Status: Starting soon! :D

We'll Hold Hands Through Hurricanes



“Ugh! Why are you making me to go live with her?!” I practically yelled at my grandmother as we drove down the highway. She softly sighed to herself. She sounded frustrated. As usual.

“Because Bailey is sick and he might die! Is that enough reason for you ass to go live with your mother?!” My granny yelled and cussed. Holy shit. She has never really done that in front of me before. So I gasped at both things. The fact that she was yelling and cussing, and the fact that my older brother Bailey might die.

“What? Why the FUCK didn’t you tell me earlier you old bat?!” I yelled at grandmother. Saying fuck got me smacked in the boob which I will admit hurt like a bitch. “Ugh! Grandma!”
“Don’t use that language around me young lady!” She screamed at me, swerving on the highway a bit in the process. I laughed at the swerving and sighed. I was getting frustrated. I am sixteen for God’s sake! I am not young. I am almost taller then her for crying out loud!

“Whatever.” I mumbled and laid my head down to take a nap. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about Bailey or the fact that I was going to go live with my unbeloved mother Amelia. She is such a bitch it’s unreal.

Two Hours Later

“Belle, wake up baby sister.” I heard someone whisper in my ear softly. Who was it you morons ask? Bailey you idiots! I only have one brother. Well, I would have more but mom had a miscarriage two years ago. We tend not to talk about it. Hell, me and my mother haven’t spoken but two words to one another in three years.

“Grrr, ten more minutes Bailey. Pwease?” I mumbled in my sleep. I heard Bailey chuckle behind the other side of my closed eyelids. I sighed, reached up, and pushed him off the bed. I heard a crash and a groan and couldn’t help but giggle in my sleep. He then pushed me off the bed and then I yelped and whined like a baby.

He quickly apologized and I smacked his ass in the head. I laughed evilly and said “Ha, bitch.” He growled playfully saying how it was a mean trick to play, but I couldn’t resist! I asked him how he was feeling and he groaned and sighed.

“I’m fine. Don’t be like mom. I don’t need to bitches up my ass about how I feel. I’m sick. No shit I don’t feel good.” I sighed and nodded my head. “Speaking of the bitch, where is she?” He sighed and said she was in the kitchen. He also added how I shouldn’t cuss in front of mom. Oh great, more people not letting me express myself.

I quickly walked out of the door and froze when I saw the most gorgeous creature on my mother’s couch. He looked at me and his eyes grew wide and he looked away. I blushed and turned to Bailey and whispered, “Who is the sex god on our couch Bailey?” Bailey chuckled and shook his head at me. I just shrugged my head shoulders and walked into the living room. The SG was on our couch still and he was texting someone and smiling.Oh great some whore already has claim.

But when he looked up at me he smiled and winked. Huh? I’m so confused. Either he is with someone and cheating, single and likes me, or he just has a weird winking eye twitch. I’m hoping it’s the second one.

I sat next to him on the couch and he scooted a bit closer to me and smiled. He leaned over and whispered in my ear “Hey Beautiful.” My cheeks were so hot I bet they were scarlet! He chuckled to himself and winked at me again. “Hey handsome.” Was all I could get out. He then blushed like I did and we were just sitting there blushing like idiots.

Bailey cleared his throat and looked at the SG with a fake glare that only I could tell was fake.Overprotective Bastard. SG scooted an inch away but when away but when bailey left the room SG scooted two inches closer.

“Uhm, w-what’s your na-name?” What the hell?! Since when do I have a stutter?! He chuckled to himself and said. “Well Beautiful, my name is Blaise. Yours?” I blushed again and whispered, “Belle…” He gasped to himself and said “Your Bailey’s sister? Dang…” I raised my eyebrow showing how confused I was. He clarified, “I don’t think I can date Bailey’s sister and survive…”

“Who said we are dating? Heh, you have to take me out first. And for that to happen you have to get the courage to ask me out. I can handle Bailey.” I giggled to him.

“Oh, okay. Well, Belle, how bout this… I take you out on two dates? One is to get to know you, and the second is to actually see if you want to date me. Sound good?” He asked while biting his lip. Damn he looks adorable when he bites his lip. I squeaked, yes squeaked, out a “Sure..” while blushing uncontrollably.

This my be a fun visit to mom…
♠ ♠ ♠
Not that good.
Keep or Kill?
You guys decide!
Lol, I like it. :D.