Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


The next day, Stevie and I drove around the city reminiscing about the days when we were younger. We visited our old grade school and the park where we had a lot of our play dates at with our mothers- when they actually got along, watched a movie and watched a teenage guy, who was a bit older than I was, play an acoustic guitar on the side of the road. After dropping couple of dollar bills into his open suitcase, we made our journey back home. When we did, Sasha, Alex, Brooke and my mom was in the living room. Seeing my mom at home during the day was weird. I looked at them confused.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
"Dallas, sit. Sasha has something she'd like to say." Mom told me.
Stevie and I sat on the floor near Sasha's feet.
"Well, I'm moving out." My mouth dropped and smile formed on my lips.
"Really? Where are you staying?"
"Well, that's the thing, Alex asked me to move in with him and Brooke." She explained as she held his hand.
"Wow! I'm happy for you sis!" I smiled and hugged her.
"Thanks." She smiled. I looked over at my mom and a smile was formed on her lips as well.
"You're okay with this mom?"
She nodded, "Of course. Whatever makes her happy. Besides, she needed to move out sometime."
She laughed.
I nodded.
After all that, Stevie and I headed upstairs.
"I can't believe my sister is finally moving out." I told him, as i sat on his bed.
"I know." he laughed while taking a seat at his computer desk.
"I'm 21, i think it's time i move out too." I told him.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've been kind of thinking after Sasha said she was moving out, that I kind of want to do the same. I mean, i want to travel. You're only young once." I explained.
"I guess that's true. But how are you going to do that? you're not even done with school."
"I can do online school or something, i don't know." I shrugged.
"This doesn't have anything to do with wanting to be away from Ronnie right?" He asked.
I didn't think of it like that, to be honest. I just thought maybe it would be good for me to leave.
"No. Believe me. This has nothing to do with him. I've always wanted to travel."
I could tell he didn't believe me. but it was the honest truth. Now that he asked me that, there's a small truth to that. I'd be lying if i said I haven't thought about him at all today. After everything we've been through so far, getting him out of my head was easier said then done.
"Well, in that case, I'm not going to be cooped up in this house while you go gallivanting around the world alone. I'm coming too." He said standing up.
My eyes widened.
"Yeah. I lost you once, Dallas. I don't want it to happen again."
I smiled at him and stood up engulfing him in a huge bear hug.
"When do you want to leave?" he asked me.
"Well i have to talk to my mom about it first. I'm pretty sure she wont be to happy about it, but she'll be fine without me. I'm almost certain."
He nodded.
"Lets start making plans!" He hopped into his seat again and started looking at all the sites for different places.
This is going to be awesome! Traveling the world with my favorite cousin; i can almost see it.


A week has passed and I've already talked my mom about Stevie and I leaving. Just like I thought, she wasn't to happy with me leaving. But she warmed up to the idea since Stevie was going to be with me. And to my surprise, she also started dating this guy who comes into the shop. His name was Jason and he was an CEO for some big company. He seemed like a good guy and I've seen him come in before. I approved. It was about time she found someone and moved on from dad. I know she still feels guilty for it, but after much convincing from Jason, she gave in. It's cute seeing them together.
Over the course of the week, I've made sure everyone i knew in other states and countries knew that i would be visiting for a little while. Stevie and I had our entire trip planned. He was a lot more organized than I ever was. Aimee and Jesse came over for a little while, and even though the topic was Ronnie, i pretended that nothing was bothering me. At least one of his friends knew the truth. I knew that it was officially over between Ronnie and I. He hasn't called or even texted. Of course i haven't tried contacting him either, but that's only because He was in the wrong and wouldn't let me explain. I shook the thought out of my head and grabbed my baggage. I walked down the stairs and headed out to the car.

"Are you ready?" Stevie asked as he walked out of the house.
I nodded. I hugged everyone who was there, which was Nat, the stooges, Ian and even Aimee, my mom, Sasha, Alex, and little Brooke. Stevie and I hopped into the car and we were off to the airport.
"Goodbye Hawaii, Hello Road trip!" Stevie screamed. I smiled.

*an hour earlier*

*Ronnie's POV*
I was driving home from work, taking the same route i always do, when my phone starts ringing. I side glanced at the screen, Joey's name flashing. I pressed the green button and then the speaker button.
"Hey buddy! whats up?"
"Heading home from work, whats up with you?"
"Nothing much, hey, so do you wanna hit up Manifest tonight?"
"I don't know, i work in the morning."
"Come on, please! The gang will be there."
I sighed. "Fine. But only because you're begging me."
I could just see his smile through the phone.
"Awesome! See you there then buddy."

I hung up the phone and threw it onto the passenger seat. Tonight will be good for me. It'll take my mind off of her. At least i had hope it would. I barely got any sleep last night, thanks to the image of them two floating around my head. I shook my head and before i knew it, i was walking up the stairs to my small apartment. Images of her being here immediately haunted my mind. That one day especially. The day I knew i had fallen for her, the first time her and I slept together. That day was so special to me. Having her in my arms, while we lay in bed after an hour of pure passion, it was like nothing I've ever felt. I sighed and threw my phone on the nearby stand and changed out of my uniform. My phone rang for the second time that day, but this time it was a text.

'Coffee right now. Meet me at the Starbucks down the street from your place."

It was Jesse. After texting him saying okay, i took a shower and got dressed in my usual attire. Knee cut off jeans, a black plain tee and my hat. The joys of looking the way I do, once I'm out of uniform, you would have never guessed i was in the military. I grabbed my keys, wallet and RayBan's and walked out the door.

Once i pulled into the lot, i could see Jesse. I got out of my truck and walked towards him.
"Whats up bruh?" I asked taking a seat next to him.
"Well, we kind of have to talk." He looked at me with what i know to be sympathetic.
"about what?" I asked
My eyebrows cringed at the sound of her name.
"I don't want to talk about it." i stated.
"Well, fine, but hear me out will you?" He told me taking a sip from his coffee, which i knew to be vanilla bean.
"Ronnie, I think breaking up with her was probably the stupidest thing you've ever done"
"what are-"
"Let me finish," he said interrupting me. "I had a talk with Aimee about it, and after seeing it for myself, I knew I had to tell you."
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Let me ask you this first. Why didn't you let her explain?"
"Explain? there's no explanation for cheating, Jesse. You know that. After what Katie did to me, how can I ever believe what any girl says?"
"You should've really let her explain. Once you hear this, you're going to feel like the stupidest person on the planet."
I looked at him confused.
"Ronnie, that guy she was with at the show, it was her cousin."
My eyes widened.
"WHAT?! no, that's impossible Joey saw them cuddling at the mall!"
"He was just consoling her. they haven't seen each other in years, Ronnie. Like since she was 7 or some shit. From what Aimee's told me, his parents made them moved after her dad died."
I felt like complete shit. I couldn't believe i didn't let her explain. Jesse was right, i do feel like the stupidest person on the planet.
"You have a lot of begging to do Ronnie."
My hands automatically found it's way to my head.
"I know. I cant believe i was so stupid." I could feel Jesse nodding his head.
"What did you mean by after seeing it for yourself? You went to see her?" i asked him.
"Yeah. Aimee and i drove to her house couple days ago and at first she was not happy to see me ,but after some convincing from Aimee, I heard it from both of their mouths."
"You saw her? How is she? Be honest." I looked at him. I needed to know.
"She seems fine to me to be honest. But you know Dallas. She doesn't really show emotion when she's hurt."
I nodded, i knew that.
"what am i suppose to do, Jesse?" I asked desperately.
"I don't know, but you better think of something, She's leaving today."
My eyes bulged out.
"Her and her cousin are going on a road trip around the world for a year. Kind of happened the day after the show."
I hopped out of my seat and into my truck. I couldn't believe she was leaving. I drove as fast as I could over to her house. I had to apologize, i had to make sure she didn't leave. I knew it was because of me. How stupid can i be? I stopped right in her drive way and ran to her door. I didn't even knock, i just ran in.
"Dallas!" I yelled.
Her mom came out of the kitchen, "Ronnie?"
"Where is she? I need to apologize! she cant leave, i need her!" I yelled looking around the house.
She looked at me with the most saddest eyes.
"I'm sorry Ronnie. She's already left."
My knees buckled and i fell to the floor. Mrs.J kneed beside me.
"I'm so sorry."

The tears kept on flowing. I lost her. I lost any chance with her again. Why didn't i just let her explain?

"I miss you."
♠ ♠ ♠

this is the end! I'm sorry this story was so short. I have a lot of ideas for the sequel. so thanks to those who subcribed! as well as the comments I got.<3