We can come back later. Besides, I think Shelly can handle the place today."
She shook her head. "Can't do that."
"Why not?"
"I like working." She laughed.
"One day, please!" I begged.
She sighed, "Fine." We walked out hand in hand.
"Shelly, mom's taking the day off. She's leaving the shop in your hands until we get back later."
She nodded and went back to work.
I walked with mom out of the shop and into my car.
"Okay, since it's daughter mother day, lets go to the spa. Get all that stress rubbed off your body." I suggested.

She smiled at me and nodded, buckling herself in the passenger seat.
The car ride wasn't silent at all. We talked about the shop, Ronnie and i asked her if she's met Sasha's new boyfriend.
"I did actually. They came in couple days ago, and he seemed like a nice guy."
"Did you know he has a daughter?" I asked.
"Yeah, she's absolutely adorable."
"It's weird isn't it? Sasha dating a guy with a daughter. I mean, is she really step mom material if they ever got married?"
"It's weird, but we'll just see how this goes. Who knows, this could prove to us that she's finally growing up."
I nodded.
I pulled into Bath and Body and headed in. After our full spa, we headed out to lunch. Completely my treat.
"Mom, did you ever think about getting married again?"
She looked at me shocked and shook her head.
"No, i could never do that."
"why not?" i asked taking a sip of water.
"To be honest, I'd feel like i was cheating on your father."
"No, i could never do that."
"But mom, he's been gone for a long time. You deserve to be happy."
"I am happy, Dallas. I have you and i have Sasha, as far as I'm concerned, that's really all i need." I sighed and shook my head. As much as i love her, sometimes my mother can be stubborn.
"I understand, but mom, I honestly don't think dad would want you thinking that way, i mean, believing you're cheating on him?"
"Please Dallas. Drop it. I've lived my life, I don't need a man to make me happy. I had that already, with your father. don't have time to date, or have to worry about anything else."

I sighed. I knew i had to drop the subject. If anyone deserved to be happy in love, it's my mother. She's never even looked at a man since my father.
The waiter came to take our order and it was awkward for a little bit.
"Dallas, I love you and i love Sasha and i love your father. Please believe me when i say, you girls are the most important people in my life."
"I believe you mom. And i love you too."
We smiled at each other.
"So, Ronnie's interesting. I saw his truck when i got home last night and when i left the house this morning. He slept over?"
I blushed and nodded.
"We didn't do anything though, it was just to late for him to drive home."
"yeah right. he lives like five minutes away."
I laughed, "I'm sorry, I should've asked if he could stay over."
"Don't worry about it. You are growing up and you don't need me breathing down your neck every time you bring home a guy."
"Thanks. You approve though right?"
She nodded, "but i do need to get to know him better."
The rest of lunch went by smoothly. We decided to head back to the shop to see how things were going. We walked in and everything seemed to be going okay.
"Thank you Dallas. Today was great and i definitely feel more relaxed."
"your welcome mommy. We should do it again."
"Baby, there's a show this weekend. Tell everyone." I nodded and kissed her head.
I walked to the counter and immediately started helping Shelly with the orders. I loved working here, coffee has always calmed me down. I grabbed my cell phone from my pocket and checked my facebook.

'Show On Saturday at my mom's coffee shop. It's gonna be great! show up and get punched in the face! :3"

I laughed and posted it.
Hours had passed and i was ready to head home. I walked back to my mom's office, told her i was leaving and walked out the door just in time to see Michael clocking in. I sighed and ignored the glares he was giving me. I would never understand why he was doing that, and he obviously will not tell me what's bothering him. I sighed and walked out heading to my car and drove the familiar route home. I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I could feel my bed moving, so i woke up and saw Ronnie getting into bed beside me. I smiled.
"Hey, Sasha let me in, i hope that's okay."
I nodded and cuddled next to him. Falling back asleep for the second time in one day, but this time it was even better with Ronnie in my arms.

Days passed and it was already the weekend. Everyone heard about the show at mom's shop and people were hyped up about it. I woke up on that Saturday morning, and sadness washed over me as i found the space next to me empty and cold. It's been a while since Ronnie left but in his spot was a post it note.

Went out to meet up with some friends. I'll see you at the show tonight.
I love you.

Simple, yet right to the point. I sighed and got dressed for the day. I threw on gray faded shorts with a black "rock 'n roll" tank top, and gray leather boots. I grabbed my RayBan's, cell phone and wallet and threw it into my slouch bag. I walked down the stairs, no one home as usual. I decided to make myself breakfast. I grabbed the essentials and started making myself waffles with eggs and sausage. The only thing i actually knew how to cook. Mom or Sasha usually would be home for dinner so i wouldn't have to bother learning anything else.

After my hardy breakfast, I wondered what Nat was doing, so I grabbed my phone from out of my bag and called her.
"DALLAS!" I heard my best friend screech from the other side of the phone.
"Hey Nat!"
"I haven't seen you in forever, what the eff is up babe?" I felt so guilty for putter her in the back.
"I'm sorry! that's why i called, wanna hang out today?"
"Sure. I'll get ready."
"Okay, I'll pick you up in 20 minutes."
"Sounds good. See you soon babe."

I hung up the phone and couldn't think of what to keep me busy until I had to pick up Nat. Then it clicked. I ran down to the basement and grabbed my camera. turning it upside down and popping out the memory card from the slot. I sat in the computer chair, turned it on and waited for it to load. Granted, it didn't take long. I uploaded the pictures onto my computer, noting he had secretly took some pictures of me while i was playing and immediately added it to my facebook pictures. Tagging him in every single picture. I smiled and looked at the clock planted on the bottom right side of my screen. Fifteen minutes had passed by, i grabbed my memory card, popped it back into the slot of the camera and carried it with me up the stairs. I grabbed my bag, and headed out the door.

Even if it was suppose to be just Nat and I, the three stooges had tagged along. I didn't mind, I've missed them a whole lot. The only person i really say while dating Ronnie was Ian, but that was only because i saw him at the coffee shop. We ended up at a glow in the dark, put put golfing course. Thanks to Dillon for the suggestion, it was better than everyone Else's suggested which was absolutely nothing. I drove up to the closest put put in town, dreading it. But i had to pull through, since i haven't seen my friends in what seemed like forever. I hopped out and followed the gang to the raunchy little building. I walked up the counter, seeing someone, i definitely didn't expect to see.
He looked up from his guitar and smiled at me; and damn was his smile amazing. It always was. I guess you can already guess smiles are a huge turn on for me. He had dirty blond hair that swept to the side, a bandanna sitting comfortably in it's place on his head, a maroon straight edge tee shirt and just like Ronnie, he always wore camouflage cut off shorts. His face was majorly scruffy and he had green eyes.
"Dallas, hey."
He gently put his guitar down on it's stand and walked around the counter and embraced me into a hug. I cringed as soon as i was hit with his familiar smell.
"How are you?" He asked heading back behind his counter.
"Good, and you?"
"Same." He smiled that same smile that got to me so many years ago. I sighed. History with this boy wasn't as extravagant as i would've liked it to be. Mark and i had a little fling and it really didn't go anywhere. He stopped it simply because i was a smoker. He was a hardcore straight edge kid. you could say he was your typical. I guess I give him props though for staying with me for as long as he did. He moved on and dated some 17 year old chick, sizing up his 27 year age. I cringed even more. At least this time, she wasn't a smoker.
"Um, one round i guess."
He nodded and handed all of us golf balls and sticks. I'm not the best golfer in the world, but it definitely wasn't my first time here at 'mark's choice of employment'.

"You're gonna put someones eye out with that!" Nat scolded Jonah. He had just hit the ball with all of his might, which caused the ball to fly above our heads and hit the wall that was directly pass us. Brandon, Dillon and i started rolling on the floor laughing.
"Heh, four...?" Jonah said, embarrassment clearly written all over his face.
We immediately started laughing again, which caused Nat to roll her eyes. The rest of the way, we just fucked around. We didn't care if the ball went in the hole or not. Because of Jonah, Brandon and Dillon decided to join in, in his "epic swing".
When we finally made it back to the counter, the stooges laid on the carpet ground right in front of Mark's counter. He looked over and smiled at the guys.
"If anything is broken, don't hesitate to blame these dorks." Nat said point at the boys and I.
"Chill Nat, nothing broke." I said throwing my arm around her.
Mark smiled at me and I paid for our one round.
"Will you be at the show tonight?" He asked me handing my change back.
"Yeah, kind of have to." i laughed.
"Figured. Your mom's the best though," I mentally rolled my eyes but i nodded.
"So- uh, you're dating Ronnie now." He said more like a statement than a question.
Another thing that sucks about knowing Mark. He just happens to be one of Ronnie's good friends. I inwardly groaned. I knew this wouldn't be the last encounter with him.
"That's cool. I guess I'll see you at the show tonight?"
"I sure hope so. Your band is playing tonight." I laughed.
"Oh right, duh. I forgot." He laughed awkwardly. It was silent for a while til Nat said we should go. I said bye to Mark and headed back to the car. If that wasn't the most awkward conversation I've ever had.
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Comment and sub! <3 and oh and i got a new subber! thanks whoever you are <3