My Penpal Is... Famous?!

My PenPal is...FAMOUS!?! {Chapter 7}

The days flew by, and Cathy hung out with Molly, Justin, Trent, Jake, and Luke. Summer was going great, but Cathy wasn't too bummed about starting school again. After all, the 8th graders did rule the school, and she was going to be an 8th grader, so she was looking foward to it.

Finally it was the day of Taylor's concert, and Cathy woke up to her phone ringing. It was Taylor. Cathy rolled over and clicked the speakerphone button.
"Hey Cath. Are you ready?"
Cathy laughed. "Um, Taylor? It's eight in the morning! Of course I'm not ready..." Cathy smiled and snuggled under her covers.
"Cathy! I meant are you ready for me to come over! I'm gonna be there at like, ten!"

Cathy bolted up. "What!?" Cathy groaned. "Oh, yeah!" She glanced around her room. "Um... yeah... I guess I'm ready... Thank goodness you called!"
"That's what I'm here for!" Taylor replied, laughing. "Well, you get ready, and I'll see you at ten."

The girls hung up and Cathy got ready. She didn't get dressed in what she planned to wear for the concert, but she did get it ready in her closet, so all she had to do was change, not find a matching purse or shoes. Exactly at ten, the doorbell rang, and Cathy ran downstairs, threw open the door, and hugged her friend.
"Hey girl!" Taylor said, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Tay."

Cathy and Taylor ran up to Cathy's room. Taylor sat down on Cathy's bed and asked, "So, did you tell your friends that you knew me?"
"Um... I told them that I knew you... but I didn't tell them that you were staying here..."
"Nice. Well, look out your window.

Cathy's friends were headed up the sidewalk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was so short. It's the last pre-written one I have... so if you like it, do whatev you guys do on here... I'm new. (=

But let me know that you like it, if you do... then I'll continue it first. But I put up a poll on Quizilla! and this one wasn't such a big hit...

So... I don't know...