Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


I hung up the phone and I waited for the light to turn into the white walking man and power walked across the street. I hugged him and he introduced me to his friend, Joey.

"You look good Dallas." He complimented.
My cheeks became hot. "Thanks."
"So what are you doing here?"
"My friends and I are actually going to Manifest for a drink. We come here every first Fridays." He explained.
I nodded. I knew this. I saw him standing outside of Manifest the first time I have seen him ever, Which was the part of the reason I wanted to get to know him.
"What about you?"
"My friends and I like to walk around here sometimes. Look at the fashion and stuff." He nodded in understanding.

I looked back at my friends, each one of them looking at me. I knew it was time for me to part ways with him.
"Well I should go. Call me later?"
He smiled and nodded. I gave him one last hug, walked back across the street and locked arms with Natalia.

After a couple of hours, we all decided to head home. I didn't mind, my feet was absolutely killing me and the boots wasn't much help. The house was quiet, as i had expected it to be at one in the morning. I headed for my room and changed into an all time low shorts and a tank top. I cuddled with myself under the covers and fell into a slumber.

The next day, I found myself talking to Ronnie. It became a routine thing and something I had to do at least once a day. We told each other how the rest of our night went after seeing each other; I couldn't tell him I wanted to jump his bones. He knew that already. Then out of nowhere, he writes.

"You got your wish."

That confused me.

"What do you mean?"
"Katie and I broke up."

My mouth dropped. This was completely crazy. As much as I wanted him for myself, I didn't think they'd actually break up. They dated for three years. THREE YEARS. And it ends just like that.

"why? I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"I don't know. It was mutual I guess. She just didn't give me a reason."
"No reason? You two dated for three years. You at least deserve a reason."
"I don't know. You are a great girl Dallas. I just do not want to be in a relationship right now. I have to do this myself and try to get over this on my own."

The minute he is single, he doesn't want me anymore. I am not that cold hearted to think he's just going to come crawling into my arms. I have much more self-respect to do that.

'I completely understand Ronnie. And take all the time you need." I completely meant it. Sure I was upset about him ending everything before something started, but he doesn't need someone to throw themselves at him. I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to comfort him. However, I knew he wouldn't let me.

"we still up for coffee this weekend?"[i/] He asked. It was only Saturday.
"Okay well i got to get back to work. I'll call you later."
"Sounds good. Bye."

I leaned against the back of my chair taking this all in. I knew three things.
1) He was single again.
2) He did not want a relationship.
3) And I can’t do anything about it.

I sighed and laid back into my bed. I didn't know what to think, but I know I had to give him his space and hopefully things worked out for the better. I got dressed in blue shorts and a black plain v-neck shirt. I decided to drive over to my mom's shop and see if she needed help with anything.

Yes, I do have a car. I’ve just been too lazy to drive it. Haha

Anyway, when I got to my mom’s shop, I walked thru the door, saw Ian making a customer his coffee and off to the side, my mom interviewing one more hopeful. I could only see the back of his blond head, but I didn't think much of it. I sat on the counter stool and waited for my mom to be done. Ian walked over.

"Hey Dallas. What are you doing here?" He asked placing my favorite drink in front of me; Caramel frap.
"I got bored, so I decided to come here to see if you guys needed help. Apparently you do since mom's hiring."
"Yeah, for some reason, the shops have been really busy." He said looking around and sure enough, every table occupied.
In my purifier vision, I saw mom shake the guys hand and walk towards me. I finally got a look at him and let me tell you, he was gorgeous. His hair was blond, his eyes were green and he had the type of body I would go for; Tall and slender. His outfit was of one who would try to impress their possible future employer; Black skinny jeans and a red and white plaid shirt. If I were in mom's position, I'd hire him just on what he's wearing, but that would be super shallow of me.

"Hi sweetie." Mom said side hugged me. She was carrying a bunch of papers in her other arm.
"Hi mom. Looking for potential workers?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.
"Yeah. It's so crazy here. That guy Michael seemed like a good worker, but I have three more interviews to do today."

She let out a sigh and walked to the back room where her office was. I followed her.

"Do you need help with anything today? I have nothing else to do." I asked leaning against the doorframe.
"Can you help Ian today? I should have some new workers tomorrow after the next three interviews."
"Okay." I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on top of her head. I walked out and put on an apron. I may have been away from the shop for a while, but I still knew how to make every drink. When the night progressed and mom was finally done with her final interview, we locked up the store and headed home.

"Did you figure out who you're going to hire?" I asked from the passenger seat.
"Yeah, I might hire that Michael kid as well as the girl Nikki. They both seem to really want the job." Her fingers lightly tap to the beat of the current song that was playing on the radio.
I nodded and didn't want to talk anymore. Once we got home, I kissed her goodnight and headed for bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dallas' mom

:3 i couldn't help but get another chapter out so hope you like this one too! <3

comment and sub my loves!<3