Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


The rest of the night, Ronnie and I talked for what seemed like hours, when really it was only two hours. At five in the morning, I logged of and finally tried getting some much-needed sleep. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I crashed.

I woke up six hours later with a huge headache. I knew I had to get up because I've already wasted half of my morning, but a smile was placed on my face as I remembered the conversation Ronnie and I had. I hopped off my bed, not even caring what I had looked like, and walked over to my desk, which held my Mac book and various other items. I opened my Mac, clicked on my account and signed into Facebook. As much as I shouldn’t be surprised, I had a unread message waiting for me. I clicked on it and it was none other than Ronnie.

"I figured you wouldn't be on when I got home...oh well, talk to you soon maybe? :P "

I smiled to myself and saw that he was online. I clicked on his name and started yet another conversation with him for the second time that day. We talked about the shows, and I've even admitted to seeing him at other places. I laughed at the irony of him noticing me as well.

I logged off after a couple of hours and found myself at Starbucks yet again with my best friends and the three stooges. I had mentioned to Ronnie, I would be there, hoping he would stop by for a little while. To my surprise, he did, and it was the first time I've seen him since the night of the show. He was gorgeous up close just as much as he was from afar. He bought himself a coffee and hung around my friends and me until he had to leave. My friends knew very well how I felt about Ronnie. Even a blind person could see the connection, but could he? I really had no idea.

There was yet another show the next day. I had convinced him to go and that excited me to no end. I got dressed in blue skinny jeans and a black spaghetti strap with gladiator slippers and my hair straightened. I had gotten a ride from Natalia and her dad. He dropped us off right in front and I spotted him. He wore nothing but what he knows best; Cameo shorts with a DIE SLOW shirt. He didn't have his famous rim glasses, but still had his hat. I walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug. Throughout the night, we flirted, danced next to each other and laughed at every weird thing his friends ended up doing. I couldn't get the retarded smile off my face.

It seems like talking to him was a natural routine. I would get home and he would be online ready to tell me about his day. One conversation after that show will forever burned in my mind.

"So I had a dream about you last night... three guesses as to what it was." he started. I already knew what it could be but I decided to play with his mind.
"We were at a show together...?" I guessed.
I decided to just guess right, since I couldn't hold in it much longer.
"You didn't have a sex dream about me did you? That would be kind of exciting if you ask me." I laughed knowing I had gotten it right.
"Good guess! I think you knew this whole time you tricker!" I laughed. He already knew me to well.

I had asked him to give me details. Apparently, the sex was good in his dream; he wanted to see if it was just as good in reality. We talked more about it, but I still had my morals. I would not do anything with him because he still had a girlfriend. And I made sure I don't do anything. He had continued to tell me he wanted to kiss me about a million times at the show. The amount of butterflies in my stomach was endless. He had that power over me and I'm sure he knew it too. We wanted each other... he wanted me. That blew me away.

We decided to meet up for coffee the day after since it will be a Saturday. My nerves were up in the air, but I knew I wanted to get to know him a lot better than I should. At this point, I didn't care that he had a girlfriend. I wanted him for myself because the more I've talked to this guy, the more I became interested. I showered and got dressed in a gray long sleeve shirt and blue skinny jeans. I tried looking my best and I was hoping it would pay off. He picked me up and I swear to God I would have jumped him right there and then. He was wearing blue cut off jeans, with a black V next showing every tattoo on his body. He wore black Ray Ban glasses and a black beanie. I couldn't stop staring but I had to. Staring is rude. We went to the same Starbucks where we first met. I got my usual while he ordered tea and bagel. He was a vegan, Interesting to say the least. We walked out and found a spot for us to sit down.

At first things were quiet. We were both taking in each other’s appearance and we had this silent conversation. We smiled at each other and I knew he wanted me; its written all over his face.

"So, tell me something." I said. As much as I loved the silence, I wanted to get down to it and just have a normal conversation with him.
"Um, well... I was married once before." My mouth dropped.
"Really? Tell me about it."
"Well, there's nothing really much to tell. She didn't really approve of me wanting to be an artist. She didn't support me in anything I did. So we got a divorce."
I sat there shocked, not knowing what to say. He got married once, but how can someone be so stupid to let this beautiful creature go?
"Hm. So are you okay now?"
"Yeah, I mean, I'm here, but I really miss New York." I knew that's where he grew up.
"I'm sorry."
I suddenly felt bad for the guy. He was probably head over heels in love with this chick, yet she threw it all away.
"It's okay really." He flashed his gorgeous pearly whites at me.
The silence once again over took us. I was trying to take in everything he has told me. If I had a chance to marry this guy, I wouldn't do anything to get in his way of his dreams.

"So, there's this show tonight over at Sand Island. I think it'll be great if you were there." I said. I knew he loved shows; Why not tell him when something comes up right?
"I don't know if I can go. The boys and I are going riding tonight." He explained after taking a bite out of his bagel.
"Oh." Suddenly the ground became interesting to look at.
"I'll make it up to you okay?"
I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

Suddenly, the time for him to take me home came. I hugged him as he parked the car and I climbed out waving at him. I decided I could get a couple of hours of sleep before Natalia and her dad came to pick me up once again for the show. However, the only thing to be swarming my mind was of him.
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Comment and sub! Much love to my first subber! <3