Does the Hero Get the Girl?

It's Just One Of Those Days

Reba’s POV

The Next Day

I had just finished with just about all of the unpacking and I was waiting on the cable guy to come and hook up the cable. I was getting bored and the guy was running late so I decided to get on my Dell notebook. It was a birthday gift from Gerard last year. I loved it, especially since all the guys had helped decorate it with tons or stickers.

I decided after checking my myspace (yea I have a myspace you wouldn’t believe how many friends I have) to look at I have no clue what propelled me to do so I just had a feeling to check it out. And when it finished loading I saw that there was new news, and it was from Gerard. I clicked on it and this is what popped up.

Hey guys, it’s really hard to say this to you but do to personal reasons, we are postponing the start of the tour. I know your wondering why, but don’t worry; we just want to have everything perfect for the start of tour. Till then,


I just stared blankly at the screen until I heard a knock at the door. I shut down the computer and got up to answer it, thinking, knowing that they were postponing because of what was happening between me and Gerard. I opened the door, not to find the cable guy, but to find Alicia.

“Hey Ali” I said faking a half-smile.

“I guess you saw?” She said walking in and sat on the couch.

“Yeah” I mumbled and went and sat down next to her.

“It’s not your fault Re”

“Their not postponing because of what’s happening?”

“It’s still not your fault.” She said then a smile crept up on to her face. “Well you know what could definitely make you feel better?”

“Hmm, let me think… my husband not drinking, still living with said husband, the cable guy showing up…?”

“Well yeah I guess, but no none of those.”

“Then what?”

“Well, me, you, and Kill Hannah on Friday!” Alicia practically yelled.

“What?! We haven’t seen the guys in forever…” I said then it hit me, “Whose gonna watch Han?”

“That’s easy Mikey and Frank. Mikey said he missed his little niece, he hasn’t seen her in what? Three days?” Alicia joked.

“Yeah well I guess he would be missing her.” I smiled, but then my smile left quickly as I thought of something else and I looked at Alicia.

“Don’t worry I told Mikey and Frank not to even tell Gerard that they were watching her.” I nodded.

“Alicia, what would I do without you?” I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter and the next are just sort of fillers
but you will loved the chapter after next believe me...

reba rotten