My Penpal Is... Famous?!

My PenPal is...FAMOUS!?! {Chapter 6}

The boys joined Cathy and Molly around the table, and waited. Cathy glanced at Molly, who was looking at her expectantly. Cathy took a deep breath, and started.
"You'll never guess who called me last night..."
"Who?!" Molly asked. She had been waiting the longest, and was about to burst with curiosity.

"Taylor Swift," Cathy waited.
"WHAT?!" Molly cried. "But... how did she get your number?"
"I've known Taylor since preschool. She got us backstage passes, along with the tickets."
"Nuh-uh." Luke muttered. "No way, Cath. I went to the same preschool as you, and she wasn't there!"

"Yeah she was, Luke. Remember the blonde haired girl that I hung out with all the time? The one who always wore her hair loose? Remember?"
Luke looked puzzled, and then brightened. "Oh... her! Yeah, I remember her. I used to make fun of her... I wonder if she still remembers that..."
"Oh, believe me, she does!" Cathy laughed. "She asked if you were one of the kids coming..."
"What did you tell her?" Luke asked.
"Yes, of course!"

Molly turned to Cathy and rolled her eyes. Then she asked, "How one earth did you keep that a secret?"
Cathy made a mysterious face. "I have my ways..."
Both girls burst out laughing, earning some strange looks from the boys. They talked for a while, and before the four boys left, Cathy and Molly explained what they would do.

"Okay, so you guys need to be here no later than..." Cathy paused, thinking how long it would take to get to the concert. "Um... prolly six. Yeah, get here about six, then Molly and I can check your outfits; oh, and no crazy getups, got it?" The boys nodded, and Cathy continued. "Good. The concert starts at seven, and we'll have to deal with traffic, so please be here on time, okay?"

"Chill, Cath. We'll be here." Justin said, standing up. The other boys followed suit, but Molly and Cathy stayed sitting. "We'll see you girls later." Justin said, getting in the golf cart.
"Okay, love," Cathy said, smiling. Justin blushed.
"Cathy..." He muttered.
"Hun, you know I'm just kidding!" Cathy laughed.
"Sure you are..." Trent mocked.
"Trent!" Molly exclaimed, while Cathy glared at him.
"Leave. Now." The boys laughed. "GO!" Cathy yelled, fighting a smile. The boys laughed harder, and took off. As soon as they were on the street, Cathy started laughing.

Molly rolled her eyes, and joined Cathy. Life was good
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Hey... I'm copying these from my Quizilla! account...

And the italics are messing up. so yeah. )=