Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


Before I knew it, it was time to head to the shop. I was chauffeur there, and most likely will be heading back home, but I didn't care. I found a parking spot in the back of the building and walked to the shop where there was a nice line of kids waiting to walk in. I opened the door and headed in saying hi to Jack yet again who was the door tender. I let Nat and the three stooges in for free, and we headed to the counter to order coffee from Shelly and surprisingly Michael was working that day. I thanked Shelly when i got my drink and headed for the stage where i saw my mom head with set up.
"hey mom."
She turned around and came to hug me.
"Hey, did you just get here?" she asked me walking back to the 'stage' and made sure the mics worked.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Did you need help with anything?"
She shook her head, "Nope, we're almost ready. If you could, can you maybe help jack for a little bit, i can see the line and i know he'll pull his hair out soon." I laughed and nodded. I walked to the door and sat next to Jack.
"Hey Ali" I never really understood his nickname for me.
"Hey jack jack." I smiled at him and started stamping kids hands while he took care of the money.

The show started a couple minutes later, not all the bands where there yet, like Mark's band, but they were the last one.. so they didn't really have to be. It seemed like everyone on the island was there. Every kid that was into hardcore anyway. I saw familiar faces and said hi as they came in. An hour passed and the first two bands were already done. There were five bands all together and the line started to descend. I excused myself and went to get a refill on my coffee. This time getting it from Michael. I nodded my head and he did the same. He still hasn't talked to me since that conversation we had when i was here with Ronnie. I would be lying if i said it didn't bother me that he was acting so distant towards me. And i still had came to no conclusion as to why he had freaked out when i mentioned Ronnie's name. I turned around to walk back to the door.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, I saw that familiar hoodie and that familiar frame glasses staring at me from the entrance. His smile widened as his eyes connected with mine, he pulled me in a hug as well as kissing my face. He was acting as if he hasn't seen me in months. I did not protest, i did the same right back at him.
"We are Upon Golgotha!"
We pulled apart and I begged Jack to let me leave. He had no problem giving in and we headed for the 'stage'.

Ronnie's best friend Joey was the lead singer of UG, replacing Kevin who had left for college a couple months back. We walked hand in hand and stood right in the front of Joey, who gave Ronnie cheesy smiles and he waved at me which i returned. I remember meeting him at first Friday's.
By the end of their set, Ronnie had already been separated from me and joined his friends in the pit. He did this constantly. Ronnie and his friends would dance and act like they were ten, but they got most of the people cracking up laughing with their antics. I walked outside, Nat not far behind me and walked over to the curb to sit down, i took out a cigarette.
"I swear Dallas, you will die of cancer." she said laughing as she took a seat next to me.
I shrugged and lit my cigarette immediately feeling relieved as the smoke entered my lungs as i inhaled. I smiled as i took another drag.

Ronnie came to sit next to me and flashed his smile. He looked at the cigarette in my hand and his eyebrows pulled together.
"You're gonna get cancer one day."
"THAT'S WHAT I TOLD HER!" Nat yelled.
I rolled my eyes and finished my cigarette while Nat and Ronnie go into this whole conversation about the dangers of smoking. I got up and they quickly followed. Ronnie grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows.
"whats wrong?" I asked him.
He leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips.
I smiled "what was that for?"
"Just to remind you that i love you no matter what." I blushed.
"I love you too."
"And i wanted you come meet my friends." I nodded and we headed to a group of guys and in the middle was Aimee.
"Ronnie boy! Is this her?" One of them asked. He was quite a looker. He wore a beanie over his black short hair, a black fitted shirt and i raised my eyes, leather skinny jeans. He had a septum and tattoos running along his arms. that same arm around Aimee. It didn't take a genius to figure out they were together.
Ronnie nodded, "Guys this is Dallas my girlfriend. Dallas this is Jesse," pointing at the guy with his arm around Aimee, " Nick, and I'm sure you remember Joey and Aimee and you know Aaron." I nodded.
Nick was wearing a black and white trucker hat, blue and white plaid shirt and black skinny jeans. He also had snakebites and gauges. Aaron was a way bigger and bulkier than the group. He had just one sleeve, green eyes, and wearing a black shirt, jean cut offs and a beige cameo hat. I knew Aaron for years and getting introduced to him as Ronnie's girlfriend i could tell made Aaron jealous. He may or may not have admitted his feelings for me in those years.

"Hey." I gave Aaron a hug anyway along with Joey.
"What? we don't get hugs?!" Nick exclaimed obviously faking that he was hurt.
I laughed and gave him a hug along with Jesse and Aimee.
"Dallas! It's great to see you again!" Aimee said, overly cheerful in her voice.
I smiled and nodded "it's good seeing you again too."
She left Jesse's side and grabbed my arm and link it with hers. she literally dragged me back inside for the next band and I guess you could say she was my dancing buddy the rest of the night. The boys followed behind us and they went back to their bickering. Joey, started running and jumping on Ronnie's back who was literally flown to the other side of the shop. Everyone laughed as he got up and did the same to Joey.

Two more bands had played and then it was finally time for the last band. Thank goodness, i was getting tired, which only meant getting more coffee from Shelly. I thanked her and walked over to Aimee who was talking animatedly to Nat. I had introduced the girls and they clicked instantly. I could see shopping trips with these two in the future. Throughout the night, i took random pictures of the bands, friends and of course the friends i just met.

I laid back while Mark's band set up. And like i said earlier, he was friends with Ronnie, so i glanced at the stage to see them talking and laughing. I groaned. I shook the thought of my head and saw Michael sitting at the counter stool. I excused myself, coffee in hand and took a seat right next to him.
"Hi." I said, ignoring the glares i was receiving from him. If looked could kill, I'd be dead.
"What are you doing?" i asked taking a sip of my coffee.
He ignored me.
"Fine. I get the hint," I said with my free hand in the air in defeat. " I just wish you would talk to me. I hate this." i hung my head and started walking away. I felt my arm getting pulled back and i looked to see Michael looking hurt.
"Can we talk?" he asked letting go.
"Um, no. i mean. I know this is your friend's band, so i guess we can meet up tomorrow and i promise I'll tell you everything." He said fidgeting.
I nodded. "Tomorrow at 10. Starbucks at Ward. Don't be late."
He smiled and nodded. I walked away and headed back to Aimee and Nat who were in the crowd. I disposed my coffee in the near by trash can and watched as Mark's and Aaron's band started playing.

The show finally ended and everyone was outside. I stood hand in hand with as we were surrounded by our friends.. But you can definitely see the difference when looking at these two groups.
"Are you staying over tonight?" I asked Ronnie, squeezing his hand.
He shook his head. " I'm gonna go home, Joey is staying over." he explained receiving a nod.
Nat came up to me and said she was tired and ready to go home. We hugged our new friends and i gave Ronnie a kiss goodbye. The three stooges, Nat and I headed for my car and one by one and dropped them off at their respected houses.

I woke up early the next morning. I realized it was because i had to meet with Michael. I sighed and walked to the shower. After 20 minutes i got out and wrapped a towel over my body. I got dressed into a gray quark sweater, with a black spaghetti shirt underneath and blue jeans shorts. I then grabbed my gray gladiator sandals and walked over to my vanity mirror and blew dried my hair as well as straightened it. I went for the natural look so i decided to just put on foundation and grabbed my slouch bag. I looked over at the microwave clock. 9:30. I walked out of the house, keys and bag in tow and headed for my car. I grabbed my RayBan's and put that on.

When i got to Starbucks, it was still early, so I took deliberate of grabbing a Caramel Frapp. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Michael standing there smiling. Dressed in board shorts and a quicksilver tee shirt.
"Do you want something?" I asked turning back around.
"I'll get it myself."
I just nodded. We stood in line in an awkward silence. Not one of us knowing what to say. When i finally got my drink, I walked outside to an open seat and was joined by Michael a bit after.
"So. whats up?" He asked taking a sip of his mocha frapp.
"Cut the small talk Michael. Whats going on with you?"
He sighed."Like i said, you'll think it was stupid."
I glared at him, "It cant be stupid if it's bothered you so much."
He stared at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"Spit it out."
"I'm not mad at you or anything Dallas. There's just some thing about me that i cant help and i get jealous really easily."
I tilted my head, "okay."
"And when i saw you with that guy, in my mind, i just blew up. I was jealous of your boyfriend. I was jealous that he gets to hold you, touch you, kiss you anytime he wants and it absolutely broke me. I like you, Dallas. A lot. and I'm sorry but i cant help it."

My eyes widened the whole time. I didn't know what to say, i was completely speechless.
"You were the first person who was ever nice to me since I've moved here and i guess i took it as you liking me back. I'm sorry. I told you it was stupid."
I suddenly had a soft spot for him. I suddenly felt like in a way i needed to help him.
"It's not stupid, Michael. I give you so much props for telling me this. I hate that I'm the reason why you were so bothered."
"No, Dallas. Don't you dare blame yourself for this. It was stupid of me to think I'd get a chance with you. I see how much you love your boyfriend. I just- i guess i have to figure out a way to move on."
I nodded.
"I love you as a best friend and a brother. Don't ever hesitate to talk to me if you feel like shit again okay?" I told him grabbing his hand and slowly rubbing it.
We sat there smiling and soon the conversation turned light. We drank our Frapps and talked about what we've been doing since the "oh so famous first glare".
"Wanna go to the beach?" He asked me standing up.
"yeah, i gotta get my bathing suit first." He nodded and followed me home in his own car.
"Make yourself at home while i go change."

I walked up to my bedroom and got dressed in my two piece black bikini. I threw my shorts back and on grabbed an extra shirt. I didn't bother to put it on. I grabbed a towel from the hallway closet and slowly made my way downstairs double checking to see if i had everything. I found Michael standing in the same spot i left him.
"I didn't know where to go, so i just stood here." He said awkwardly. I laughed and walked out the door, Michael in tow.
"So my car or yours?" I asked him.
I nodded and hopped in his red Chevy Impala. A really nice old school muscle car.
"This car is gorgeous." I commented touching the interior.

We drove to the nearest beach and got settled not to far away from the water. It was a super nice sunny day and i was glad to be here, just relaxing. It's been a while since I've been to the beach and all i wanted to do was lay in the sun and maybe hopefully get some color. I took off my shorts and grabbed my ipod from my slouch bag and put the buds in my ear. All Time Low's Therapy immediately caressing my hearing buds. I laid down on my back and closed my eyes, absolutely loving the peace.

Michael's POV
I sat there watching her. She looked so gorgeous in the light that it was hard for me not to just reach over and kiss her. I knew it would be wrong, I knew she had a boyfriend, i shook my head and took my shirt off. It was such a great day to go to the beach, i was glad i suggested it. I sat there next to Dallas and just looked out into the ocean. Kids, adult and random teenagers roamed the beach. California's beaches were never this beautiful.

Yet, it also didn't help that i had a beautiful girl laying next to me. I skimmed her body, taking in every curve everyone freckle, and her chest piece was just icing on the cake. I got up and headed for the water. The water was welcoming, cold at first but as soon as i dove in, i felt completely at ease. Then i realized swimming by yourself just wasn't fun.

Back to Dallas POV.
I felt a couple wet drops hitting my stomach and was sad to think it had started to rain. I opened my eyes to see Michael standing over me, hair and body dripping went. I looked down at his body and had to suck in my gasp. His body was completely toned and in some parts of me, it turned me on.
"Come in the water with me." He said as I sat up.
"No. I don't feel like going in yet." He cocked his eye brow and a smirk graced his face.
"Don't you dare do what i think you're gonna do."
His smile widened as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. My face inches from his butt.
"Michael put me down!" I yelled thrashing and hitting his butt.
What i didn't know was we were already at the water, so he literally threw himself in the water, with me still on his shoulder. I surfaced and gave him the best scowl i could while he surfaced as well laughing.
"That was so mean!" I yelled swimming closer to him.
"I'm sorry! It was completely boring in here just by myself." I smiled at him and put my hands on his shoulder and pushed down on it. immediately, he went under and i could feel him grabbing my waist, taking me down with him. We surfaced and laughed together. We swam for a couple more minutes and i decided i wanted to get dry. I headed for my towel and sat down , not bothering to wipe the water off my body. Air dry just seemed more natural to me. Michael took a seat on his towel next to me.

"So we should find you a girlfriend." I said looking out at the water.
"Dallas, no. Not yet please."
"it's the perfect time Michael." I turned to look at him and he was looking down at the sand.
I could tell he was hurt and i didn't mean to rush him into getting over me. I just think he deserves someone who will have the same feelings for him as he does for me.
"Okay, but i will keep my eyes open." I told him as i laid back down soaking up the sun.

After our talk, we headed back to his car where he dropped me off at home.
"Thanks for hanging out with me today Dallas." Michael said from the drivers seat.
"Anytime. And i mean that." I smiled and gave him a sideways hug. I got out and walked into my front door. I got tired all of a sudden. I didn't make it to my room. the farthest i got was the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠

another chapter, another subber and a lot more readers. I swear you guys are absolutely amazing! <3
What do you think? please don't hesitate to let me know.