Status: done.

Strange Meetings.


That night, Ronnie took me out to a movie and Dinner. A cute first date. We were out together for the first time as boyfriend and girlfriend, and you wouldn't believe the amount of happiness my heart felt. At the end of the night, we stopped at the nearest Starbucks to talk. It wasn't like the first two times.. this time around we were able to tell each other how we felt, smile without any guilt, hold hands across the table and the most important, we could tell each other we loved each other any time we wanted. He dropped me off but didn't let me leave without a goodnight kiss.I walked into my house, in complete bliss. I was happy. and I owed it all to Ronnie. I walked into my room, completely wide awake. I decided to check my social networks. I got on facebook and changed my status relationship.

in a relationship with Ronnie Bell.

5 seconds later, i had five new notifications telling me five of my friends had "liked" my status. I smiled when i saw that Natalia was one of them. Instantly, my phone rang. Natalia. I knew she was calling to find out the

"GIRL!!!! DETAILS NOW!" she screamed into the phone. I laughed and told her everything that happened from the bonfire to the goodnight kiss. It stayed silent for a while. I was nervous to hear what Nat thought. Her opinion meant a whole lot to me, considering she is my best friend. Finally, she said two words that shocked the heck out of me.
"I approve."
I shook my head and my mouth hung open.
"Yeah, i mean, you like him don't you? and you had for a while."
"Well, yeah. You know that."
"Exactly. So i approve."
My smile grew. I was happy knowing my best friend approved, it was kind of relaxing.
"I'm gonna head to bed. Love you."
"Love you too babes."

I hung up and changed into comfy clothes. I walked over to my ihome, selected my acoustic/slow song list and pressed the side way arrow. Immediately Owl City came flowing through the air. I smiled and walked over to my bed. I sat at the foot of my bed, staring and thinking. Staring at nothing; daydreaming. Thinking about how this all happened. Thinking about what's going to happen, thinking about Ronnie.

i was happy he was finally mine. I've waited months. He was sweet, handsome, talented; i couldn't have picked a better suitor for me. Yet, the fact that he's leaving in months time is breaks my heart. I don't know how I'm going to survive without him. Oh god, i sound so clingy and desperate. I shrugged and climbed into my bed. I fell into a deep slumber, with one thing on my mind; Ronnie.

I woke up with a excruciating headache. I slowly walked to the bathroom, grabbed two Tylenol pills and popped them into my mouth. I downed it with water and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. My hair was literally everywhere and my make up was entirely smudged. I sighed, undressed and stepped into the shower.

After a half hour, i got out feeling refreshed, my legs were shaved and my headache was slimming down. I grabbed a towel from the wall pole and wrapped it around my body. I walked back into my room, threw my towel on the floor and threw on some random clothes i pulled out. Blue jean shorts and a white and black tank top that hung to the hems of my shorts. My phone rang and the screen flashed "Ronnie<3"

I smiled as i picked it up.
He laughed, "hey."
"Hi! Whats up?"
"Well, i wanted to ask what you were doing today."
I smiled into the phone, "nothing at all. I just got ready for the day."
"Do you feel like going out with me today? There's somewhere i want to take you."
"Sure, where?"
"Well, i need to get my angel tattoo colored. I'd figure i introduce you to some of my friends."
Nervousness started creeping up my body.
"Are you sure? I mean, what if they don't like me?"
"They'll love you! Please come with me?"
Whats the worse that could happen right?
I sighed, "Okay, fine. I'll bite."
"Thanks babe!"
The fact that he called me babe, immediately made my cheeks hot.
"Pick you up in 5."

I hung up the phone and walked down the stairs, walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Before i knew it, i was in his truck on our way to the tattoo shop. We stopped right infront of a shop called "Core tattoos". We walked into the shop hand in hand.
A short black hair girl, covered in tattoos, came running up to him, and tackled him in a hug. She was cute, i give her that. leggings, flats and a cute flowery dress.
"Hey Aimee."
"Here for another tattoo?" She asked walking behind the counter.
"Yeah." Ronnie turned and smiled at me.
"Aimee, this is Dallas; My girlfriend."
She looked and me and the hugest smile graced her face.
"Ah, nice to meet you! Ronnie's told us about you."
I looked up at Ronnie, a smile on his face.
"Good things i hope."
"Always. There's not one bad bone in his body."
I smiled up at him and he squeezed my hand.
"Here for that coloring?" Aimee asked, writing something down.
"Okay, I'm gonna go set up in the back, I'll call you when I'm done."
I walked away from Ronnie and started looking around the shop. Red walls covered with graffiti, art and pictures of the workers. I'm gonna guess Aimee owns this place. It has a definite feminine touch to it. I walked over to the counter and started looking through the tattoo books. The art was amazing. Everything was detailed, even the smallest work. I had this itch to get a tattoo. I knew I could afford it. Finding the right one was the problem.
"Hey babe?" I could hear him walking towards me from behind. "I'm thinking about getting a tattoo."
"Really?" He asked, hugging me from behind while resting his head onto my shoulder.
"Yeah, i just don't know what i want yet." I responded still flipping through the pages.
"Hm, I want a chest scripted piece." Then it hit me, I knew what i wanted to get. "Actually, i think I'm gonna get two angels on my chest holding a ribbon that says 'Love conquers all' in script."
I could feel his smile.
"Sounds great."
I smiled. Aimee came back and told us she was ready.
We followed her into the backroom and it looked just like the front of the shop. We were greeted by another worker. Just like Aimee, he was tatted everywhere, tall, semi built wearing black jeans and a black shirt.
"Hey Ronnie."
"Hi Dan. This is Dallas, my girlfriend."
I waved at him and he smiled back.
"Dan, do you think you can tat Dallas while i get my colors? She has an idea of what she wants." Ronnie asked.
"Yeah no problem. Come sit here and tell me the details."
I walked over to his station while Ronnie walked over to Aimee's.
As i sat down, i felt completely nervous. It was my first tattoo.
"Okay, so. What's the plan?" He asked, getting out his stencils.
"Two angels, kind of like that one." I said pointing to a drawing he had on the wall. "holding a ribbon that says 'Love conquers all' in script."
He smiled. "Nice. Where do you want it?"
He immediately started drawing, Asking me from time to time if he's got it right. I nodded. 20 minutes later, the drawing was completed and he had the outline already on my chest.
I looked over at Ronnie and he was in deep conversation with Aimee, laughing while she colored in his angel that was planted on his back. Seeing him without a shirt on gave me chills and my cheeks once again became hot.
He looked over and smiled at me.
"Okay Dallas, are you ready?"
"Um, yeah i guess so."
"First tattoo?" He asked putting on the spandex gloves.
"Don't worry, it'll hurt a bit, but it'll look amazing. Do you want it colored too?"
I nodded.
"Lay down and we'll get started."

I did as told and took a huge breath. Dan leaned over me and before i knew it, i felt the needle gracing my skin. It was like no other feeling I've ever had. It hurts a lot more than he said it would and i squeezed my eyes and i could feel the little prickles of tears from my eyes. Over and over I took deep breaths, but making sure it doesn't interfere with Dan.
I felt someone grab my hand, i opened my eyes and Ronnie was there, sitting next to me smiling.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it hurts a lot."
He nodded.

Two hours later, I heard two words i didn't think I'd love hearing.
"We're done."
I opened my eyes and returned Ronnie's pearly whites flashing back at me. I looked down and my mouth hung.

The tattoo was gorgeous, red yes, but it was absolutely beautiful. I loved it already.
"Go over to the mirror and see how it looks."
I walked over and I told them i loved it. Ronnie held my hand as we followed the two artists into the front of the store. I handed Aimee the money,"Anytime you want to come in again, do it and we'll work on you again. Your skin is way to naked." Aimee said laughed.
"Absolutely. I know I'll be back again."
I smiled at her and we walked out of there, both newly tatted. I was loving my tattoo.
"Did i do good?" I asked.
"You did amazing, and I'm pretty sure my friends like you. Especially Aimee. And that says a lot because she doesn't like people usually." He laughed.
I nodded relieved his friends liked me. But i knew they were just the beginning.
"Where should we go now?" I asked.
"I don't know. What are you up for?"
I started to think. My mom came popping into my head.
"Lets go to my mom's shop. I want to introduce you."
"Okay, do you think she'll like me?" He asked, I knew meeting my mom would make him nervous.
"She'll love you. Trust me."
We drove to the familiar route to the coffee shop. I wasn't nervous because i knew my mom would like him. I hopped out and held Ronnie's hand as we headed into the shop. Coffee immediately hitting my nose. Ian, Nikki and Michael were behind the counters, all looking up as the tiny bell rung.
"Hey Dallas!" They said together.
"Hey guys! This is Ronnie, my boyfriend."
He waved. Ian's met him before, but it's different this time since we're dating. From the look on Ian's face, I could tell he was happy for me, but worried is obviously behind his eyes. Nikki practically drooling over Ronnie, i laughed. And Michael, his eyes showed, jealousy. A scowl gracing his face. I pulled him towards the back to my mom's office.
"Hi mom." She looked up from her papers and an eyebrow raised as she look at both me and Ronnie. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek, resting my hand on her shoulders.
"Mom this is Ronnie. My boyfriend."
"Hi Mrs. Johnson." I could just see the sweat running down his face. I had to hold in my laughter.
"Hello." She greeted him calmly, with no emotion.
I couldn't take it anymore, i practically started cracking up laughing. Ronnie looked like a deer in a headlights.

My mom on the other hand, immediately joined me.
"You are so mean mom."
She got up and walked over to Ronnie, giving him a huge hug. "I'm sorry, sometimes I like to scare people."
Ronnie's horrified look quickly changed to a relieved one.
"Oh mom look!" I grabbed my top and pulled it down to show her the tattoo. "You like?"
"I love! It's gorgeous baby." She smiled.
"I can see where you got your inspiration from." She commented looking over Ronnie's body.
I smiled and so did he.
"He might've played a part in my decision."
"Well, you kids go out and have fun, it was nice meeting you Ronnie."
"Nice meeting you too." He responded. She hugged us and we walked out of her office.
I walked up to the counter where Ian was taking orders.
"Yes thanks, and can you make a green tea for Ronnie?"
Ronnie and I took the nearest open seat we could find and sat down.
"I love you." Ronnie said smiling at me.
"I love you too."
"Your mom scared the shit out of me."
I laughed, "yeah, she does that to everybody. only for laughs."
"I figured. She's a lot more calm than most parents. I'm surprised she didn't freak about your tattoo."
"Yeah, she doesn't mind it at all. She's great like that."
Ian came over with the drinks and we immediately engaged in a lot of conversation. It feels like no matter what we're doing, we never have that awkward silence thing. Which i was grateful about. I looked over to the counter to see Michael staring with that same scowl on his face.
I couldn't figure out why he was like that. He turned over to Nikki and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and he headed out the door. I told Ronnie I'd be right back. I got up and followed Michael out the door, with Ian taking my spot.
♠ ♠ ♠

OMG i'm sorry for the long wait! but here you go, chapter nine. I no longer have writers block, so expect updates a lot more often.
<3 Thank for you sticking by me!

Comments and sub!