My Penpal Is... Famous?!

My PenPal is...FAMOUS!?! {Chapter 4}

"Thanks for taking us shopping, Mom." Cathy said as her and Molly climbed into the backseat of her mom's convertable. It had been a present to her mom from her dad a few years ago. Cathy's dad restored old cars, and Cathy's mom fell in love with a picture of what one of the cars could be. Cathy's dad fixed it up and gave it to her on their 20th aniversary.

"Thank you Miss Stephanie." Molly said. Molly had become close enough to Cathy where Cathy's mom insisted that she call her by her first name. Molly, like Cathy, didn't call any adult by their first name, so they added a 'miss'.

"You're welcome girls. Now, where did you want to go?"

"Well, I need earrings, and we both need, well, want, something to wear to Taylor's concert." Cathy laughed.

"Alright. If I drop you girls off at the mall, will you two be good? I'll pick you up in two hours." Stephanie's eyes twinkled. She knew that if she could trust anyone, it was Cathy and Molly.

"Of course we'll be good. You don't have to worry about that!" Molly laughed.

"I know girls. Out you go. Call if you get into a jam." The girls got out.

"You know we'll call Mom... but we won't get into trouble." Cathy waved as her mom drove off. "Time to shop!"


Cathy dropped her shopping bags on the floor of her room, and flopped down on her bed. The mall had been fun, but now Cathy was tired. After dropping off at her house, Cathy and her mom had gone home.

"Wha--?" Cathy mumbled, as she became aware of her answering machine beeping. "What do you want?" She pressed the playback button, and listened to the message from Taylor. She had called to make sure that Cathy was going to be at the concert. Taylor also said she had a surprise for Cathy, and she would call back later.

"Knowing Taylor, it's something big," Cathy said to her computer as she logged onto the internet.
"You have three new messages," the mechanical voice let her know.
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