Rain's Touch

Final Touch

Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.

Kimi looked up from her college textbook and glanced outside. The sky was a dull, listless gray.

She sighed and gathered up her books with one hand, shoving the other one into her pocket. She stepped outside, and after a moment's hesitation pulled up her hood.

Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.

She strolled through the rain, pretending to whistle (because in reality she couldn't) to herself. She accidentally brushed against a couple people, to whom she apologized quickly and continued on her way.

Before she knew it, she reached the bridge connecting her neighborhood to the downtown city.

She stared at the bridge railing, but did not touch it. She kept her hand resolutely in her pocket, proud of how much her confidence had increased over the years.

A tear appeared in her eye. This was the place... the first place... the place where it had all began...

Suddenly, a black umbrella flew over my head, landing gracefully on the bridge.

Rain's umbrella?

"Sorry!" a male voice called. She could've sworn it was -- no, but it couldn't be -- yet it sounded just like --


She spun around. Her eyes widened, taking in the exact image of Rain, but not quite.

"Hey, Sky, how's tenth grade?" She smiled.

"It's pretty good! I met this uber-cute girl who barely talks. I'm going to make her talk so much by the end of the year, she won't recognize herself anymore!" Rain's brother grinned enthusiastically. "How about you? Last year of college, right?"

She wasn't sure if Sky actually remembered, or if Rain had e-mailed him reminding him. Either way, she was touched.

"Yep, last year. One more year until Rain comes back!" she gushed.

"Good luck with college! I gotta go, Kimi, 'kay? See you around!"

He picked up the fallen umbrella and trotted off toward downtown city.

With a loving smile, Kimi continued onward toward her neighborhood, Rain occupying her thoughts once again.

Maybe, when he got back from college overseas, he would remember her, and come back to her.

Maybe, after they spent time together again, he would propose to her.

Maybe, at their wedding...

She would finally get her first kiss.

But maybe. Just maybe.
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