Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


"Tell me something." Ronnie asked while we laid together on the beach the next night. We had an eventful day just hanging out at the beach. My friends were hosting another night of bonfires and chill sessions.
"Like what?"
I thought about it and couldn't come up with anything. I just shrugged.
"Favorite food." He asked.
"Pasta. Favorite animal?"
"Me too!" I yelled excitedly. He chuckled.
20 questions lasted for 20 minutes, that is, until he asked.
"Um, Tell me about your dad." I stiffened. I haven't really talked about my dad to anyone else but my mom and sister.
"What is there to know? He's not here." I said sitting up, tears daring to fall down my cheek.
"Where is he?" He followed suit, sitting up as well.
"He died, Ronnie." I hung my head and tears escaped. I've talked about him before, so why is it so hard for me to do it now?
"Would i look like an ass if i asked how did he die?" His voice was low and barely audible. As much as i didn't walk to talk about it, I thought it'll be good for him to know.
"It was cancer. I don't remember much to be honest. I was seven. I didn't really understand what was going on. I just remember my dad being in the hospital for a long time, and then completely disappearing." I whispered.
"I'm sorry I asked babe." He said sadly as he held me from behind. My back touching his chest.
"I think it's good that i talk about him with someone other than my mom or sister. They knew him the longest and just me talking about it to someone who didn't know him at all, it makes me feel better. I know it makes me sound selfish, but i cant help it. I didn't have enough time with him." I sobbed. "Promise me you wont leave me like he did." I demanded.
"I promise baby." He turned me around and held my face in his palms. "I'm not leaving you now or ever. You're stuck with me." I looked right into his eyes, and just like always, he was sincere and i could see the truth in his eyes.
"Thank you." I whispered. He smiled and gave me a light kiss.
"Come on, lets get some rest." We both laid back down and held each other. For me, it was like I was holding him for dear life. I could tell he noticed, a laugh escaped his mouth.
"I'm not going anywhere babe." My grip loosened. I laid my head on his chest, my arm wrapped over his stomach and my leg over his. I could hear his heartbeat pounding against his chest. It was so soothing.
I could feel my body getting tired. I began to get drowsy and before i passed out, I heard three words I love coming out of his mouth. "I love you."


I woke up the next morning with the sun beaming on my face. I groaned and sat up to notice Ronnie and I had fell asleep on the beach. i looked over to the gorgeous boy laying next to me and smiled. He looked absolutely peaceful; not bothered by the sun hitting his face. I looked out into the ocean and smiled. The sun hitting every part of the ocean, making them sparkle like tiny diamonds.
As I looked around the beach, we weren't the only one that had passed out from the bonfire. Every one of my friends were there, lounging around each other. It was a funny sight, yet i knew we should be heading out. before i could wake him up, i heard a groan. I laughed as i saw him with a scrunched up face and his hands over his face, trying to block out the sun.
"Good morning." i smiled.
He looked up at me and returned it. "Good morning. What time is it?"
"I have no idea, but we should really start heading home." I said standing up and holding my hand out to him.
He grabbed it, and with little effort pulled himself up. He draped his hands over me and we started walking to the now extinguished fire. We woke up everyone and one by one we said our goodbyes, and headed home.
"That was interesting." He commented during the drive back to town.
"What was?"
"I don't think I've ever slept on the beach before." He laughed.
I nodded, "Me neither."
"It was nice."
I gave him a cheeky smile. suddenly i heard my favorite song come up on his Ipod. All I want by A day to remember. I turned the volume dial up and started singing along.
"So, whats going down tonight?" I asked him after the song was finished.
"Joey's band is playing. Wanna go?" He asked.
"Yeah of course. I love those boys." I smiled.
The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. It took us literally an hour thanks to the morning rush traffic. Ronnie dropped me off at home, and kissed me before i got out and he drove off.
I walked into the house to find it empty. Not surprised, it always is. I lazily walked up to my room and i knew i wasn't tired enough to actually go back to bed. So i showered and got dressed. I had hours before i had to head to the show, so I grabbed my camera, walked down the stairs, grabbed my keys and drove to the mall. I wanted to get some shots of just random things. Random people; the mall was great for that and i could also get some shopping done.
I smiled after every picture i had taken; Some came out perfect, others; well, i might have to delete them. I walked around, just looking at my pictures when i accidentally bumped into someone. I fell back and landed on the floor, my butt now aching from the fall.
"I'm so sorry." His voice was low and masculine like.
I looked up to see a tall, very tall and dark and pretty good looking guy.. He had black long hair that he had tied up, His eyes were lazy, almost like a wolves eyes. He wore a guns and roses gray shirt and blue jeans.
"Lori?" My eyes widened. Only one person has ever called me that.
"Stevie!" I got off my butt and engulfed him in a hug.
He has definitely changed from when we were younger. I haven't seen him since my dad's funeral. His mother decided Hawaii was just to hurtful because she had lost her brother, so they packed up their stuff and moved to New York. We kept in touch for a little while, but then it just kind of stopped. It took me a long time to move on without Stevie.
"I haven't seen you in so long!" I held on tight to him afraid of letting go. We stayed hugging for quite a long time.
After a while, I finally let him go and asked "what are you doing here?"
He smiled "I just turned 21, do you really think I'm gonna go any longer not seeing my favorite cousin?" I smiled.
"Mom still being strict?" I asked laughing.
"Always. Ever since Uncle Jerry died, she's been in such a rut. I'm just glad i got out of there."
We walked along the path arms linked.
"How was new york?"
"Way different than here. It's so busy and crowded and noisy. It's not peaceful like it is here." He explained.
"Nice Ink." He commented looking at it.
"Thanks. I love it!" I smiled.
We found our way to the nearest bench and sat down. I faced him and crossed my legs. We reminisced about our young days and what we remembered from it. Then it hit me, i needed to ask him why he stopped talking to me.
"Stevie," I looked down at my hands and started fidgeting with it. "Why'd you stop talking to me?"
He didn't say anything for a long time. I squeezed my eyes, making lingering tears fall. I knew it was bad, he's always quiet when something bad happens. I looked up at him and he just stared at me with the most apologetic eyes.
"don't look at me like that, Stevie." I whispered.
"I'm sorry, i just, it's hard to explain really. I don't know how to tell you without you getting angry at me or at my mom." I looked at him confused.
"Your mom? What does she have to do with it?" I asked.
"Well, after the first couple months of us talking, she got aggravated. She hated that I was talking to you, because of the fact that you were the spawn of Uncle Jerry. She wanted to leave every memory, every person, every thought of him and everything that had to do with him behind."
I became angry, "that's stupid!"
"I know, i know. but i couldn't do anything about it, Lori. I was very young and didn't really understand it, until i got older. Because she basically forced me to forget about you guys, i became super rebellious. I hated her for moving me away from everyone i loved. So after years had gone by, mom and dad basically disowned me. They didn't acknowledge me around the house, they ignored everything. So i just did everything myself. I had to grow up by myself, Lori. and I promised myself that the instant I had the chance to leave, i would... and well, here i am. Late, i know but I'm here regardless." he finished.
My eyes soften for my cousin. He had to go through hell and back. I never really did like his mom- my aunt. It was like she always had something stuck up her ass and it made her into a huge bitch.
I scooted over to my cousin and engulfed him in another bear hug.
"I'm glad you're here, Stevie. I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too." He kissed me on the cheek and we stayed like that for what seemed like hours.
"Okay, enough of this sappy stuff, whats' going down tonight?" He asked me.
"My boyfriend's best friend is playing a show tonight, you should come! omg, I can introduce you to everyone!"
"Sounds like a plan. How'd you get here?"
"I drove." I told him walking over to my car.
"I'll catch a ride. I'm staying with you." He smiled.
My eyes widened. "what?!"
He laughed and nodded, "I stopped by the house and Sasha was home, she told me I'd find you at the mall."
I shook my head. " i don't understand how she thought that, I'm hardly at the mall."
I unlocked my car and hopped into the drivers seat, while Stevie got into the passenger seat.

When we finally got to my house, we walked into to Sasha in the living room by herself surprisingly. I never see her without Alex.
"Hey." I sat on the couch next to her.
"Hi." she smiled, "hey Steven, Long time no see."
"I just saw you an hour ago." He laughed.
"all the same." She shrugged.
"Well, i guess he'll be staying in the guess room." I got up and Stevie followed me to his new room.

After hours of unpacking his stuff, we both got ready for the show. I was excited for him to meet everyone, especially Ronnie, I know they would get along, i can just feel it. And usually my gut was right. I smiled at him as we both got into my car. I went to pick up Nat first and then got a call from Aimee, who i was very surprised to hear from. Jesse couldn't make it so she had to find another ride to the show. I picked her up and she hopped in the back with Nat.
"Stevie this is Aimee, Aimee, my cousin Stevie."
"Nice to meet you." He told her.
I smiled at the short conversation and started driving off.
When we finally got to the show, We all got out of my car and started walking to the raunchy building with the huge "4play" sign right above it. It was a bar slash venue and I've gone to many shows here, It was convenient and it was on the second floor above a restaurant.
Everyone was there and that made me happy. I loved it when shows were packed. Stevie and I linked arms as we walked up the stairs and occasionally meeting new people.
We walked into the venue and gave our cover to jack. I looked around and smiled as i saw my boyfriend standing around with Joey and the rest of their friends, minus Jesse.
"There he is Stevie!" I smiled up at him and pulled him to the group. I saw Joey nudge Ronnie and he turned around. His face was angry and it looked like he wasn't happy to see me, or Stevie. I was so confused.
"Ronnie?" He looked at me with his head down, shook it and turned back towards the guys.
I looked over at Stevie, "whats wrong?"
He shrugged.
"Ronnie what's wrong?"
He turned back around and just glared at me. "You tell me!! How dare you, Dallas! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" He yelled.
My eyes widened. He has never talked to me like that. I didn't understand what was going on. I was hurt, confused, angry.
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"How dare you think you could do what you did and not think i wouldn't find out about it. The worse part, you bring him here!" He yelled pointing at Stevie.
"What are you talking about!" I shouted
"Joey saw you at the mall with him and you two were getting pretty close." He continued to raise his voice. "I didn't think you'd do this to me."
"Lets go somewhere more quiet." I told him as i pulled him towards the door and down the stairs.
"You're really dumb you know that?." I told him, with my arms crossed.
"Who do you think I'll believe? My best friend who saw it with his own eyes or my girlfriend, who brings SAID GUY tonight."
"So, you're breaking up with me?" I whispered. Clearly hurt. My eyes watered and I could feel my lips tremblinng.
"I don't know what i want, Dallas. I thought you loved me." His eyes was filled with hurt, with anger.
"If you have to second guess yourself about this relationship, and not even ask me about it first before blowing things way out of proportion, then I want nothing to do with you." I turned on my heels and headed straight back upstairs. I was completely angry, completely heartbroken and I had no idea what to do.
Stevie walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"You okay?"
I shook my head and sobbed in his arms. I honestly didn't care who saw. Him and his friends can kiss my ass; They don't know nothing about what really happened today.
"What happened?" Nat exclaimed. I didn't move an inch, as i heard Stevie explain everything to them.
"What the fuck! That dumb ass!" Aimee cursed. She was pissed, i knew her tone. It honestly didn't take a lot to get this small petite tattooed girl mad.
"I'll be right back."
I lifted up my head to see Aimee walk away from us and up to Ronnie. She tipped toed and slapped him in the back of his head. He turned around and looked be-wild. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but from the looks of Ronnie's face, I could tell he was getting aggravated.
"Don't worry about him, sweetie. Lets just have fun tonight okay?" Stevie told me. I looked up at him and smiled. He was right, I'm not going to worry about Ronnie, no matter how much i was in love with him. He was gone, he ended it over something stupid.
As much as I told myself i didn't care, I knew i was lying. I cared a lot and that just killed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorryyyyyy for the long wait. here it is!
