Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


I woke up two hours later, and walked over to my bathroom to shower. I stripped off my clothes, walked into the bathtub and turned the handle making it warm. The feeling of the water hitting my face was amazing. It definitely woke me up. I lavished my hair in strawberry smelling shampoo and conditional and continued to wash my body.

When I was finally done, I dried myself off and wrapped my body in a blue cotton towel. I walked over to my stereo and turned up the volume blasting Escape The Fate. I then walked over to my drawer and pulled out the essentials I needed. I wore black spaghetti, baby doll dress with shorts underneath it. I then did my usual make up, straightened my hair and threw on my black moccasin boots.

By the time I was done, Natalia texted me saying her dad had cancelled. I rolled my eyes and called one of my girlfriends, Kenna to come pick us up. She showed up 15 minutes later with Gabby in tow. We decided to get some Starbucks and have a short girl’s day before heading over to the show.

Kenna was in my opinion Gorgeous. She stood at the same height as I at 5'6. She had blond straight hair and a body to die for. Her smile could light up the town, literally. She dressed in black shorts with a white tank top that showed off her curves as well as her long legs.
Gabby is Kenna's best friend. They have known each other for as long as they both could remember. Gabby was a bit taller than Kenna and had the same type of body; Lean and skinny. She was adorable in every way and when she liked something her favorite sentence was " I like where this is going..." and had a damn cute smile at the end of it.

We were each super hyperactive and ready for the show, so we hopped into Kenna's altima and drove there. As we got closer, I noticed couple boys chilling outside on their bikes and one really stuck out like a sore thumb. It was Ronnie in all his bike gear glory. Kenna parked and I immediately got out of the car. I made sure not to make it seem like I was anxious to touch him, so I waited for the girls to get out. We walked in a straight line across as if we were the girls on 'Sex and the City'. To say I was shocked to see him was an understatement. I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here." I said. I could feel my cheeks becoming hot.
"I talked the boys into coming."

He smiled at me and I could literally melt. I looked at the boys he was with and sure enough, they looked over and waved, I returned it. I excused myself to go in and he followed and separated himself from my view as he went in the back to grab himself a beer with his friends.
It's like every time him and I are in the same room, we have this telepathic conversation. I knew from the conversations we've had previously to this night, he wanted me. And I couldn't have agreed more of wanting him right back. After the first couple bands, Ronnie told me, he had to leave. Again, the floor seemed more interesting. He gave me a hug with a tight squeeze and left. The rest of the night, all I could think of was him. All I wanted to do was be around him and be the one to show the world how much that boy meant to be.

But I knew there was no way I could be that lucky.

The week after, Ian, Natalia, her boyfriend Darren (who happened to be my best friend) and a couple other people decided to go out to dinner. We met up at the mall, walked over to Macaroni Grill and reserved a table. There were three boys and three girls, six in total. Now if you have ever been to MG, you know they cover the tables with writing paper, they give you crayons to draw anything and everything your mind desires. One of my friends, Ryan grabbed a black crayon and started drawing Penis' all over the table. We could not stop laughing. Everyone was giving us strange looks and one waiter could not help but laugh along with us when he saw the various genitals.

"I don't know what's wrong with you guys!" Vicky stated as she covered her face with embarrassment.
"Imagine what is going on in everyone's mind when they see this. I mean, it's not every day you see a black penis on a table."
This only caused more laughter around the table.
We ordered our food and drew on the table more. Natalia and I were in an intense game of hangman.

"Spaghetti!" She whispered yelled.
I pouted.
"You're good Nat."
She smiled at me and cuddled with Darren as our food arrived. I had ordered shrimp fettuccine pasta and I could not wait to dig in.

"So, we should go to first Friday's tomorrow. Get the whole gang to go." Ian suggested. I was completely up for the idea.

The next day, I could not get myself to get out of bed. I hate morning and the clock on my nightstand was flashing 8:30. I got up and made my way downstairs to greet my mom and my sister, Sasha.

"Good Morning Sweetie." My mom threw down her cloth and walked over to me, placing a kiss on the top of my head.
Sasha looked up from her breakfast and nodded at me, which I had returned.

That was all my family consisted of; just the three of us. My dad died when I was seven and when Sasha was eleven. It was hard growing up without a father, but my mom did her best to give us everything we needed. She went back to school and worked as many jobs as she could handle to support us. Thankfully, mom got her degree in Business and opened up a coffee shop. Her coffee shop has very good business and she even started allowing shows there. Sasha and I would help but she wanted us to finish our own schooling, so she hired new people, One being Ian. You'd think that with my mom owning a coffee shop and everything, I had no reason to go to Starbucks. I just think they both have different tastes.

Sasha is 24 now and had her own talent and that was makeup. She knew everything about makeup and clothes. I do not know what her inspiration was for it, but she was well-known around the island. She did makeup for all the various fashion shows that came to town and she even had a chance at going to Fashion week up in New York.

She came back with the hugest smile on her face as well as the huge bag full of makeup hanging on her arm. She was back for a couple days before she had to head back up to New York for yet another fashion show.

I went back upstairs to my room while mom left for the shop and my sister left for a day date with her boyfriend, Kerry. I hopped onto the computer yet again and checked my various sites. A few hours later, I got ready and headed for Natalia's house where Ian picked us up. All the girls agreed to wear dressed for this special occasion. I wore a pink and black stripped flow looking dress and Natalia wore a tube top red dress. We were definitely dressed to impress.

We hopped into Ian's car and drove to town. First Friday's is pretty much a block party dedicated to fashion, art and music. We met up with 10 other people; including the 3 stooges. We walked around and noticed the crowd getting bigger and bigger and by the time it was ten, everyone on the street was drunk.

My phone suddenly rang and I smiled at the name.
"Turn around."

I obeyed and my smile grew bigger. Standing right across the street was Ronnie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to my new Subbers and Readers. <3
