Status: Writing but, in need of encouragement...

You’re The Kryptonite To My Superman

Chapter 1

Memories. Memories are what enveloped my mind whilst I was walking through Trafalgar Square. Family. Images of my childhood with my brother and parents. The occasional afternoon spent at the park eating ice cream, or the days out at the zoo. These memories possess my thoughts and come to life inside my head. Each memory as fresh as if it just happened. I always tried to stop living in the past but my thought waves never strayed too far from them as if I wasn’t in the present anymore, as if the past was my life now. Work seemed to be the only thing that could tear my mind from them as I concentrated fully on the task at hand.

But today I had been told I would not be needed at work as there may have been a teeny tiny incident involving me, my fist and the new slutty secretary a.k.a Bex. Officially I had been suspended (whilst that bitch got sympathy – urgh) but, personally I liked to call it an unscheduled break from work. But, they’d come crawling back, like always (yep, I’ve been on an unscheduled break more than once), they needed me and they knew it because, not to sound vain or anything, but I was the best damn agent they had.

So, today, I was in need of some relaxation, and what better form of relaxation than shopping? I mean yeah when you get into the little tugs of war with other shoppers when they claim they found those really cute shoes before you did, when you know full well you did they can use energy but, then when you win the tug of war it kinda makes up for that little loss of energy.

I love three things most about shopping;

Number one, you can buy awesome clothes, accessories and, wait for it..... SHOES! And, then have the enjoyment of other people feeling jealous of you. Jokes but, seriously, who doesn’t like shoes?

Number two, I found it relaxing which is always a plus.

And, Number three; it burned a lot of calories. Not that I needed to burn many calories but, when you happen to like chocolate and cookie dough ice-cream, it helps keep your figure, that, and work and regular gym sessions.

However, why is it that no matter how much you love doing something, it can sometimes hurt you, either emotionally or physically?

Take shopping for example, I love it but, it hurts me – it makes me tired and it makes me ache.

My job is another example of this. I totally love my job, but it does take a lot out of you.

But, no matter how exhausted I am, whenever I’m on a mission, it’s like my mind and body completely forget my day-to-day worries and however tired I may be and slip into another mode I never knew existed. Then every inch of my body fills with adrenaline and my heart beat pumps to a whole new rhythm. I don’t really even have to think about what I’m doing,
it’s like instinctual and completely natural to me no matter how unnatural it actually is.

In most of the situations I would normally be petrified but, the fear can’t touch me because
the adrenaline flowing through my veins is so much stronger and makes me feel unstoppable.

Yet in reality, every superman has their kryptonite, that one thing that can tear down the walls you put so much effort into keeping up and that one thing that makes you feel naked and vulnerable no matter how hard you try to avoid it, sometimes you just stumble across it.

But back to the present, I was fully feeling the effects of a day full of retail therapy as I struggled to pick my tired feet up, and felt my shoulders slump yet I kept going, why you may ask? One Tree Hill was on soon, and the thought of a nice cup of hot chocolate – Yum!

I rounded a corner and recognised the familiar setting, with the streetlight standing directly behind a bench which was currently occupied by a couple bidding each other goodnight.
In a different community, that couple might have been drunk and practically having sex on that bench. But, I lived in one of the more upper-class parts of London. I had a penthouse apartment overlooking the city, and every morning because my apartment’s outer walls were completely made of tinted glass, I made breakfast whilst looking at the early risers of London going about their lives.

I knew that due to seeing this familiar setting, I would only have to walk one more block until
I reached my apartment building. I could feel a little figure of myself doing a celebratory dance in my head.

And just when that cup of hot chocolate was nearing to become a reality I hear the Jaws theme tune playing on my phone which could only mean one thing... work was calling.

I groaned and accepted the call.

“Hi Scott, to what do I owe this phone call?”

“Hey Lexi, Chief would like you to come in immediately. We’ll inform reception that your suspension is null and void.”

“Fine, I’ll come in on three conditions. One, the slutty sexretary better not be at reception because I cannot be held responsible for my actions. Two, I want a hot chocolate ready and waiting for me, and three, can you get someone to record One Tree Hill for me please?” I asked, well more like begged.

“Well, aren’t we just full of demands today? I hope all your success has not gone to your head,” Scott teased.

“Come on, you know be better than that, but pretty please? And if you could see me right now I would be fluttering my eye lashes for dramatic effect.”

He chuckled over the phone, “okay, okay, just get here quickly, Chief’s in a mood again.”

“He can’t be PMSing already can he”, I joked.

“I forgot how funny you could be”.

“I know, I’m hilarious, but anyway, I’ll meet you in about 10, okay?”

“Okey dokey, bye”, he said.

“Bye geeky”

“Hey-”, he started but I hung up before he could continue.

“Urgh, there goes my perfect evening”, I mumbled to myself as I turned around and headed to A.D.A.S headquarters.
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Thanks for reading :)
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