Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


Regardless of what mom had told me, I found myself at the shop for the next three days. Michael and Nikki both came in to train and they were catching up faster than I had thought. Mom had definitely made a good decision. It was Thursday, and Ian was off. I went in to continue the training along with Shelly, who has been one of mom's best workers for over a year. For once it had been slow that day, so after telling the newbies the basics for the day, I made myself a drink and walked outside for a smoke. Following me with his own pack was Michael.

"Hey." He greeted me.
"Hi." I sat at one of the tables and beckoned Michael to join me.
"So, Charlotte is your mom?" He asked pulling out his chair and taking a seat.
"Yeah. You will like her once she stops stressing so much." i laughed.
He nodded and took a drag from his cigarette.
"So, you like music?" I asked him.
"Yeah, pretty much everything. My favorite band is Blink 182."
"Me too! You go to shows? I haven't seen you at any of them."
"I've been to shows, but haven't been to any here yet. My dad and I just moved here from California. He got transferred."
He smiled at me and I returned it.
"Mom started to allow shows here last year; with a little convincing from me. It's given her amazing business and I get in for free. I'm pretty sure you would be able to too, Ian does."
"Sweet. Hopefully there will be one soon."
"Oh but there is! Next weekend," I stood up and walked over to the door that had the flier for the show. I tore it down and walked back to the table.
"Here, those are some dope bands playing that night and some of them are good friends of mines."
He took it and looked it over.
"Cool. He folded it in little squares and pushed it in his back pocket."
"Ready to go in? I think Shelly's getting kind of busy."
He nodded and we both got up and walked back in. The rest of the day went on with no problems. Nikki and Michael were getting along pretty well and Shelly was taking a liking to them, which was somewhat odd considering she is a bitch.

I still haven't heard a word from Ronnie which, to be honest, scared me. I knew he'd have a hard time coping with losing Katie, especially after her not giving him specific reasons for the break up. I sighed getting onto my laptop and scrolled through his page. *stalker*. Nothing was different about it, except, for his relationship status. I needed a way to stop thinking about him, so I walked downstairs and grabbed one of my mom's Jack Daniel bottles. I walked back to my room and drank by myself.

I'm not much of a drinker, and I usually always need a good reason to drink. I think this was a good reason.

The next day, I got the courage to try to talk to him. I logged onto my facebook and was surprised to see him on. I clicked his name.

"Hey." I waited a good five minutes before he answered.
"How are you?"
"I'm okay, how are you?"

I think we were both afraid to talk, me more than him. I didn't know what I wanted to say, I didn't know what I could say without him freaking out and not talk to me for a week at a time again.
"So are we still up for coffee tomorrow? I'd really like to see you." I stared at that shocked. After everything he has been through, after everything I've gone through in the past week, he still wanted to see me.
"Yeah, I mean, if you're up for it."
"Of course! I'm doing much better. Therefore, I figured I keep my words. We should get coffee again; I think it'll be a nice time."

I smiled as I read that. If it was anything like the first time we hung out, I was positive spending the morning with him this time around would be just as special.
"Yeah fer sure. :)"
"Sweet. :)"

I knew I didn't have to worry about him anymore, yet part of me still wants to. He meant that much to me. He told me he has only been biking and working his butt off for the past week. I had told him about being at my mom's coffee shop for the past week and I was surprised to find out he goes there on occasions.

"I never see you come in."
"I always go in before work.
"Ah, that explains it. I'm not up at six in the morning. lol"
"So you're going to that show next Saturday then?"
I asked.
"yeah of course! 86 is playing again."
"Sweet, well I got to go back to the shop. I'll see you tomorrow. :)"
"Okays! Have fun! <3"

Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed my keys from my side table, along with my phone and wallet and walked downstairs. No one was home yet again, so I walked out and got into my car. I drove the ten-minute drive to the shop, parked in the closest stall and walked through the double glass doors.

Ian wasn't working today, so it was only Shelly and Nikki. I waved at both of them, which they returned and walked to the backroom where I knew my mom would be. She looked up when I had lightly knocked on her door. She walked over to me with a smile and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi Mom."
"Hey sweetie." She walked back to her desk and started doing paperwork.
"I'm going to help out outside."
"Okay, just try to make sure everything run smoothly."
I nodded and walked back out. I grabbed my usual apron and started beginning taking orders. The usual customers came in along with some new faces.

My favorite was an old guy who is probably in his 70's. I have sat and talked to him before. His story was one of the sad ones. His wife has recently passed away. I remember them both coming in here ever since mom opened the shop ten years ago. They were so cute drinking their coffee and cuddling in the corner as if they had just started dated. I love seeing couples like that. I love knowing no matter how old you are, you can still be in love with someone. He stopped coming in for a while and this was the first time he has been back since his wife passed. I walked up to him with his usual black coffee.

"Hi Mr. Fisher." I smiled at him and placed his coffee in front of him.
"Hello Dallas." He returned the smile and my heart immediately sank for him.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm okay, considering. I miss her a whole lot Dallas." He looked down at his locked hands and started fidgeting with his thumbs.
I frowned and took the open seat. I took my hand and rested it against his.
"I'm sorry Mr. Fisher. She was a sweet women and she's not gone. Not in your hearts or mines."
"I know I haven't been coming in here lately. I just- there's just too much memories." He said looking over at the corner he spent every day with her on.
I nodded. I didn't know what else to say. We just sat there in silence. That is until he spoke.
"Thank you Dallas."
"For what?"
"For caring." He smiled and took his coffee and took a sip.
I returned his smile and we started talking about what has been going on. I had told him about Ronnie, minus both of us wanting each other physically, and he gave me some amazing advice.
"I say go for it. If you like this guy and he likes you just as much, I say what’s the worse that could happen? Take a chance, Dallas. However, at the same time, guard your heart. If it ends bad, I cant imagine you being sad. You are a strong woman. Believe me."
I smiled at him. How could this sweet old man give me the best advice, yet I couldn't do the same for him? I immediately felt guilt wash over me.
"If you need anything, Mr. Fisher, please never hesitate to ask me."
He nodded and I gave him a hug. I walked to the back of the counter again and smiled at mom, who had descended from her office.
"You did good, baby girl."
"I tried. I adore Mr. Fisher."
She nodded.

The rest of the day wasn't so bad. Nikki was doing really well but after her shift, Michael came in along with Ian. They waved, as did I. I was getting tired so I decided to grab a cup of coffee, kiss my mom on the cheek and walked out the door and began my journey back home.

When I did, Sasha's car was in the driveway. I found it weird for her to be home on a Friday. I parked my car next to hers, grabbed my coffee from the side cup holder, walked out and opened the front door. I walked up the stairs and immediately met with what sounded to be crying. I frowned, but follow the sound to Sasha's room.

Cautiously, I opened the door and saw her sitting at the headboard of her bed.
"Sasha? What's wrong?" I ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug.
I understood that and for the second time today, my heart sank. Why would Kerry do this to her?
"Why?" I tenderly rubbed her back and she continued to blow her nose in a tissue.
"He said he didn't love me anymore and that there was someone else. I mean really. What could that chick have that I don't? Was I not pretty enough? Was I not taking care of him enough? Was my love not enough?"
"Aw Sasha, you know all that isn't true. You are gorgeous, you did take care of him with everything you offered and you loved him a whole bunch! He is an idiot for letting you go and you know what? I think he has lost the best thing in his life and he's going to regret it. And when he does, it'll be too late and you're going to laugh in his face when he comes begging for you back. I love you and you don't deserve this shit from him nor anyone."
She smiled at me and wiped the tears that escape from her eyes."
"You are right! I can find someone so much better than him. But, I don't want to rush into another relationship."
"I understand. You should just concentrate on your amazing job, which I'm jealous about, and just live your life. You don't need to be tied down and you don't need some snot nose little shithead like him."
She gave me a hug and lay down. I took the spot next to her.
"How about we make some popcorn and watch a movie downstairs?" I asked.

With that, we both walked down. She walked over to the big entertainment shelf and picked out a movie while I went into the kitchen and threw in the popcorn into the microwave. When it finished, I poured all of into one of the bowls and headed for the living room plopping right next to her on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and placed it over our legs.

We watched every Pirates of the Caribbean movie we owned. It was nice to have this alone time with my sister. It rarely happens. After about 8 hours, I looked over at my sister to find her knocked out. A yawn escaped my mouth; i got up and placed the blanket over her body. I picked up the empty bowl of popcorn and placed it into the sink. Mom walked in and smiled at me.

"Long day?" She asked as she sat on the island counter.
"Pretty much. You?" She nodded.
"I'm heading up for to bed. Night mommy, love you."
"Love you too." I hugged her and headed for my room, changed into shorts and a left my baseball tee on. I was exhausted, so my comfortable bed became extremely welcoming as soon as I got in. After a couple of minutes, I could feel myself drifting off and finally darkness took over.

I woke up early the next day. I had not forgotten my little meet up with Ronnie. Okay it was not little. It meant a shit load to me to have him still want to see me. I got up at eight in the morning, but Ronnie was not picking me up for another two hours. I knew with all the excitement building up in me, I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I took my time getting ready, pretty much perfecting everything. I showered and got dressed.
When I was finally finished, I looked over at the clock. 9:30. Did it seriously just take me an hour and a half to get ready? I shook my head in disbelief, grabbed my wallet and phone and walked out of my bedroom. I had half an hour to spare but I decided to text Ronnie just for the hell of it. I felt my phone vibrate and I smiled at the flashing name. He had beaten me to the punch.

"lol are you ready then?"
"Yeah, I got excited and woke up way to early."
"Same here. lol You can come get me now if you want."
"Okay! Be there in five. :D"

I giggled to myself and threw on my flats. Sure enough, 5 minutes later, I heard a honk and bolted out the door. I hopped into his truck and he smile at me. I melted, not surprised. He was looking gorgeous, like that's never different. He wore his black beanie again, his Ray Ban, a white plain shirt and his cut off jeans again. I'm pretty sure it's different from the last time we went out to coffee together.

"Cute outfit." He complimented me. I blushed.
"And nice touch on the glasses, I think I'm going to steal that one of these days." He laughed.
"No ways mister. These are my favorites, along with everything else I'm wearing."
He laughed again and started up the car. Black Flag was blasting through the stereo and Ronnie was practically screaming out the lyrics. I couldn't stop laughing. He was so into this completely punk music thing and he grew up to it, so the thing he does, doesn't surprise me anymore. But it definitely was entertaining.

After a couple of minutes, we finally pulled into Starbucks. I hopped out of the truck after he found a parking spot and walked along side him. He opened the doors for me and I thanked him as I walked in. And they say chivalry was dead. I waited in line and ordered my drink along with his usual tea and bagel. I got out my wallet from my purse and he beat me to it, paying for the items. I sighed.

"I'm paying you back."

I didn't feel like arguing. When our drinks were called, we walked outside and found a table. I took a sip from my drink and decided to start the conversation.
"Tell me what your life was like back in New York."
He smiled at me and began his story.
"I was the typical punk kid I guess. I always got into trouble and I wasn't really close with my family. Punk always came first and I didn't let anyone tell me otherwise. I started doing some heavy shit. But did I give a fuck? Not at all. Not until I was about 17.

One night, I was just sitting in my room and all of a sudden this huge guilt just hit me. I thought about my mom and how much she's provided for my family and not having my dad there. I thought about where my life would go if I didn't stop horsing around. I knew I would end up in the streets. Therefore, after high school, which was a shock I even graduated, I joined the Navy. A year later, I found myself here... And I've been living the "Hawaii life" ever since. I get out in December but I’m not really sure where I’m going to go. I want to stay here, but I miss New York so bad.”
I nodded taking this all in.
"How are you and your family now?"
"Oh amazing. I'm super close with my mom and my siblings. I love them to death and it makes me go crazy how I've treated them. Especially my mom. I realized I can still be a punk kid, I just don't need all that shit that comes along with it. It's really all about the music and what you believe right?" He ended and took a sip of his tea.
I nodded.
"Which reminds me," he continued, "I just ordered this dope DVD talking about American hardcore history. It looked super good and I cant wait to watch it." He smiled and for a moment he looked like a little kid that just got candy for the first time.
He asked me about my life and I told him everything I've been through. We had one thing in common. We both didn't have a father figure to look up to. We connected that way and our best friends were our moms. I smiled as I finished and he returned it. We talked more about the show that would be going on at mom's coffee shop the week after and I could tell we both just wanted that day to come.

"I cant stop thinking of that DVD. How about we get out of here and head to my house so we can watch it together." I smiled and nodded. We both got done with our drinks and threw it away in the nearby trash bin. We made another trip to his car and both got in. I knew he lived close to me, but I didn't think he lived the next street over. We pulled into his parking lot and got out.

"So I have this obsession with the number 3. Can you guess which floor I live on?" he laughed.
"The third?"
He nodded and began our journey up the steps. It wasn't so bad. We walked down the hallway and stopped right in front of his door; Apartment number 303. He wasn't kidding. I laughed and he stuck his key into the door and turned earning a click. He pushed open the door and I followed him.

His place wasn't so bad. It was a one bedroom, which I figured since it was only him. There was a bunch of art paintings all over his wall. He even had posters with bikes on them. He was really into the stuffs he does. I took a seat on the couch and made myself comfortable. He popped in the DVD, and sat right next to me. Half an hour into the movie, I could see him slowly but surely inching towards me. I tried paying attention to the screen, which currently they were talking about Bad Religion, but I just couldn't.

My mind had completely blanked as soon as I saw Ronnie lean forward, look at me, and slowly made his way closer to my face. I knew what was coming; I've wanted it ever since I first saw him. And before I knew it, his lips crashed into mine. I could not believe it. I mean, it was happening, but I just couldn't believe it. My hand found its' way to the back of his neck and I could feel my face pushing towards his wanting more. He stuck his tongue into my mouth, asking permission, I greedily accepted. His hands found its way to my thighs. He easily picked me up and laid me on the couch and we continued to kiss.

Things heated not long after and we found our way to his bedroom. He took off his shirt, while I did the same. He stopped and did a look over as did I. It just made me want him even more. He immediately threw me over his shoulder and we fell onto the bed.

You could guess what happened next. For the next hour, we were engrossed with each other. He was more dominant than I was and I had no problem with it. After we were done, he looked at me and smiled; that smile that gets me every time.
"That was..."
"Amazing." He ended.
I nodded and laughed.
"Was that better than your dream?" I asked him cuddling up to him.
"Yes! I don't know how you did it, Dallas. That was the best I've had?" I blushed.
"Same here."
We laid there in silence, and bear when he got up.
"Do you want to shower?" He asked me.
I nodded and picked up my clothes. I headed for the bathroom.
"Are you joining me?" I asked seductively. He nodded vigorously.
I stopped him from getting into the bathtub. He looked down at me and cocked his head to the side. I smiled up at him and gave him a soft kiss. He closed his eyes and his body shivered.
"What was that?" I asked giggling.
"You make me nervous and that kiss sent chills down my spine."
I kissed him one more time and we both stepped into the shower.

I didn't know what this all meant, but I didn't care. It was just him and I. I couldn't ask for anything more.
♠ ♠ ♠

I decided to spoil you all with a long chapter. :3 hope you liked it!

comments and sub please!<3