Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


Days turned into weeks, that turned into months, and to no avail, i haven't spoken nor seen Ronnie. My feelings about this was on the fence. I didn't know if i was happy or sad about it. But i did miss him. The three weeks we've talked has in a sense, made everything so easy. I could easily open up to him, but maybe it was because i was that easily attracted to him. I did everything i could think of to keep my mind off of him. I worked at the coffee shop, i went to as many shows i could and took out my frustration on the dance floor... i even began meeting new people... a boy in particular who has caught my attention just by the way he looked. He was different than what i usually go for, but maybe that is a good thing. His name is Tyler and he was the typical country loving, tobacco chewing, video gaming loving boy. I don't know if all this is typical, it wasn't to me. I'm so use to the boys I date being tougher.

But Tyler definitely would have to do.

He had blond shaggy hair, blue eyes that were so piercing, i could literally stare into them all day, and he always wore jeans, loose fitted ones and some kind of surfing logo. He had just moved to the island with his parents, from Idaho. How random right? He came into the shop one day to get coffee for his mom. He doesn't like coffee at but we clicked instantly so he would come in every time I work just to keep me company. I sat and talked with him, like I've done many times with customers. He was interesting to say the least. He was different than Ronnie, and this is what i was looking for.

My phone blared MyChildren MyBride interrupting my thoughts. I looked at the screen: Natalia

"Hey girl! You busy tonight?"
"nope. Whats going down?"
"BONFIRE BIZNATCH!" She laughed.
I giggled and shook my head.
"Alright, Where?"
"Kay, Need me to pick you up?" I asked, while making myself a cup of coffee.
"yes please! Can we go pick up the three stooges?"
"yeah, no problem."
"sweet! see you latahs home g."

I closed my phone and threw it onto the counter. I was absolutely excited about the bonfire. I've been to one other before and it was so chill and everyone got along. instead of the usual instruments, there was acoustic guitars. And smores! I grabbed my phone and scrolled down to Tyler's name.

I smiled and looked up and a smile instantly came onto my face. Standing right there was Tyler himself. I closed my phone and stuck it in my back pocket.
"I was just thinking about you." I laughed walking around the counter and embracing him.
"Oh really? Well what a coincidence, i was thinking about you too." He smiled.
My face immediately flushed.
"Grabbing a cup for your mom again?" I asked walking back around the counter.
I nodded and started making her drink. It was easy, considering it's the same thing I'm always drinking.
"So are you busy tonight?" I asked him.
"Are you asking me on a date?" He smirked.
"No sorry," I laughed, "but there is a bonfire going down tonight. You should come."
I finally finished making the drink and gave it to him. He didn't have to pay. I made sure of that.
"Thanks," He said taking the drink "and yeah, I'd like to go."
"Sweet! I'll give you the directions later tonight." He nodded and smiled at me. It was so contagious, i gave him one right back.
"I should be going, my mom is probably pulling out her hair without this." He joked. I smiled and waved as he left. Even if i was, kind of using him to get past the whole Ronnie deal, Tyler was definitely a charmer.

Ian and I got off earlier than we had planned. So we both hopped into my car and i drove him home. He was definitely going to be at the bonfire tonight. He's always at the biggest parties or at the hugest shows. He likes to show his face any where.

I drove home and seen Sasha's car in the drive way. I also saw a unfamiliar black truck parked right next to her. I cringed my eye brows in confusion and walked into the house.
"I'm home!" I yelled.
"In the living room, Dallas."
I took off my shoes, dropped my back on the floor and hung up my keys on the chain hanger before walking to the living room. When i did, i saw Sasha and an unfamiliar guy sitting next to her. He was definitely her type; White, muscular, green eyes, and in a Army uniform.
I sat on the love seat and raised my eyes with a smile on my face at Sasha.
"Dallas, this is Alex."
"Hi." I said waving at 'Alex'.
"Nice to meet you Dallas."
It all of a sudden became silent. It was awkward. So, I left and walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat on the island counter. Sasha walked in the kitchen, and opened the ice box.
"So, who is he?" I asked smirking. Knowing very well he's a new boyfriend of hers.
She grabbed two coke cans and turned to face me.
"He's in the military, obviously, and i actually met him through Mary. They've been friends for years."
I nodded.
"You're dating him aren't you?" I laughed.
She blushed and nodded.
"I see, well, good luck sis."
She gave me a cheeky smile and headed back into the living room. Hopefully this one lasted longer than Kerry. At least she's finally moving on.

I finished my bowl, washed it and stuck it into the dishwasher. I headed up to my room, walked over to my ihome and clicked the play button, immediately A plea for purging blasted through my room. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my essentials and headed for the bathroom to shower. Once done, i threw on a black flowy mini shirt which i hiked up to the top of my stomach and a long sleeve gray hello kitty shirt. I then walked back to my room and straightened my hair, leaving the bottoms a bit wavy. I was satisfied and headed down to the living room with my purse in tow.

Before i knew it, i was in my car heading to Natalia's house. I honked the horn once and out comes flying Natalia. Looking absolutely adorable in blue shorts and a white tank top. Casual, and it definitely worked for her. She opened the door and came in literally pouncing in.

I giggled, "You're chippy. Any reason for that?"
"First Bonfire in weeks! I'm excited." she smiled.

I put my car in drive and drove over to pick up the three other stooges who, thank goodness was all at Brandon's house. They climbed into the back seat and we were off on the long drive over to the other side of the island. The drive was one of those exciting ones. Always happens when Brandon, Dillon and Jonah is around us. They say the most random, yet funniest stuffs.

"oh shit, Nat, grab my phone and text Tyler the directions to graveyards please." I cheekily smiled at her. She nodded and started texting away. I knew tonight was gonna be one of those special nights. I could feel it.

Graveyards was somewhere that was completely isolated if you walk far enough. You end up at the beach and that's where the bonfire is usually held. And yes, you do have to walk past a graveyard and there's almost slim to none light, so we used our phones as flashlights. When we got there, almost everyone we knew was there. The bands, random
people, and there were definitely alcohol. I couldn't wait to get my hands on one, As well as the guitar that was in the guitar case i could see sitting next to Dillon. We all sat on the vacant logs and I immediately grabbed a beer. I knew that if i just drank one, I'd be sober in hours, just enough time to drive back to town. As night progressed, a lot more people came, and some of the girls were drunk enough to strip naked and run into the ocean. No one cared.

A few hours later, Tyler had shown up. He walked up to me, flashing his beautiful pearly white teeth and gave me a hug.
"Hey! Glad you could make it." I knew i was tipsy, but i shrugged it off.
"Thanks. Me too."
"Want a beer?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the cooler and took out a bud light.
"Drink up buddy."
He grabbed the beer and chugged the whole can. I laughed whole heartily. After he we done, we sat not far from the fire. He put his arms around me and I had no problem cuddling into his arms. As the night went on, I introduced Tyler to everyone was there and that had arrived after he did.

We later walked hand in hand on the beach and took a seat on the sand. It was comfortable silence. Something Tyler and I were use to doing.
"So, are you liking Hawaii so far?" I asked looking at him.
"Yeah, you make it enjoyable." He smiled at me. I returned it.
I nodded and looked out into the ocean. Everything was so peaceful. Not a single house for miles, The only light showing coming from the fire, and the only sounds of Dillon playing the acoustic not far from where we were sitting.
I turned to him, he looked almost nervous. I knew what was coming.
"I know we haven't known each other for a while, but, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked almost barely audible. I didn't know what to say. I knew i liked him, but i also knew that i was partially using him to get over Ronnie. Even if his and my relationship was just physical. Did either of us deserve this? Does Tyler deserve this?
I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"I can't."

I walked back to the bonfire alone leaving Tyler there with his mouth hung open. I know what i did to Tyler is messed up, but he didn't deserve to be put in this situation, even if he was completely oblivious to it. I walked up to Natalia and asked her if she was ready to go. It was already one in the morning.
she nodded, soon after we said bye to everyone and we left with the three stooges. The ride back to town was completely silent, and by the time i drove down my road, i didn't even remember taking the guys and Natalia home. I knew Tyler would be upset, i knew he would hate me and i knew how awkward things would be if he came to the shop.

I pulled into my driveway to find one very familiar black truck, and this was not Alex's. I saw him sitting on the porch. I was completely confused when i parked my car and got out.

"Hi Dallas."
"What are you doing here?"
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm sorry for the small wait, but here you go!!!

comment and sub! let me know what you think!